XI. The Proud Tower

A. The Pests

1. The Populists
a. Texas
Caro, Robert A. The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol. I: The Path to Power. 1982. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1990: Ch. 2.
Fehrenbach, T.R. Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans, rev. ed. New York City: Da Capo Press, 2000: Ch. 34.
Hardeman, D.B., and Donald C. Bacon. Rayburn: A Biography. Austin, Texas: Texas Monthly Press, 1987: Ch. 2.
Luthin, Reinhard Henry. American Demogogues: Twentieth Century. 1954. Rpt. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1959: Ch. 7.
Perkinson, Robert. Texas Tough: The Rise of America’s Prison Empire. New York City: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Co., 2010: Ch. 4.
b. William Jennings Bryan
Lundberg, Ferdinand. America’s 60 Families. 1937. Rpt. New York City: Citadel Press, 1960: Appendix C.
Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Fifth Series, corr. ed. 1926: Ch. 3. Rpt. Prejudices: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Series. Ed. Rodgers. New York City: Library of America, 2010.
Seitz, Don C. The “Also Rans”: Great Men Who Missed Making the Presidential Goal. 1928. Rpt. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1968: Ch. 18.
Taylor, Jeff. Where Did the Party Go?: William Jennings Bryan, Hubert Humphrey, and the Jeffersonian Legacy. Columbia, Mo.: U of Missouri P, 2006: Ch. 4-10.
Mullen, Arthur F. Western Democrat. New York City: Wilfred Funk, 1940: Pt. 2, Ch. 5; Pt. 3, Ch. 1.
c. James Michael Curley, D-Mass.
Beatty, Jack. The Rascal King: The Life and Times of James Michael Curley, 1874-1958. Reading, Mass.: William Patrick/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1992: Ch. 3-5.
Luthin, Ch. 2.
d. Garret Garrett [Edward Peter Garrett]
i. The Driver. 1922. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Ch. 1, 4.
ii. The American Story. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1955: Pt. 3, Ch. 1.
e. Other
Adamic, Louis [Alojzij Adamič]. Dynamite: The Story of Class Violence in America, rev. ed. 1934. Rpt. Oakland, Calif.: AK Press, 2008: Ch. 10.
Beard, Charles A. The American Party Battle. New York City: The Macmillan Co., 1928: Ch. 7.
Brodsky, Alyn. Grover Cleveland: A Study in Character. New York City: Truman Talley Books/St. Martin’s Press, 2000: Ch. 57.
Gat, Azar. Fascist and Liberal Visions of War: Fuller, Liddell Hart, Douhet, and Other Modernists. Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon Press, 1998: Pt. 1, Ch. 5.
Greider, William. Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1987: Ch. 8.
Hunt, James L. Marion Butler and American Populism. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U of North Carolina P, 2003: Ch. 2-13.
Jeansonne, Glen. Gerald L.K. Smith: Minister of Hate, rev. ed. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State UP, 1997: Ch. 1.
Josephson, Matthew. The Politicos, 1865-1896, rev. ed. New York City: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963: Ch. 13, 16-17, 19.
Kazin, Michael. The Populist Persuasion: An American History, rev. ed. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 1998: Ch. 1-4.
Kirwan, Albert D. Revolt of the Rednecks: Mississippi Politics, 1876-1925. Lexington, Ky.: U of Kentucky P, 1951: Ch. 4-21.
Luthin, Ch. 1, 3, 5, 12.
Mullen, Pt. 1, Ch. 5-6; Pt. 2, Ch. 3-4.
Noble, Ch. 6.
North. Gertrude Coogan's Bluff: Greenback Populism as Conservative Economics. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010.
“The Senator From Alaska” [Fred R. Marvin]. Fools Gold: An Expose of Un-America Activities and Political Action in the United States Since 1860. New York City: Madison & Marshall, 1936: Appendix C.
J. Taylor. Politics on a Human Scale: The American Tradition of Decentralism. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2013: Appendix A.
Williams, T. Harry. Huey Long. 1969. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1981: Ch. 2-4.
Williams, William Appleman. The Roots of the Modern American Empire: A Study of the Growth and Shaping of a Social Consciousness in a Marketplace Society. New York City: Random House, 1969: Ch. 11, 14.
Wilson, Clyde. "Up at the Forks of the Creek: In Search of American Populism." Telos Summer 1995: 77-88.
2. The Corporatists
a. The Roosevelt Dynasty
i. Theodore Roosevelt
(1) Thomas E. Woods Jr.
(a) "Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency." Reassessing the Presidency: The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom. Ed. John V. Denson. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2001: Ch. 11.
(b) Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty From World War I to George W. Bush. New York City: Crown Forum, 2008: Ch. 12.
(2) Others
Chace, James. 1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft & Debs — the Election That Changed the Country. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2004: Ch. 10.
M. Josephson, The President Makers: The Culture of Politics and Leadership in an Age of Enlightenment, 1896-1919, rev. ed. New York City: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1964: Ch. 5, 7.
Kohn, Edward P. Hot Time in the Old Town: The Great Heatwave of 1896 and the Making of Theodore Roosevelt. New York City: Basic Books, 2010.
Kolko, Gabriel. The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History. 1963. Rpt. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967: Ch. 3-5.
Martin, Asa E. After the White House. State College, Pa.: Penns Valley Publishers, 1951: Ch. 20.
McClanahan, Brion. 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America, and Four Who Tried to Save Her. Washington, D.C.: Regnery History, 2016: Ch. 3.
Mowry, Ch. 6-7, 9, 11.
Noble, Ch. 10.
Pietrusza, David. 1920: The Year of the Six Presidents, rev. ed. New York City: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2008: Ch. 4.
Powell, Jim. Bully Boy: The Truth About Theodore Roosevelt’s Legacy. New York City: Crown Forum, 2006: Ch. 3-6.
Mencken. Prejudices: Second Series, corr. ed. 1921: Ch. 2. Rpt. Prejudices, First, Second and Third Series. Ed. Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. New York City: Library of America, 2010.
Rothbard, Murray N. The Progressive Era. Ed. Patrick Newman. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2017: Ch. 7-8.
Weyl, Nathaniel, and Marina. American Statesmen on Slavery and the Negro. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1971: Ch. 17.
ii. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(1) John T. Flynn
(a) Country Squire in the White House. 1940. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1972: Ch. 1.
(b) The Roosevelt Myth, rev. ed. 1956. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Pt. 2, Ch. 4, 10; Pt. 3, Ch. 2-3.
(2) Other
Josephson, Emanuel M. The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt: A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family, rev. ed. New York City: Chedney Press, 1959: Ch. 10.
Lomazow, Dr. Steven, and Eric Fettmann. FDR’s Deadly Secret. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2009: Ch. 2.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 8.
Strausbaugh, John. Victory City: A History of New York and New Yorkers During World War II. New York City: Twelve, 2018: Ch. 2.
b. Woodrow Wilson
Balakian, Peter. The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003: Ch. 17.
Chace, Ch. 2.
Gamble, Richard M. "Woodrow Wilson's Revolution Within the Form." Reassessing the Presidency, Ch. 14.
M. Josephson, The President Makers, Ch. 11-12, 15-16.
Kolko, Ch. 9.
Lott, Jeremy. The Warm Bucket Brigade: The Story of the American Vice Presidency. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 2007: Ch. 10.
Martin, Rose L. Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A., 1884-1966. Boston; Western Islands, 1966: Ch. 12.
McClanahan, Ch. 4.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 1.
Powell, Jim. Wilson’s War: How Woodrow Wilson’s Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and World War II. New York City: Crown Forum, 2005: Ch. 3.
Rushdoony, Rousas John. Bread Upon the Waters: Columns From the "California Farmer." 1969. Rpt. Fairfax, Va.: Thoburn Press, 1974: Ch. 49.
Stang, Alan. The Actor: The True Story of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959. Boston: Western Islands, 1968: Ch. 1-2.
Urofsky, Melvin I. Louis D. Brandeis: A Life. New York City: Pantheon Books, 2009: Ch. 16.
Wise, Jennings C. Woodrow Wilson, Disciple of Revolution. New York City: The Paisley Press, 1938: Ch. 2-6, 8-13, 42, 46, Appendix A-C.
c. The Courts
Bernstein, David E. Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights Against Progressive Reform. Chicago: U of Chicago P/Cato Institute, 2011: Ch. 3-6.
Gutzman, Kevin R.C. The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2007: Ch. 9.
Mayer, David N. Liberty of Contract: Rediscovering a Lost Constitutional Right. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 2011: Ch. 4.
Rehnquist, William H. The Supreme Court, rev. ed. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001: Ch. 5.
Tucker, William. Vigilante: The Backlash Against Crime in America. Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.: Stein and Day, 1985: Ch. 6.
Urofsky, Ch. 19.
d. The Educrats
i. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
Blumenfeld. NEA: Trojan Horse of American Education, rev. ed. Boise, Idaho: The Paradigm Co., 1990: Ch. 5-7, 11, 14.
Blumenfeld, and Alex Newman. Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children. Washington, D.C.: WND Books, 2015: Ch. 1-2, 7, 20, 22, 25, 30, Appendix B.
ii. Others
Barnard, John. From Evangelicism to Progressivism at Oberlin College, 1866-1917. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1969: Ch. 2-4.
Chodes, John. Destroying the Republic: Jabez Curry and the Re-Education of the Old South. New York City: Algora Publishing, 2005: Ch. 15.
Damerell, Reginald G. Education's Smoking Gun: How Teachers Colleges Have Destroyed Education in America. New York City: Freundlich Books, 1985: Ch. 3.
Gatto, John Taylor. The Underground History of American Education: A Schoolteacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern Schooling, 3rd rev. ed. New York City: Oxford Village Press, 2006: Ch. 2, 17.
Iserbyt, Charlotte Thomson. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail. Ravenna, Ohio: Conscience Press, 1999: Ch. 2.
Marrs, Jim. The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America. New York City: William Morrow, 2008: Ch. 14.
Moreau, Joseph. Schoolbook Nation: Conflicts Over American History Textbooks From the Civil War to the Present. Ann Arbor, Mich.: The U of Michigan P, 2003: Ch. 4-5.
Scribner, Campbell F. The Fight for Local Control: Schools, Suburbs, and American Democracy. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 2016: Ch. 1-2, 7.
U. Sinclair, The Goose-Step: A Study of American Education, rev. ed. Pasadena, Calif.: Upton Sinclair, 1923: Ch. 7-14.
Tenney, Edward A. The Highway Jungle: The Story of the Public Safety Movement and of the Failure of "Driver Education" in the Public Schools. New York City: Exposition Press, 1962: Ch. 2.
e. The Panic of 1907
Allen, Frederick Lewis. The Lords of Creation: The History of America's 1 Percent. 1935. Rpt. New York City: Open Road Integrated Media, 2017: Ch. 4.
Bruner, Robert F., and Sean D. Carr. The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned From the Market’s Perfect Storm, rev. ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Chernow, Ron. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Grove Press, 2010: Ch. 7.
Cohan, William D. Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World. 2011. Rpt. New York City: Anchor Books, 2012: Ch. 2-3.
Groseclose, Elgin. America’s Money Machine: The Story of the Federal Reserve, rev. ed. 1980. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009: Ch. 3-4.
M. Josephson, The President Makers, Ch. 8.
Moody, John. The Masters of Capital: A Chronicle of Wall Street. 1919. Rpt. Rockville, Md.: Wildside Press, 2007: Ch. 8.
f. The Federal Reserve System
i. Allen H. Meltzer
(1) A History of the Federal Reserve, Vol. I: 1913-1951. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2003: Ch. 1, 3, 8.
(2) A History of the Federal Reserve, Vol. II, Book Two: 1970-86. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009: Ch. 10.
ii. Others
Auerbach, Robert D. Deception and Abuse at the Fed: Henry B. Gonzalez Battles Alan Greenspan’s Bank. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 2008: Ch. 12.
Cohan. Why Wall Street Maters. New York City: Random House, 2017: Ch. 4.
Griffin, G. Edward. The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, 3rd rev. ed. Westlake Village, Calif.: American Media, 2002: Ch. 1, 21-22.
Groseclose, Ch. 8, 10-11, 15, 19.
Paul, Ron. End the Fed. New York City: Grand Central Publishing, 2009: Ch. 2.
Larson, Martin A. The Federal Reserve and Our Manipulated Dollar: With Comments on the Causes of Wars, Depressions, Inflation and Poverty, rev. ed. Old Greenwich, Conn.: The Devin-Adair Co., 1978: Ch. 3-4.
Murphy, Robert P. Understanding Money Mechanics. Auburn, Ala.: Mises Institute, 2021: Ch. 3.
Rothbard, Progressive Era, Ch. 14.
Rozeff, Michael S. The U.S. Constitution and Money: Corruption and Decline. East Amherst, N.Y.: Michael S. Rozeff, 2010: Ch. 8.
Spahr, Walter Earl. The Clearing and Collection of Checks. New York City: The Bankers Publishing Co., 1926: Ch. 6-8.
Underwood, Ch. 25.
Weiher, Kenneth E. America’s Search for Economic Stability: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Since 1913. New York City: Twayne Publishers, 1992: Ch. 1-2, 10.
Wessel, David. In Fed We Trust: Ben Bernanke’s War on the Great Panic, rev. ed. New York City: Three Rivers Press, 2010: Ch. 2.
Woods, Thomas E. Jr. Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2011: Ch. 4.
g. The Bureau of Investigation
Gentry, Curt. J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets. W.W. Norton & Co., 1991: Ch. 9.
Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. Cloak and Dollar: A History of American Secret Intelligence, rev. ed. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2003: Ch. 6.
Kessler, Ronald. The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI, rev. ed. New York City: St. Martin's Paperbacks, 2003: Ch. 1.
Nelson, Phillip F. Who Really Killed Martin Luther King Jr.?: The Case Against Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2018: Ch. 1.
Ostrowski, James. Political Class Dismissed: Essays Against Politics, Including "What's Wrong With Buffalo". Buffalo, N.Y.: Cazenovia Books, 2004: Ch. 23.
Overstreet, Harry, and Bonaro Overstreet. The FBI in Our Open Society. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1969: Ch. 2, 8, 11, 16-17.
Weiner, Tim. Enemies: A History of the FBI. New York City: Random House, 2012: Ch. 2.
h. Louis Brandeis
Murphy, Bruce Allen. The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices. 1982. Rpt. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1983: Ch. 1.
Urofsky, Ch. 4-15.
i. John Maynard Keynes
Rockwell, Llewellyn H Jr. Fascism vs. Capitalism. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2013: Ch. 12.
Rothbard. "Keynes, the Man." Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics. Ed. Mark Skousen. New York City: Praeger, 1992: 171-198. Rpt. Keynes, the Man. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010.
Yeager, Leland B. Is the Market a Test of Truth and Beauty?: Essays in Political Economy. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011: Ch. 9.
j. The Rockefeller Dynasty
Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File. 1976. Rpt. Cutchogue, N.Y.: Buccaneer Books, 1994: Ch. 4, 12.
Brown, E. Richard. Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1979: Ch. 1, 3-5.
Bruner, Seamus. Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life. New York City: Sentinel, 2023: Ch. 1.
E.M. Josephson, and Fred H. Johnson. Rockefeller, “Internationalist”: The Man Who Misrules the World. New York City: Chedney Press, 1952: Ch. 2-12, 18.
Okrent, Daniel. Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center. 2003. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 2004: Ch. 2.
Smith, Richard Norton. On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller. New York City: Random House, 2014: Ch. 2.
k. The 1912 Election
Ansell, Martin R. Oil Baron of the Southwest: Edward L. Doheny and the Development of the Petroleum Industry in California and Mexico. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1998: Ch. 9.
Chace, Ch. 3, 5-9, 12-17.
Downes, Randolph C. The Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865-1920. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State UP, 1970: Ch. 9.
M. Josephson, The President Makers, Ch. 13-14.
Kolko, Ch. 8.
Wise, Ch. 7.
l. Transportation
Rose, Mark H., Bruce E. Seely, and Paul F. Barrett. The Best Transportation System in the World: Railroads, Trucks, Airlines, and American Public Policy in the Twentieth Century. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State UP, 2006: Ch. 1.
Seely. Building the American Highway System: Engineers As Policy Makers. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1987: Ch. 1-3.
m. The British
“A British Statesman” [Francis Neilson]. How Diplomats Make War. 1915. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Ch. 4.
Denny, Ludwell. America Conquers Britain: A Record of Economic War. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1930: Pt. 2, Ch. 1.
n. Caro
i.The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York. 1974. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1975: Pt. 2.
ii. The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol. III: Master of the Senate. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002: Ch. 2, 10.
o. Thomas J. DiLorenzo
i. How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold Story of Our Country’s History, From the Pilgrims to the Present. New York City: Crown Forum, 2004: Ch. 8.
ii. Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2012: Ch. 44.
iii. The Problem With Socialism. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2016: Ch. 10, 13.
p. Arthur A. Ekirch Jr.
i. The Decline of American Liberalism. 1955. Rpt. Oakland, Calif.: Independent Institute, 2009: Ch. 11.
ii "The Reform Mentality: War, Peace, and the National State: From the Progressives to Vietnam." Journal of Libertarian Studies Spring 1979: 55-72.
q. Garrett
i. The Wild Wheel. 1952. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Ch. 7, 26.
ii. American Story, Pt. 3, Ch. 7.
r. Rothbard
i. The American Family and the State. Ed. Joseph R. Peden and Fred R. Glahe. San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, 1986: Ch. 4.
ii. A History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2002: Pts. 2-3.
iii. The Progressive Era, Ch. 5-6, 9.
s. Other
F.L. Allen, Ch. 6.
Attarian, John. Social Security: False Consciousness and Crisis. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2002: Ch. 4.
Belien, Paul. A Throne in Brussels: Britain, the Saxe-Coburgs and the Belgianisation of Europe. Exeter, U.K.: Imprint Academic, 2005: Ch. 4.
D.E. Bernstein. Only One Place of Redress: African Americans, Labor Regulations, and the Courts From Reconstruction to the New Deal. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 2001: Ch. 2.
Best, Joel. Controlling Vice: Regulating Brothel Prostitution in St. Paul, 1865-1883. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1998: Ch. 6.
Bird, Kai. The Color of Truth: McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy: Brothers in Arms. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1998: Ch. 1.
Bittlingmayer, George. "The Use and Abuse of Antitrust From Cleveland to Clinton: Causes and Consequences." Reassessing the Presidency, Ch. 12.
Bottles, Scott L. Los Angeles and the Automobile: The Making of the Modern City. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1987: Ch. 2-3.
Bramley, William. The Gods of Eden: A New Look at Human History, rev. ed. 1990. Rpt. New York City: Avon Books, 1990: Ch. 32.
Burch, Philip H. Jr. Elites in American History, Vol. II: The Civil War to the New Deal. New York City: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1981: Ch. 4-5.
Cohen, Rich. Sweet and Low: A Family Story. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006: Ch. 17.
Carney, Timothy P. The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2006: Ch. 4.
Crenson, Matthew, and Benjamin Ginsberg. Presidential Power: Unchecked and Unbalanced. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2007: Ch. 4.
Crunden, Robert M. Ministers of Reform: The Progressives' Achievement in American Civilization, 1880-1920. New York City: Basic Books, 1982.
Docherty, Gerry, and James Macgregor. Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War. Edinburgh, U.K.: Mainstream Publishing Co., 2013: Ch. 17.
Doherty, Brian. Gun Control on Trial: Inside the Supreme Court Battle Over the Second Amendment. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 2008: Ch. 3-4.
Drinnon, Richard. Keeper of Concentration Camps: Dillon S. Myer and American Racism. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1987: Ch. 2.
Fairfield, John D. The Mysteries of the Great City: The Politics of Urban Design, 1877-1937. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1993: Ch. 3-4, 6.
Feldman, Noah. Scorpions: The Battles and Triumphs of FDR’s Great Supreme Court Justices. New York City: Twelve, 2010: Ch. 1.
Fish, Hamilton S. III. Memoir of an American Patriot. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway, 1991: Ch. 2.
Fleming, Harold. Ten Thousand Commandments: A Story of the Antitrust Laws. 1951. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1972: Ch. 4-5, 7, 15, 23-24.
Flynn. As We Go Marching. 1944. Rpt. New York City: Free Life Editions, 1973: Pt. 2, Ch. 3, 6; Pt. 3, Ch. 3.
Frohnen, Bruce P., and George W. Carey. Constitutional Morality and the Rise of Quasi-Law. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2016: Ch. 4-5.
Fromkin, David. Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914? New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004: Ch. 17.
Gilbert, James. Designing the Industrial State: The Intellectual Pursuit of Collectivism in America, 1880-1940. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972: Ch. 1-4, 11.
Gordon, Rosalie M. Nine Men Against America: The Supreme Court and Its Attack on American Liberties, rev. ed. 1961. Rpt. Boston: Western Islands, 1966: Ch. 6.
G. Grant. Third Time Around: A History of the Pro-Life Movement From the First Century to the Present. Brentwood, Tenn.: Wohlgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, 1991: Ch. 7.
Greider, Ch. 7, 9.
J.L. Hunt, Ch. 1.
Groseclose, Ch. 1-2, 5-7, 9, 13.
Hardeman & Bacon, Ch. 3-4.
Hawley, Ellis W. et. al. Herbert Hoover and the Crisis of American Capitalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1973.
Hawley, George. Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism. Lawrence, Kan.: UP of Kansas, 2016: Ch. 9.
Haworth, Paul Leland. Reconstruction and Union, 1865-1912. 1912. Rpt. New York City: AMS Press, 1975: Ch. 8-9.
Hazlitt, Henry. Man vs. the Welfare State. 1969. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Ch. 23.
Healy, Gene. The Cult of the Presidency: America’s Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 2008: Ch. 2.
Heap, Desmond. The Land and the Development; or, The Turmoil and the Torment. London: Stevens & Sons, 1975.
Higham, Charles. Trading With the Enemy: An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949. 1983. Rpt. Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse, 2007: Ch. 6.
Higgs, Robert. Against Leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society. Oakland, Calif.: The Independent Institute, 2004: Ch. 36.
J.L. Hunt, Ch. 14-15.
E.M. Josephson, Strange Death, Ch. 6, 26.
M. Josephson. The President Makers, Ch. 2, 8-10.
Keeley, Joseph. The China Lobby Man: The Story of Alfred Kohlberg. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1969: Ch. 14.
Kolko, Ch. 1-2, 6-7, 10.
Leonard, Thomas C. Illiberal Reformers: Race. Eugenics & American Economics in the Progressive Era. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2016: Ch. 1-6, 8-10.
Lundberg, Ch. 3-4, Appendix A.
MacDougall, Robert. The People’s Network: The Political Economy of the Telephone in the Gilded Age. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2014: Ch. 3, 5-6.
Mann, Charles C., and Mark L. Plummer. The Aspirin Wars: Money, Medicine, and 100 Years of Rampant Competition. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991: Ch. 8-9.
Marrs. The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America. New York City: William Morrow, 2010: Pt. 1.
Maryland: A History, 1632-1974. Ed. Richard Walsh and William Lloyd Fox. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1974: Ch. 8.
McDaniel, George. “America’s Racialist Moment: Racism As Reform.” The Occidental Quarterly Spring 2006: 37-54.
Mencken. Prejudices: First Series, corr. ed. 1920: Ch. 5. Rpt. Prejudices, First, Second and Third Series.
Molnar, Thomas. The Decline of the Intellectual, rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1994: Ch. 4.
Mowry, Ch. 5, 12-14.
Mutch, Robert E. Campaigns, Congress, and Courts: The Making of Federal Campaign Finance Law. New York City: Praeger, 1988: Ch. 1, 6-7.
Nixon, Richard. In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat, and Renewal. New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1990: Ch. 10.
Noble, Ch. 2-5.
Nolan, James L. Jr. The Therapeutic State: Justifying Government at Century’s End. New York City: New York UP, 1998: Ch. 6.
Orbanes, Philip E. Monopoly®: The World’s Most Famous Game – and How It Got That Way. Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2006: Ch. 4.
Parrini, Carl P. Heir to Empire: United States Economic Diplomacy, 1916-1923. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1969: Ch. 1, 5.
Perino, Michael A. The Hellhound of Wall Street: How Ferdinand Pecora’s Investigation of the Great Crash Forever Changed Finance. New York City: The Penguin Press, 2010: Ch. 1.
Perloff, James. The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, rev. ed. Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1989: Ch. 12.
Perry, Roland. Last of the Cold War Spies: The Life of Michael Straight -- the Only America in Britain's Cambridge Spy Ring. Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2005: Ch. 2.
Piereson. Shattered Consensus: The Rise and Decline of America's Postwar Political Order. New York City: Encounter Books, 2015: Ch. 9.
Reisner, Marc. Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water, rev. ed. New York City: Penguin Books, 1993: Ch. 3.
The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-1980. Ed. Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1989: Ch. 1.
Rodgers, Daniel T. Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1998: Ch. 1-6, 8.
Seabrook, Nick. One Person, One Vote: A Surprising History of Gerrymandering in America. New York City: Pantheon Books, 2022: Ch. 5.
Silk, Leonard, and Mark Silk. The American Establishment, rev. ed. New York City: Discus/Avon Books, 1981: Ch. 4, 7-8.
U. Sinclair, The Goose-Step, Ch. 5-6.
Smith, James Allen. The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy Elite. New York City: The Free Press, 1991: Ch. 1, 3.
Sokoloff, Boris. The Permissive Society. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1971: Ch. 10.
Soukup, Stephen R. Dictatorship of Woke Capital: How Political Correctness Captured Big Business, rev. ed. New York City: Encounter Books, 2023: Ch. 4.
Southern, David W. The Progressive Era and Race: Reaction and Reform, 1900-1917. Wheeling, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, 2005: Ch. 2-4.
Strauss, William, and Neil Howe. Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584-2069. New York City: William Morrow, 1991: Ch. 10.
J.R. Stromberg. The Political Economy of Liberal Corporatism. Burlingame, Calif.: Center for Libertarian Studies, 1977.
Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street and FDR: The True Story of How Franklin D. Roosevelt Colluded With Corporate America. 1975. Rpt. Forest Row, U.K.: Clairview Books, 2013: Ch. 5, 9, 11.
Thomas, Evan. The War Lovers: Roosevelt, Lodge, Hearst, and the Rush to Empire, 1898. New York City: Little, Brown and Co., 2010: Ch. 9.
Thornton, Mark. The Economics of Prohibition. Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1991: Ch. 1.
Varieties of Progressivism in America. Ed. Peter Berkowitz. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 2004: Ch. 6.
Weaver, Paul H. The Suicidal Corporation: How Big Business Fails America. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1988: Ch. 8-10, 13.
Weinstein, James. The Corporate Ideal in the Liberal State: 1900-1918. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968: Ch. 1-7.
Weyl & Marina, Ch. 18.
Wiebe, Robert H. The Search for Order 1877-1920. New York City: Hill and Wang, 1967: Ch. 7.
Wolf, Michael Allan. The Zoning of America: Euclid v. Ambler. Lawrence, Kan.: UP of Kansas, 2008: Ch. 3.
Wreszin, Michael. Oswald Garrison Villard, Pacifist at War. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana UP, 1965: Ch. 3.
3. The Socialists
a. The Marxists
i. The Bolsheviks
(1) Vladimir Lenin [Vladimir Ilyich Ulanov]
Avtorkhanov, Ahbdurakhman. The Communist Party Apparatus. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1966: Ch. 1-2.
Billington, James H. Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith. New York City: Basic Books, 1980: Ch. 16.
Carr, Albert. Juggernaut: The Path of Dictatorship, rev. ed. New York City: The Viking Press, 1939: Ch. 10.
Gray, Alexander. The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin, corr. ed. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1947: Ch. 17.
Kengor, Paul. The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism's Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration. Gastonia, N.C.: TAN Books, 2020: Ch. 5.
Parry, Ch. 11.
Stang. It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights. Boston: Western Islands Publishers, 1965: Ch. 1.
(2) Others
Albright, Joseph, and Marcia Kunstel. Bombshell: The Secret Story of America's Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy. New York City: Times Books/Random House, 1997: Ch. 4.
Avtorkhanov, Ch. 5-7, 13.
A. Carr, Ch. 11.
Brown, Archie. The Rise and Fall of Communism. New York City: Ecco, 2009: Ch. 3.
The Education of Lev Navrozov: A Life in the Closed World Once Called Russia. New York City: Harper's Magazine Press, 1975: Ch. 25.
Frazier, Robert. Malenkov. New York City: Lion Books, 1953: Ch. 15.
Mehnert, Klaus. Moscow and the New Left, rev. ed. Trans. Helmut Fischer and Luther Wilson. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1975: Ch. 1-2.
Parry, Ch. 14-15.
J. Powell, Wilson's War, Ch. 10.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Vol. III, rev. ed. Trans. Harry Willetts. New York City: Harper & Row Publishers, 1978: Pt. 5, Ch. 4.
ii. The Hammers
Epstein, Edward Jay [Edward Levinson]. Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer. New York City: Random House, 1996: Ch. 1.
Finder, Joseph. Red Carpet. 1983. Rpt. Fort Worth, Texas: American Bureau of Economic Research, 1987: Ch. 1.
iii. Benito Mussolini
A. Carr, Ch. 15.
Howard, Milford W. Fascism: A Challenge to Democracy. New York City: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1928: Ch. 2.
McConaughy, John. From Cain to Capone: Racketeering Down the Ages. New York City: Brentano’s, 1931: Ch. 10.
Seldes, George. Sawdust Caesar: The Untold Story of Mussolini and Fascism. 1935. Rpt. New York City: AMS Press, 1978: Ch. 2-5.
Smith, Denis Mack. Mussolini. 1981. Rpt. Norwalk, Conn.: Easton Press, 2002: Ch. 1-2.
Sternhell, Zeev, Mario Sznajder, and Maia Asheri. The Birth of Fascist Ideology: From Cultural Rebellion to Political Revolution, rev. ed. Trans. David Maisel. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1994: Ch. 5.
Talese, Gay. Unto the Sons. 1992. Rpt. New York City: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2006: Ch. 37.
iv. Margaret Sanger
(1) G. Grant
(a) Killer Angel: a Short Biography of Planned Parenthood's Founder, Margaret Sanger, rev. ed. Nashville, Tenn.: Highland Books/Cumberland House, 2001: Ch. 2-6, 11-12.
(b) G. Grant. Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood, rev. ed. Franklin, Tenn.: Adroit Press, 1992: Ch. 3.
(2) Other
Flynn, Daniel J. Intellectual Morons: How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas. 2004. Rpt. New York City: Three Rivers Press, 2005: Ch. 8.
Kaplan, Fred M. 1959: The Year Everything Changed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2009: Ch. 24.
Lepore, Jill. The Secret History of Wonder Woman. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014: Ch. 10-11.
v. Mencken
(1) Men Versus the Man: A Correspondence Between Robert Rives La Monte, Socialist, and H.L. Mencken, Individualist. 1910. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1972.
(2) Prejudices: First Series, Ch. 19.
vi. Ludwig von Mises
(1) Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, 5th rev. ed. Trans. J. Kahane. Indianapolis: LibertyClassics, 1981.
(2) Money, Method and the Market Process. Ed. Richard M. Ebeling. Auburn, Ala.: Praxeology Press of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1990: Ch. 16.
(3) Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction. Ed. Ebling and Bettina Bien Greaves. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, 2006.
vii. Others
Adamic, Dynamite, Ch. 13-15.
Baer, John W. The Pledge of Allegiance: A Revised History and Analysis, 1892-2007. Annapolis, Md.: Free State Press, 2007: Ch. 1-6.
Bullock, Ian. Romancing the Revolution: The Myth of Soviet Democracy and the British Left. Edmonton, Alb.: AU Press, 2011: Ch. 1.
Caldwell, Bruce. Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2004: Ch. 5.
Chace, Ch. 11.
Chumley, Cheryl K. Socialists Don't Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall. West Palm Beach, Fla.: Humanix Books, 2021: Ch. 10-11.
Cuddihy, John Murray. The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss, and the Jewish Struggle With Modernity. 1974. Rpt. Boston: Beacon Press, 1987: Ch. 18.
Doctorow, E.L. Ragtime. New York City: Random House, 1975: Ch. 16.
Flynn. The Road Ahead: America’s Creeping Revolution. New York City: The Devin-Adair Co., 1949: Ch. 2, 4.
Gill, William J. The Ordeal of Otto Otepka. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1969: Ch. 8.
Gordon, David. Resurrecting Marx: The Analytical Marxists on Freedom, Exploitation, and Justice. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1990.
Griffin, Ch. 13.
Gwynne, Ch. 9.
Hochschild, Ch. 5.
Hunt, Tristram. The Frock-Coated Communist: The Life and Times of the Original Champagne Socialist. 2009. Rpt. London: Penguin, 2010: Ch. 8-9.
Kagan, Elena. "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933." BA thesis. Princeton U, 1981: Ch. 1-2.
Kolakowski, Leszek. Main Currents of Marxism: Its Rise, Growth and Dissolution, rev. ed. Trans. P.S. Falla. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2005: Pt. I, Ch. 8-12; Pt. II, Ch. 1.
Kukathas, Chandran. "The Capitalist Road: The Riddle of the Market From Karl Marx to Ben Okri." Literature & the Economics of Liberty, Ch. 10.
MacDonald, Kevin B. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Century Intellectual and Political Movements, rev. ed. Bloomington, Ind.: 1st Books Library, 2002: Ch. 3.
Marcus, Jacob Rader. United States Jewry, 1776-1985, Vol. IV: The East European Period; The Emergence of the American Jew; Epilogue. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1993: Ch. 8.
Meier, Andrew. The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin’s Secret Service. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008: Ch. 4.
Mereto, Joseph J. The Red Conspiracy. New York City: The National Historical Society, 1920: Ch. 3, 6, 15-17, 19-24.
Molnar, Ch. 3.
Moynihan, U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick, D-N.Y. Secrecy: The American Experience, rev. ed. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 1999: Ch. 3.
North.Marx's Religion of Revolution: Regeneration Through Chaos, rev. ed. Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1989.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 16.
Raico, Ralph. Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010: Ch. 6.
Requiem for Marx. Ed. Yuri N. Maltsev. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1993: Ch. 1-2.
Rothbard. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Vol. II: Classical Economics. 1995. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006: Pt. 13.
Schulak, Eugen-Maria, and Herbert Unterköfler. The Viennese School of Economics: A History of Its Ideas, Ambassadors, and Institutions, rev. ed. Trans. Arlene Oost-Zimmer. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011: Ch. 14.
Sowell, Thomas. Marxism: Philosophy and Economics. New York City: William Morrow, 1985.
Stang, The Actor, Ch. 23.
Steenson, Gary P. After Marx, Before Lenin: Marxism and Socialist Working-Class Parties in Europe, 1884-1914. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1991.
Sternhell, Sznajder & Asheri, Ch. 1-3.
Strausbaugh. The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues: A History of Greenwich Village. New York City: Ecco, 2013: Ch. 7, 9.
Stromberg, Joseph R. "Toward an Autopsy of the Marxist Theory of the State." Telos Spring 2001: 115-138.
Tuchman, Barbara W. The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914. 1966. Rpt. New York City: Ballentine Books, 1996: Ch. 8.
Tucker, Jeffrey A. Property, Freedom, & Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Ed. Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Stephan Kinsella. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009: Ch. 5.
Weikart, Richard. Socialist Darwinism: Evolution in German Socialist Thought From Marx to Bernstein. 1999. Rpt. Lanham, Md.: UP of America, 2000: Ch. 7.
Weinstein. The Decline of Socialism in America, 1912-1925. 1967. Rpt. Rutgers, N.J.: Rutgers UP, 1984: Ch. 1-2.
Weyl, Nathaniel. The Jew in American Politics. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1968: Ch. 9.
Wurmbrand, Richard. Marx and Satan, rev. ed. Bartlesville, Okla.: Living Sacrifice Book Co., 1993: Ch. 5.
Yeager, Ch. 4-5.
b. The Fabians
Corrin, Jay P. Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democracy. Notre Dame, Ind.: U of Notre Dame P, 2002: Ch. 5.
Dobbs, Zygmund. Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political Credo, 3rd rev. ed. Austin, Texas: Perry Press, 2009: Ch. 1-4, 10-11.
A. Gray, Ch. 14.
R.L. Martin, Ch. 1-4, 9-11, 13-14.
MacKenzie, Norman, and Jeanne MacKenzie. The First Fabians. 1977. Rpt. London: Quartet Books, 1979.
Muravchik, Joshua. Heaven on Earth: The Rise, Fall, and Afterlife of Socialism, rev. ed. New York City: Encounter Books, 2019: Ch. 7.
“The Senator From Alaska,” Ch. 6, 10.
c. Other
Carver, Robert. Paradise With Serpents: Travels in the Lost World of Paraguay. London: Harper Perennial, 2007: Ch. 15.
Draper, Theodore. The Roots of American Communism, rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2003: Ch. 1, 4.
Fleming, Thomas. Socialism. New York City: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2008: Ch. 4.
A. Gray, Ch. 15-16.
Isaacs, William. Contemporary Marxian Political Movements in the United States, 1917-1939. New York City: New York UP, 1942: Ch. 8.
Laskin, David. The Family: Three Journeys Into the Heart of the Twentieth Century. New York City: Viking, 2013: Ch. 7.
Kengor, Ch. 13.
R.L. Martin, Ch. 20.
Muravchik, Ch. 4.
Orbanes, Ch. 1-2.
Robertson, Michael. The Last Utopians: Four Late Nineteenth Century Visionaries and Their Legacy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2018: Ch. 2-3.
Sale, Kirkpatrick. SDS. 1973. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1974.
“The Senator From Alaska”, Ch. 7.
Webster, Nesta H. Secret Societies and Subversive Movements. 1924. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2003: Ch. 13.
Weyl, Nathaniel. Traitors’ End: The Rise and Fall of the Communist Movement in Southern Africa. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1970: Ch. 3.
4. The Imperialists
a. The United Kingdom
i. Africa
(1) The Jameson Raid
Davis, Richard Harding. Dr. Jameson's Raiders vs. the Johannesburg Reformers. New York City: Robert Howard Russell, 1897.
James Rose Innes, Chief Justice of South Africa, 1914-27: Autobiography. Ed. B.A. Tindall. Cape Town: Geoffrey Cumberlege/Oxford UP, 1949: Ch. 12-14.
Roberts, Brian. Cecil Rhodes: Flawed Colossus. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1987: Ch. 13.
(2) The Second Anglo-Boer War
(a) Winston Churchill
Churchill, Winston Spencer. Ian Hamilton's March: Together With Extracts From the Diary of Lieutenant H. Frankland, a Prisoner of War at Pretoria. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1900.
Sandys, Celia. Churchill: Wanted Dead or Alive. 1999. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2019.
(b) R.H. Davis
(i) With Both Armies in South Africa. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1900.
(ii) Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis. Ed. Charles Belmont Davis. 1917. Rpt. New York City: Cosimo Classics, 2005: Ch. 12.
(c) Others
Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Great Boer War, 16th rev. ed. 1903. Rpt. Alberton, South Africa: Galago, 2005.
Hassell, John A. The Boer Concentration Camps of Bermuda. New York City: John A. Hassell, 1902.
Hobson, J.A. The War in South Africa: Its Causes and Effects. 1900. Rpt. New York City: Garland Publishing, 1972.
Hochschild,  Ch. 3.
Innes, Ch. 16-17.
Knightley, Phillip. The First Casualty: The War Correspondent As Hero and Myth-Maker From the Crimea to Iraq, 2nd rev. ed. 2003. Rpt. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2004: Ch. 4.
Kuyper, Abraham. The South-African Crisis. Trans. Alfred Ewens Fletcher. London: Stop-the-War Committee, 1900.
Leslie, Shane. Mark Sykes: His Life and Letters. London: Cassell and Co., 1923: Ch. 3.
Millard, Candice. Hero of Empire: The Boer War, A Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston Churchill. New York City: Doubleday, 2016: Ch. 4-26.
Randell, Capt. Jack, and Meigs O. Frost. I’m Alone. 1930. Rpt. London: Newnes, 1931: Ch. 3-6.
Scott, Otto J [Otto Scott-Estrella Jr.]. The Other End of the Lifeboat. Chicago: Regnery Books, 1985: Ch. 1-3.
M. Sinclair, Ch. 8.
Stead, Pt. 1, Ch. 4.
Tenenbaum, Joseph. Race and Reich: The Story of an Epoch. 1956. Rpt. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976: Ch. 13.
Van Warmelo, Dietlof S. On Commando. 1901. Trans. 1902. Rpt. Johannesburg: A.D. Donker, 1977.
(3) Kenya
(a) The Obamas
Maraniss, David. Barack Obama: The Story. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2012: Ch. 2.
Obama, Barack. Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, rev. ed. New York City: Three Rivers Press, 2004: Ch. 19.
(b) Other

Anderson, David. Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2005: Ch. 1, 3.
Elkins, Caroline. Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya. New York City: Henry Holt and Co., 2005: Ch. 1.
(4) Rhodesia
Cole, Barbara. The Elite: The Story of the Rhodesian Special Air Service. Transkei, South Africa: Three Knights, 1984: Ch. 2.
Smith, Ian. Bitter Harvest: Zimbabwe and the Aftermath of Its Independence, 2nd rev. ed. London: John Blake, 2001: Ch. 1-2.
(5) Cecil Rhodes
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 2.
B. Roberts, Ch. 4-12, 14-16.
Innes, Ch. 8-9, 15.
(6) Other
Brendon, Piers. The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997. 2007. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 2010: Ch. 20.
Bryce, James. Impressions of South Africa, rev. ed. London: Macmilland and Co., 1899: Ch. 25.
Churchill. The River War: A Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan, rev. ed. Ed. Col. Francis Rhodes. London: Longsmans, Green, and Co., 1902.
Dennison, C.G. Zulu Frontiersman, corr. ed. Ed. Ron Lock and Peter Quantrill. London: Frontline Books, 2008.
Haylings, D. Martineau. Letters From a Bush Campaign. London: Sydney H.E. Foxwell, 1902.
Hochschild, Ch. 2.
Innes, Ch. 10, 18, 21, 23.
Liebowitz, Daniel, and Charles Pearson. The Last Expedition: Stanley’s Mad Journey Through the Congo. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2005.
Mamdani, Mahmood. Saviours and Survivors: Darfur, Politics and the War on Terror. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2009: Ch. 5.
The Transvaal War, 1880-81. Ed. Lady Bellairs [Blanche St. John Bellairs]. Edinburgh, U.K.: William Blackwood and Sons, 1885.
ii. India
The Case for Withdrawal From Afghanistan. Ed. Nick Turse. London: Verso, 2010: Ch. 1.
Churchill. The Story of the Malakand Field Force. 1916. Rpt. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2010.
Cox, Edmund Charles. John Carruthers: Indian Policeman. London: Cassell and Co., 1905.
Mukerjee, Madhusree. Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India During World War II. New York City: Basic Books, 2010: Ch. 1.
iii. Egypt
Cecil, Edward. The Leisure of an Egyptian Official. 1921. Rpt. Delhi, India: Pranava Books, 2009.
Meyer, Karl E., and Shareen Blair Brysac. Kingmakers: The Invention of the Modern Middle East. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008: Ch. 1.
iv. Ireland
Demaris, Ovid [Ovide E. Desmarais]. Brothers in Blood: The International Terrorist Network. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977: Pt. 4.
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 25.
P. Johnson. Ireland: Land of Troubles: A History From the Twelfth Century to the Present Day. 1980. Rpt. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1984: Ch. 8.
Stead, Pt. 1, Ch. 3.
v. Churchill
Fromkin. A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East, rev. ed. New York City: Holt Paperbacks, 2009: Ch. 5.
Johnson, Paul. Churchill. New York City: Viking, 2009: Ch. 2.
Kirchner, Paul. The Deadliest Men: The World's Deadliest Combatants Through the Ages. Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 2001: Ch. 8.
Millard, Ch. 1-3.
Raico, Ch. 2.
vi. Other
“A British Statesman” [Francis Neilson]. How Diplomats Make War. 1915. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Ch. 6-11, 14.
Adams, R.J.Q., and Philip R. Poirier. The Conscription Controversy in Great Britain, 1900-18. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1987: Ch. 1-2.
Beatty. The Lost History of 1914: Reconsidering the Year the Great War Began. New York City: Walker & Co., 2012: Ch. 3.
Brendon, Ch. 9-10, 12, 14, 18.
Corsi, Jerome R. Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President. Los Angeles: WND Books, 2011: Ch. 6.
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 1, 3, 6-7, 9-12, 14-15.
Friedberg, Aaron L. The Weary Titan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline, 1895-1905, rev. ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2010.
Garfield, Brian. The Meinertzhagen Mystery: The Life and Legend of a Colossal Fraud. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2007: Ch. 4.
Hart, Peter. Fire and Movement: The British Expeditionary Force and the Campaign of 1914. New York City: Oxford UP, 2015: Ch. 2.
Hopkirk, Peter. The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia, rev. ed. New York City: Kodansha International, 1992: Ch. 30-37.
An Informed Faith: The Position Papers of R.J. Rushdoony, Vol. I: Christianity & Reconstruction. Vallecito, Calif.: Chalcedon/Ross House Books, 2017: Ch. 5.
McCoy, Alfred W. In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power. Chicago: Dispatch Books/Haymarket Books, 2017: Ch. 1.
K.E. Meyer & Brysac, Ch. 2-5, 7.
Nock, Ch. 11.
Rectenwald, Michael. The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda. Nashville, Tenn.: New English Review Press, 2023: Ch. 8.
Sutton. Trilaterals Over America, rev. ed. San Pedro, Calif.: GSG & Associates Publishers, 1995: Ch. 9.
b. The United States
i. The Spanish-American War
(1) Cuba
Bigelow, Capt. John Jr. Reminiscences of the Santiago Campaign. New York City: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1899.
Davis, R.H. The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns. 1898. Rpt. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1970: Ch. 1-7.
Estrada, Alfredo José. Havana: Autobiography of a City. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007: Ch. 7.
Hancock, H. Irving. What One Man Saw: Being the Personal Impressions of a War Correspondent in Cuba, rev. ed. New York City: Street & Smith, 1900.
Roberts, W. Adolphe. Havana: The Portrait of a City. New York City: Coward-McCann, 1953: Ch. 17.
Tuccille, Jerome. The Roughest Riders: The Untold Story of the Black Soldiers in the Spanish-American War. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2015: Ch. 3, 8-27, 38.
Willets, Gilson. The Triumph of Yankee Doodle. London: F. Tennyson Neely, 1898: Ch. 15-17, 19-26.
(2) Puerto Rico
Davis, R.H. The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns, Ch. 8.
Kauffman, Bill. Bye Bye Miss American Empire: Neighborhood Patriots, Backcountry Rebels, and Their Underdog Crusades to Redraw America’s Political Map. White River Juction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2010: Ch. 6.
Odishelidze, Alexander, and Arthur B. Laffer. Pay to the Order of Puerto Rico. Fairfax, Va.: Allegiance Press, 2004: Ch. 9, 12.
Tuccille, The Roughest Riders, Ch. 28-29
Villahermosa, Col. Gilberto N. Honor and Fidelity: The 65th Infantry in Korea, 1950-1953. Washington, D.C.: United States. Army. Center of Military History, 2009: Ch. 1.
Walters, Everett. Joseph Benson Foraker: An Uncompromising Republican. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio History Press, 1948: Ch. 11.
Willets, Ch. 18.
(3) The Philippines
American Imperialism in 1898, Ch. 13-14.
Coyne, Christopher J., and Abigail R. Hall. Tyranny Comes Home: The Domestic Fate of U.S. Militarism. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 2018: Ch. 4, 7.
Jones, Gregg. Honor in the Dust: Theodore Roosevelt, War in the Philippines, and the Rise and Fall of America’s Imperial Dream. New York City: New American Library, 2012: Ch. 1, 4-7.
Karnow, Ch. 4.
Tuccille, The Roughest Riders, Ch. 30-32.
(4) Theodore Roosevelt
M. Josephson, The President Makers, Ch. 3.
T. Roosevelt. The Rough Riders. 1899. Rpt. The Rough Riders and an Autobiography. Ed. Louis Auchincloss. New York City: Library of America, 2004: 1-241.
Tuccille, The Roughest Riders, Ch. 4-5.
(5) R.H. Davis
Davis, R.H. Adventures and Letters, Ch. 11.
Lubow, Arthur. The Reporter Who Would Be King: A Biography of Richard Harding Davis. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992: Ch. 7.
(6) Kinzer
a. Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change From Hawaii to Iraq. New York City: Times Books/Henry Holt and Co., 2006: Ch. 2.
b. The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of the American Empire. New York City: Henry Holt and Co., 2017: Ch. 1, 3, 5.
(7) J.R. Stromberg
(a) "The Spanish-American War as Trial Run, or Empire as Its Own Justification." The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories, rev. ed. Ed. J.V. Denson. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1999: Ch. 8.
(b) "Imperialism, Noninterventionism, and Revolution: Opponents of the Modern American Empire." The Independent Review Summer 2006: 79-113.
(8) Other
American Imperialism in 1898, Ch. 5-12, 15-17.
Archer, Pt. 2, Ch. 1.
Bacevich, Andrew J. American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2002: Ch. 1.
Baker, Russ. Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years, corr. ed. New York City: Bloomsbury Press, 2009: Ch. 16.
Beisner, Robert L. Twelve Against Empire: The Anti-Imperialists, 1898-1900, rev. ed. 1985. Rpt. Chicago: Imprint Publications, 1992.
Bovard. Attention Deficit Democracy. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005: Ch. 4.
Cole, Wayne S. An Interpretive History of American Foreign Relations, rev. ed. Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press, 1974: Ch. 22.
E.J. Epstein. Agency of Fear: Opiates and Political Power in America, rev. ed. London: Verso, 1990: Ch. 1.
Garrett, American Story, Pt. 3, Ch. 8.
Higgs. Neither Liberty Nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government. Oakland, Calif.: The Independent Institute, 2007: Ch. 6.
Jeffreys-Jones, Ch. 4.
Johnson, Chalmers. The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of Empire. 2004. Rpt. London: Verso, 2006: Ch. 2.
Serving the Republic, Ch. 15-17, Appendix B.
E. Thomas, War Lovers, Ch.12-21.
Tuccille, The Roughest Riders, Ch. 6-7.
Willets, Ch. 1-14, 27.
W.A. Williams, Ch. 15.
ii. The Philippines
(1) McCoy
(a) Policing America’s Empire: The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State. Madison, Wis.: U of Wisconsin P, 2009: Ch. 1-8, 17.
(b) In the Shadows of the American Century, Ch. 4.
4 (2) Others
Archer, Pt. 2, Ch. 2.
Gregg Jones, Ch. 8-13, 15-25.
Karnow, Stanley. In Our Image: America’s Empire in the Philippines. 1989. Rpt. New York City: Ballentine Books, 1990: Ch. 5-10.
Kinzer, True Flag, Ch. 6-7.
Patterson, James T. Mr. Republican: A Biography of Robert A. Taft. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1972: Ch. 2.
Bacevich. Twilight of the American Century. Notre Dame, Ind.: U of Notre Dame P, 2018: Ch. 28.
iii. William McKinley
J.R. Stromberg. "William McKinley: Architect of the American Empire." Reassessing the Presidency, Ch. 10.
Vowell, Sarah. Assassination Vacation. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2005: Ch. 3.
iv. The Caribbean Basin
(1) Cuba   
Millett, Allan Reed. The Politics of Intervention: The Military Occupation of Cuba, 1906-1909. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State UP, 1968.
Pérez, Louis A. Jr. Army Politics in Cuba, 1898-1958. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1976: Ch. 4.
(2) Panama
Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. The Panama Gateway, rev. ed. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915: Pt. 3; Pt. 4, Ch. 1, 3-4, 6-26; Pt. 5; Appendices A-E.
Cornish, Vaughan. The Panama Canal and Its Makers. 1909. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2008.
R.H. Davis. The Zone Police: A Play in One Act. New York City: Samuel French, 1914.
Harding, Earl. The Untold Story of Panama. New York City: Athene Press, 1959: Ch. 2-12, 17-18.
Lisagor, Nancy, and Frank Lipsius. A Law Unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm Sullivan & Cromwell. New York City: William Morrow and Co., 1988: Ch. 3.
The Makers of the Panama Canal. New York City: F.E. Jackson & Son, 1911.
(3) Haiti
Archer, Pt. 2, Ch. 8-9.
Johnson, James Weldon. Self-Determining Haiti. New York City: The Nation, 1920.
(4) The Dominican Republic
Espaillat, Arturo R. Trujillo: The Last Caesar. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1963: Ch. 3.
Goldwert, Marvin. The Constabulary in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua: Progeny and Legacy of United States Interventionism. Gainesville, Fla.: U of Florida P, 1962: Ch. 2.
Yates, Lawrence A. U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966. Fort Leavenworth, Kan.: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Combat Studies Institute, 1988: Ch. 1.
(5) Elsewhere
Archer, Pt. 2, Ch. 4-7.
Goldwert, Ch. 7.
Harding, Ch. 19.
Kinzer, Overthrow, Ch. 3.
Soley, Lawrence C., and John S. Nichols. Clandestine Radio Broadcasting: A Study of Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary Electronic Communication. New York City: Praeger, 1987: Ch. 9.
iv. Hawaii
Bell, Roger. Last Among Equals: Hawaiian Statehood and American Politics. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 1984: Ch. 2.
King, Samuel P., and Randall Roth. Broken Trust: Greed, Mismanagement & Political Manipulation at America’s Largest Charitable Trust. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 2006: Ch. 2-3.
v. T. Roosevelt
Bishop, Pt. 4, Ch. 5.
Ekirch. The Civilian and the Military: A History of the American Antimilitarist Tradition. 1956. Rpt. Oakland, Calif.: Independent Institute, 2010: Ch. 10.
Garrett, American Story, Pt. 3, Ch. 9.
M. Josephson, The President Makers, Ch. 6.
Kinzer, True Flag, Ch. 4.
Mowry, Ch. 8, 10.
J. Powell, Ch. 2.
vi. William Howard Taft
Bishop, Pt. 4, Ch. 2.
Marina, William. "From Opponent of Empire to Career Opportunist: William Howard Taft As Conservative Bureaucrat in the Evolution of the American Imperial System." Reassessing the Presidency, Ch. 13.
vii. The U.S. Navy
On the Treadmill to Pearl Harbor: The Memoirs of Admiral James O. Richardson, USN (Retired) as Told to Vice Admiral George C. Dyer, USN (Retired). Washington, D.C: Dept. of the Navy. Naval History Division, 1973: Ch. 6, 14.
Prados, Combined Fleet Decoded: The Secret History of U.S. Intelligence and the Japanese Navy in World War II. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1995: Ch. 1.
E. Thomas. Sea of Thunder: Four Commanders and the Last Great Naval Campaign, 1941-1945. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2006: Ch. 2.
viii. Kinzer
a. Overthrow, Ch. 1, 4-5.
b. True Flag, Ch. 2, 8-11.
ix. Vidal
(1) "The Day the American Empire Ran Out of Gas." The Nation 11 Jan. 1986. Rpt. United States: Essays 1952-1992. New York City: Random House, 1993: 1007-1016.
(2) Empire. 1987. Rpt. New York City: Modern Library, 1998.
x. Other
American Imperialism in 1898, Ch. 1-4.
Bacevich, Twilight of the American Century, Ch. 21, 27.
Bakken, Tim. The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the U.S. Military. New York City: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020: Ch. 7.
Bradley, James. The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia. New York City: Little, Brown and Co., 2015: Ch. 13.
W.S. Cole, An Interpretive History of American Foreign Relations, Ch. 21, 23-26.
Downes, Ch. 4.
Dueck, Colin. Hard Line: The Republican Party and U.S. Foreign Policy Since World War II. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2010: Ch. 1.
Ekirch, The Civilian and the Military, Ch. 9.
Gregg Jones, Ch. 14.
Hewes, James E. Jr. From Root to McNamara: Army Organization and Administration. Washington, D.C.: United States. Army. Center of Military History, 1975: Ch. 1, 11, Appendix A.
McCoy, In the Shadows of the American Century, Ch. 3.
Oren, Michael B. [Michael Bornstein]. Power, Faith and Fantasy: America and the Middle East: 1776 to the Present, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2011: Ch. 14-16.
Payne, James L. "The Prospects for Democracy in High-Violence Societies." Opposing the Crusader State: Alternatives to Global Intervention. Ed. Higgs and Carl P. Close. Oakland, Calif.: The Independent Institute, 2007: Ch. 5.
Stead, Pt. 2, Ch. 3; Pt. 3-4.
J. Taylor, Politics on a Human Scale, Appendix C.
Turse. The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives. New York City: Metropolitan Books, 2008: Ch. 4.
Twentieth-Century American Foreign Policy. Ed. John Braeman, Robert H. Bremner, and David Brody. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1971.
Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia, rev. ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2011: Ch. 2.
Walters, Ch. 10, 13-15.
Wiebe, Ch. 9-10.
c. The Russo-Japanese War
i. R.H. Davis
(1) The Russo-Japanese War: A Photographic and Descriptive Review of the Great Conflict in the Far East, Gathered From the Reports, Records, Cables Despatches, Photographs, Etc., Etc., of Collier's War Correspondents. New York City: P.F. Collier & Son, 1904.
(2) Adventures and Letters, Ch. 14.
ii. Other
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 5.
Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich. Once a Grand Duke. New York City: Cosmopolitan Book Corp./Farrar & Rinehart, 1933: Ch. 14.
E. Thomas, Sea of Thunder, Ch. 1.
d. The Turco-Italian War
Abbott, G.F. The Holy War in Tripoli. 1912. Rpt. London: Darf, 1986.
Askew, William C. Europe and Italy's Acquisition of Libya, 1911-1912. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1942.
Beehler, William Henry. The History of the Italian-Turkish War, September 29, 1911 to October 18, 1912. Annapolis, Md.: W.H. Beehler, 1913.
Bennett, Ernest N. With the Turks in Tripoli: Being Some Experiences in the Turco-Italian War of 1911. London: Metheun & Co., 1912.
Irace, Tullio. With the Italians in Tripoli: The Authentic History of the Turco-Italian War. London: John Murray, 1912.
Flynn, As We Go Marching, Pt. 1, Ch. 8.
McCullagh, Francis. Italy's War for a Desert: Being Some Experiences of a War-Correspondent With the Italians in Tripoli. London: Herbert and Daniel, 1912.
Ostler, Alan. The Arabs in Tripoli. London: John Murray, 1912.
e. France
i. The Foreign Legion
Martyn, Frederic. Life in the Legion: From a Soldier's Point of View. London: Everett & Co., 1911.
Wylie, I.A.R. The Foreign Legion: Photoplay Title of The Red Mirage. 1913. Rpt. New York City: Grosset & Dunlap, 1914.
ii. North Africa
Meakin, Budgett. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond. 1905. Rpt. New York City: Wallachia Publishers, 2015: Ch. 31.
Sheehan, Perley Poore, and Robert H. Davis. The Bugler of Algiers. 1914. Rpt. New York City: George H. Doran Co., 1916.
iii. Vietnam
Gawthorpe, Andrew J. To Build As Well As Destroy: American Nation Building in South Vietnam. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 2018: Ch. 1.
Hastings, Max. Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1975. New York City: Harper, 2018: Ch. 1.
iv. Other
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 13, 16.
f. R.H. Davis
i. The Rulers of the Mediterranean. 1893. Rpt. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1972: Ch. 1, 3, 5.
ii. The Consul. 1911. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont. Kessinger Publishing, 2004.
g. Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave
i. Dragon Lady: The Life and Legend of the Last Empress of China. 1992. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1993: Ch. 19, 21-22.
ii. The Yamato Dynasty: The Secret History of Japan's Imperial Family. New York City: Broadway Books, 1999: Ch. 5.
iii. Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, rev. ed. London: Verso, 2005: Ch. 1-2.
h. Other
Allan, Chantal. Bomb Canada and Other Unkind Remarks in the American Media. Edmonton, Alb.: AU Press, 2009: Ch. 2.
American Imperialism in 1898: The Quest for National Fulfillment. Ed. Richard H. Miller. New York City: John Wiley and Sons, 1970: Ch. 18.
Andrews, J.H.M., J.S. Bradford, and Charles Elcock. Soldiers of the Castle, a History of Company B, Engineer Battalion, National Guard of Pennsylvania, Afterward Company B, 103rd Engineers, 28th Division, A.E.F. Philadelphia: Hoeflich Printing House, 1929.
Archer, Jules. The Plot to Seize the White House: The Shocking True Story of the Conspiracy to Overthrow FDR. 1973. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2007: Pt. 2, Ch. 3.
Bannister, Ch. 12.
Black, Edwin. Banking on Baghdad: Inside Iraq's 7,000-Year History of War, Profit and Conflict. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2004: Ch. 7-9.
Blom, Ch. 5, 7.
Boot, Max. The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power. New York City: Basic Books, 2002: Ch. 4-8, 11.
Casserly, Capt. Gordon. The Land of the Boxers; or, China Under the Allies. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903: Ch. 1-7, 9.
Clark, Christopher M. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914. 2012. Rpt. New York City: Harper Perennial, 2014: Ch. 4.
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 4, 8.
Engelhardt, Tom. The World According to TomDispatch: America in the New Age of Empire. Ed. T. Engelhardt. London: Verso, 2008: Ch. 17.
Eland, Ivan. The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed. Oakland, Calif.: The Independent Institute, 2004: Ch. 1.
Flynn, As We Go Marching, Pt. 1, Ch. 6; Pt. 2, Ch. 8.
Garrett, American Story, Pt. 3, Ch. 7.
Hunter, Stephen and John Bainbridge Jr. American Gunfight: The Plot to Kill Harry Truman and the Shoot-Out That Stopped It. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2005: Ch. 3, 23.
E.M. Josephson, Strange Death, Ch. 9.
McMeekin, Sean. The Russian Origins of the First World War. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 2011: Ch. 1.
Perret, Geoffrey. A Country Made by War: From the Revolution to Vietnam – the Story of America’s Rise to Power. New York City: Random House, 1989: Ch. 11.
Quigley, John. The Ruses for War: American Interventionism Since World War II, rev. ed. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2007: Ch. 2.
Lewis, David L. The Race to Fashoda: European Colonialism and African Resistance, rev. ed. New York City: Henry Holt and Co., 1995: Ch. 3-5, 7-9.
Livingstone. Black Terror, White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism and the New Age. Scotts Valley, Calif.: Sabilillah Publicatons, 2013: Ch. 13.
McClintock, Michael. Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerrilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counter-Terrorism, 1940-1990. New York City: Pantheon Books, 1992: Ch. 1.
Mosier, John. The Myth of the Great War: A New Military History of World War I. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001: Ch. 2.
Noble, Ch. 11.
Nock, Albert Jay. The Myth of a Guilty Nation. 1922. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011: Ch. 18.
Oliver, Robert Tarbell. Verdict in Korea. State College, Pa.: Bald Eagle Press, 1952: Ch. 12.
Prados, Ch. 5.
Schuyler, Philippa. Who Killed the Congo? New York City: The Devin-Adair Co., 1962: Ch. 4-5, 7, Appendix A.
Schwarz, Jordan A. Arms, Politics, and the Economy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Ed. Robert Higgs. New York City: Holmes & Meier, 1990: Ch. 1.
Serving the Republic: Memoirs of the Civil and Military Life of Nelson A. Miles, Lieutenant-General, United States Army. 1911. Rpt. Cranbury, N.J.: Scholars Bookshelf, 2006: Ch. 18.
Stead, W.T. The Americanization of the World, or, The Trend of the Twentieth Century. 1901. Rpt. New York City: Garland, 1972: Pt. 1, Ch. 1-2, 8.
Sublette, Ned. Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2004: Ch. 19, 21.
E. Thomas, War Lovers, Ch. 2-3, 10-11, 22-23.
Tuchman. The Guns of August, rev. ed. New York City: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1988: Ch. 1-5.
Vance, Laurence M. Christianity and War and Other Essays Against the Warfare State, rev. ed. Pensacola, Fla.: Vance Publications, 2008: Ch. 7.
War and Insurgency in the Western Sahara. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute/U.S. Army War College Press, 2013.
W.A. Williams, Ch. 9-10, 12-13.
T.E. Woods & Gutzman, Who Killed the Constitution?, Ch. 10.
5. Medicine
a. The Psychotherapists
i. Sigmund Freud
(1) Cocaine Use
Crews, Frederick. Freud: The Making of an Illusion. New York City: Metropolitan Books, 2017: Ch. 4-7, 9, 24.
Streatfeild, Dominic. Cocaine (An Unauthorized Biography). New York City: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press, 2001: Ch. 4-5.
(2) Other
Crews, Ch. 2-3, 8, 12-17, 20-22, 25-35.
Cuddihy, Ch. 1-12.
Horgan, John. The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brief Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation. 1999. Rpt. New York City: Touchstone, 2000: Ch. 2.
Rushdoony. Freud. 1965. Rpt. Vallecito, Calif.: Chalcedon/Ross House Books, 2006.
Sokoloff, Ch. 1-5.
Szasz. Psychiatry: The Science of Lies. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse UP, 2008: Ch. 3.
Van de Castle, Robert L. Our Dreaming Mind. New York City: Ballantine Books, 1994: Ch. 6.
Whitaker, Robert. Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America, rev. ed. Broadway Paperbacks, 2010: Ch. 7.
Whyte, Lancelot Law. The Unconscious Before Freud. 1960. Rpt. London: F. Pinter, 1983: Ch. 1, 9.
ii. Wilhelm Reich
Cuddihy, Ch. 13.
Reich, Ilse Ollendorff. Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography. St. Martin's Press, 1969.
Wilson, Colin. The Quest for Wilhelm Reich. 1981. Rpt. London: Granada, 1982: Ch. 1.
iii. Szasz
(1) The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Harper Perennial, 2010: Ch. 4.
(2) The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric and Repression. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1978: Ch. 6-10.
(3) "My Madness Saved Me", Ch. 4-5.
(4) Psychiatry, Ch. 4.
iv. Others
Aragon-Yoshida, Amber. "Lustmord and Loving the Other: A History of Sexual Murder in Modern Germany and Austria (1873-1932)." Diss. Washington U in St. Louis, 2011: Ch. 2.
Bramley, Ch. 34.
Crews, 11, 18-19, 23.
Dean, Carolyn J. The Self and Its Pleasures: Bataille, Lacan, and the History of the Decentered Subject. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 1992: Ch. 3.
Greenberg, David F. The Construction of Homosexuality. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988: Ch. 9.
Horgan, Ch. 3-4.
K.B. MacDonald, The Culture of Critique, Ch. 4.
Lepore, Ch. 3-5.
Livingstone, Black Terror, White Soldiers, Ch. 19.
Schorske, Carl E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. 1980. Rpt. London: Phoenix, 2010: Ch. 4.
George Seldes. Can These Things Be! New York City: Brewer and Warren, 1931: Ch. 23.
Sklar, Dusty [Ethel Kwalbrun Sklar]. The Nazis and the Occult. Rpt. New York City: Dorset Press, 1977: Ch. 13.
Van de Castle, Ch. 7-8.
Webb, James. The Occult Establishment. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court Publishing Co., 1976: Ch. 6.
Whitaker, Ch. 6, 10.
b. Other
Barry, John M. The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History, rev. ed. New York City: Penguin Books, 2005: Ch. 5.
Burleigh, Michael. Death and Deliverance: ‘Euthanasia’in Germany c. 1900-1945. 1994. Rpt. London: Pan, 2002: Ch. 1.
Kühl, Stefan. The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism. New York City: Oxford UP, 1994: Ch. 2.
Lynes, Barry. The Cancer Cure That Worked!: Fifty Years of Suppression, rev. ed. Queensville, Ont.: Marcus Books, 1997: Ch. 3.
Morell, Sally Fallon. Nourishing Fats: Why We Need Animal Fats for Health and Happiness. New York City: Grand Central Life & Style, 2017: Ch. 1.
Young, James Harvey. The Toadstool Millionaires: A Social History of Patent Medicines in America Before Federal Regulation. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1961: Ch. 13-15.
6. The Proto-Fascists
a. South Africa
Del Boca, Angelo, and Mario Giovana. Fascism Today: A World Survey. 1965. Trans. R.H. Boothroyd. 1969. Rpt. London: Heinemann, 1970: Ch. 17.
Williams, Walter E. South Africa's War Against Capitalism, rev. ed. Cape Town: Juta Publishers, 1990: Ch. 3-4.
b. Other
A. Carr, Ch. 16.
Flynn, As We Go Marching, Pt. 1, Ch. 7.
Gat, Pt. 1, Ch. 2-3.
Gregor, A. James. Mussolini's Intellectuals: Fascist Social and Political Thought. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2005: Ch. 2.
Linkhoeva, Tatiana. Revolution Goes East: Imperial Japan and Soviet Communism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 2020: Ch. 7.
Lively, Scott Eric, and Kevin Abrams. The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, 4th rev. ed. Springfield, Mass.: Veritas Aeterna Press, 2017: Ch. 7.
J.R. Marcus. The Rise and Destiny of the German Jew: With a Postmortem, rev. ed. New York City: Ktav Publishing House, 1973: Ch. 5.
Paxton, Robert O. The Anatomy of Fascism. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004: Ch. 1.
Payne, Stanley G. A History of Fascism, 1914-1945. Madison, Wis.: U of Wisconsin P, 1995: Ch. 1-2.
Pfaff, William. The Bullet’s Song: Romantic Violence and Utopia. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2004: Ch. 2.
Schoeman, Roy. "Salvation is From the Jews": The Role of Judaism in Salvation History, From Abraham to the Second Coming. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2003: Ch. 1-4, 6-7.
Snyder, Louis L. Race: A History of Modern Ethnic Theories. New York City: Longmans, Green and Co./Alliance Book Corp., 1939: Ch. 9.
Sternhell, Sznajder & Asheri, Ch. 4.
Weissmann, Karlheinz. "The Epoch of National Socialism." Journal of Libertarian Studies Fall 1996: 257-294.
7. The Taxers
Adams, Charles. For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization, rev. ed. Lanham, Md.: Madison Books, 1999: Ch. 33.
Hazlitt, Ch. 15.
Hood, John. Investor Politics: The New Force That Will Transform American Business, Government, and Politics in the Twenty-First Century. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2001: Ch. 7.
Magness, Philip W. “From Tariffs to the Income Tax: Trade Protection and Revenue in the United States Tax System.” Diss. George Mason U, 2009: Ch. 5.
J. Powell, Ch. 7.
Stang. Taxscam: How the Internal Revenue Service Swindles You and What You Can Do About It. Phoenix: Mount Sinai Press, 1988: Ch. 2-5, 7.
Underwood, Ch. 14-20.
Taussig, F.W. The Tariff History of the United States, 7th rev. ed. New York City: G.P. Putnam’s Sons/The Knickerbocker Press, 1931: Pt. Ch. 1.
Weisman, Steven R. The Great Tax Wars: Lincoln to Wilson – The Fierce Battles Over Money and Power That Transformed the Nation. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2002: Ch. 5-10.
Wessell. Red Ink: Inside the High-Stakes Politics of the Federal Budget. New York City: Crown Business, 2012: Ch. 4.
8. The Clergy
a. Catholics
Corrin, 3-4, 6-7.
Martin, Malachi. The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church. New York City: Linden Press/Simon & Schuster, 1987: Ch. 12-13.
b. Franz Creffield
Baldasty, Gerald J. Vigilante Newspapers: A Tale of Sex, Religion, and Murder in the Northwest. Seattle: U of Washington P, 2005.
Crew, Linda. Brides of Eden: A True Story Imagined. New York City: HarperCollins, 2001.
Phillips, Jim, and Rosemary Gartner. Murdering Holiness: The Trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell. Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press, 2003.
c. North
(1) Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church. Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1996: Ch. 1, 4-6, 14.
(2) "Millennialism and the Progressive Movement." Journal of Libertarian Studies Spring 1996: 121-142.
Faith & Action: The Collected Articles of R.J. Rushdoony From the Chalcedon Report, 1965-2004, Vol. II: Government, Education & Society. Vallecito, Calif.: Chalcedon/Ross House Books, 2019: Ch. 293.
d. Other
Gamble. The War for Righteousness: Progressive Christianity, the Great War, and the Rise of the Messianic Nation. Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2003: Ch. 1-3.
Murch, James DeForest. Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement. 1962. Rpt. Eugene, Ore.: Wipf and Stock, 2004: Ch. 16.
Seldes, Gilbert. The Stammering Century, rev. ed. 1964. Rpt. New York City: New York Review Books, 2012: Ch. 24-25.
Singer, C. Gregg. The Unholy Alliance: The Definitive History of the National Council of Churches and Its Leftist Policies — From 1908 to the Present. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1975: Ch. 2, 8.
Stang, The Actor, Ch. 5.
Sterling, Anthony. King of the Harem Heaven: The Amazing True Story of a Daring Charlatan Who Ran a Virgin Love Cult in America. Derby, Conn.: Monarch Books, 1960: Ch. 1-12.
9. The Anarchists
a. Joseph Conrad [Jósef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski]
Conrad. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale, rev. ed. 1921. Rpt. New York City: The Modern Library, 2004.
S.D. Cox. "Conrad's Praxeology." Literature & the Economics of Liberty, Ch. 8.
b. Richard Bach Jensen
i. “The International Anti-Anarchist Conference of 1898 and the Origins of Interpol.” Journal of Contemporary History Apr. 1981: 323-347.
ii. “The United States, International Policing and the War Against Anarchist Terrorism, 1900-1914.” Terrorism and Political Violence Spring 2001: 15-46.
c. Other
Adamic, Dynamite, Ch. 6.
Anderson, Carlotta R. All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998: Ch. 11-17.
Block, Alan A. Space, Time, and Organized Crime, rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1994: Ch. 5.
Brenan, Gerald. The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account of the Social and Political Background of the Civil War, rev. ed. London: Cambridge UP, 1950: Ch. 7-8.
Butterworth, Alex. The World That Never Was: A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents. New York City: Pantheon Books, 2010: Ch. 10-21, 23.
Chan, Ming K., and Arif Dirlik. Schools Into Fields and Factories: Anarchists, the Guomindang, and the National Labor University in Shanghai, 1927-1932. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1991: Ch. 2.
Harris, Frank. The Bomb, rev. ed. 1920. Rpt. Portland, Ore.: Feral House, 1996.
Larabee, Ann. The Wrong Hands: Popular Weapons Manuals and Their Historic Challenges to a Democratic Society. New York City: Oxford UP, 2015: Ch. 1-2.
Linkhoeva, Ch. 5.
London, Jack, and Robert L. Fish. The Assassination Bureau, Ltd. 1963. Rpt. Dubuque, Iowa: Synergy International of the Americas, 2007.
“Nomad, Max” [Maximilian Nacht]. Political Heretics, From Plato to Mao Tse-Tung. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 1963: Ch. 5.
Parry, Ch. 36, 39.
Posobiec, Jack. The Antifa: Stories From Inside the Black Bloc. Washington, D.C.: The Calamo Press, 2021: Ch. 7.
Preston, Keith. The Failure of Anarchism. London: Black House Publishing, 2016.
Tuchman, Proud Tower, Ch. 2.
10. The Prohibitionists
a. Carry A. Nation
Asbury, Herbert. Carry Nation. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1929: Ch. 5-13.
Gilbert Seldes, Ch. 16.
b. Asbury
i. All Around the Town: Murder, Scandal, Riot and Mayhem in Old New York. 1934. Rpt. San Francisco: Hauraki Publishing, 2016: Ch. 10.
ii. The Great Illusion: An Informal History of Prohibition. 1950. Rpt. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2018: Ch. 6-7.
c. Others
Abel, Ernest L. Marijuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years. 1980. Rpt. Boston: Springer US, 2013: Ch. 11.
Adams, Jad. Hideous Absinthe: A History of the Devil in a Bottle. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004: Ch. 10.
Andreas, Peter. Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made America. New York City: Oxford UP, 2013: Ch. 14.
Bennett, James T., and DiLorenzo. The Food and Drink Police: America's Nannies, Busybodies and Petty Tyrants. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1999: Ch. 3.
Chepesiuk, Ron. Gangsters of Miami: True Tales of Mobsters, Gamblers, Hit Men, Con Men and Gang Bangers From the Magic City. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 2010: Ch. 2.
DeGrandpre, Richard. The Cult of Pharmacology: How America Became the World’s Most Troubled Drug Culture. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 2006: Ch. 5.
Gray, Mike. Drug Crazy: How We Got Into This Mess and How We Can Get Out. 1998. Rpt. New York City: Routledge, 2000: Ch. 3.
King, Rufus. The Drug Hang-Up: America’s Fifty-Year Folly. 1972. Rpt. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1974: Ch. 4-5, 17, 20-21.
Lerner, Michael A. Dry Manhattan: Prohibition in New York City. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2007: Ch. 1.
Mariani, John F. America Eats Out: An Illustrated History of Restaurants, Taverns, Coffee Shops, Speakeasies, and Other Establishments That Have Fed Us for 350 Years. New York City: William Morrow and Co., 1991: Ch. 6.
Mencken. A Saturnalia of Bunk: Selections From the Free Lance, 1911-1915. Ed. S.T. Joshi. Athens, Ohio: Ohio UP, 2017: Ch. 8.
Mitenbuler, Reid. Bourbon Empire: The Past and Future of America’s Whiskey. 2015. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 2016: Ch. 10.
Murtagh, John M., and Sara Harris. Who Live in Shadow. 1959. Rpt. London: W.H. Allen, 1960: Pt. 4, Ch. 1.
Musto, D.F. Dealing With Drugs: Consequences of Government Control. Ed. Ronald Hamowy. San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy/Lexington Books, 1987: Ch. 1.
Ogle, Maureen. Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer. 2006 Rpt. Orlando, Fla.: Harvest/Harcourt, 2007: Ch. 4.
Okrent. Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. New York City: Scribner, 2010: Ch. 2-3, 5-6.
Ostrander, Gilman M. The Prohibition Movement in California, 1848-1933. 1957. Rpt. Getzville, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co., 2014: Ch. 3-7.
Storms, Roger C. Partisan Prophets: A History of the Prohibition Party, 1854-1972. Denver: National Prohibition Foundation, 1972: Ch. 3-6.
Tate, Cassandra. Cigarette Wars: The Triumph of "The Little White Slaver". New York City: Oxford UP, 1999: Ch. 1-2.
Timberlake, James H. Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1963.
Underwood, Ch. 29.
11. The Labor Unions
a. Sidney Lens [Sidney Okun]
i. Left, Right & Center: Conflicting Forces in American Labor. Hinsdale, Ill.: Henry Regnery Co., 1949: Ch. 4, 7, 10.
ii. The Crisis of American Labor. 1959. Rpt. New York City: Barnes & Noble, 1961: Ch. 3, 6.
b. Others
Adamic, Dynamite, Ch. 7, 9, 11-12, 16-26, 28.
D.E. Bernstein, Only One Place of Redress, Ch. 3-4.
Fitch, Robert. Solidarity for Sale: How Corruption Destroyed the Labor Movement and Undermined America’s Promise. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2006: Ch. 1-5.
Harris, Herbert. Labor’s Civil War. 1940. Rpt. New York City: Greenwood Press, 1969: Ch. 3-4.
Hutt, W.H. The Economics of the Colour Bar: A Study of the Economic Origins and Consequences of Racial Segregation in South Africa. London: The Institute for Economic Affairs/André Deutsch, 1964: Ch. 7, 11.
Kagan, Ch. 3.
Laurie, Clayton D., and Ronald H. Cole. The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1877-1945. Washington, D.C.: United States. Army. Center of Military History, 1997: Ch. 5-9.
Leiter, Robert D. The Musicians and Petrillo. 1953. Rpt. New York City: Octagon Books, 1974: Ch. 2-6.
Mereto, Ch. 8-9.
Moreno, Paul D. Black Americans and Organized Labor: A New History. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State UP, 2006: Ch. 3.
Reagan, Ronald, and Richard G. Hubler. Where’s the Rest of Me? 1965. Rpt. New York City: Dell Publishing Co., 1981: Ch. 9.
Reynolds, Morgan O. Power and Privilege: Labor Unions in America. New York City: Universe Books, 1984: Ch. 1, 5.
Riffenburgh, Beau. Pinkerton’s Great Detective: The Rough-and-Tumble Career of James McParland, America’s Sherlock Holmes. New York City: Viking, 2013: Ch. 15, 19-24.
The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, Ch. 3.
“The Senator From Alaska,” Appendix D.
Trautmann, W.E., and Peter Hagboldt. Riot. Chicago: Chicago Labor Printing Co., 1920.
Webster. World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization. 1921. Rpt. Charleston, S.C.: BiblioLife, 2010: Ch. 9.
R. White, Railroaded, Ch. 7, 10.
12. Friedrich Nietzsche
Hayden, Deborah. Pox: Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis. New York City: Basic Books, 2003: Ch. 20.
Mencken. The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, rev. ed. 1913. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2011.
Nagel, Thomas. Secular Philosophy and the Religious Temperament: Essays 2002-2008. New York City: Oxford UP, 2010: Ch. 4.
Sax, Leonard. "What Was the Cause of Nietzsche's Dementia?" Journal of Medical Biography. Feb. 2003: 47-54.
13. Espionage
a. Sidney Reilly
Cook, Andrew. Ace of Spies: The True Story of Sidney Reilly, rev. ed. Stroud, U.K.: The History Press, 2004: Ch. 1-5.
Kettle, Michael. Sidney Reilly: The True Story of the World’s Greatest Spy. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 1983: Ch. 1.
Spence, Richard B. Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly. Los Angeles: Feral House, 2002: Ch. 2-5.
b. Other
Knightley. The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century, rev. ed. London: Pimlico, 2003: Ch. 1-2.
Le Queux, William. Things I Know About Kings, Celebrities, and Crooks. London: Eveleigh Nash and Grayson, 1923: Ch. 16-17.
Randell & Frost, Ch. 10.
14. The Eugenicists
E. Black. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: Dialog Press, 2012: Ch. 4-14, 19-20.
Blumenfeld & A. Newman, Ch. 21.
Bruinius, Harry. Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity. 2006. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 2007: Ch. 2-11, 17.
Leonard, Ch. 7.
Martin, Paul. Villains, Scoundrels, and Rogues: Incredible True Tales of Mischief and Mayhem. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2014: Ch. 18.
Martinez, Alberto A. Science Secrets: The Truth About Darwin’s Finches, Einstein’s Wife, and Other Myths. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2011: Ch. 14.
Weikart, Richard. From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004: Ch. 1-10.
15. The Feminists
Gress, Carrie. The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2023: Ch. 9.
Phillips, Melanie. The Ascent of Woman: A History of the Suffragette Movement and the Ideas Behind It. 2003. Rpt. London: Abacus, 2004: Ch. 10-15.
Robertson, Michael. The Last Utopians: Four Late Nineteenth Century Visionaries and Their Legacy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2018: Ch. 5.
16. E. Michael Jones
a. The Slaughter of The Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 2004.
b. The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History. Sound Bend, Ind.: Fidelity Press, 2008: Ch. 17, 19.
17. David Livingstone
a. Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History. Charleston, S.C.: BookSurge, 2007: Ch. 18.
b. Transhumanism: The History of a Dangerous Idea. Scotts Valley, Calif.: Sabilillah Publicatons, 2015: Ch. 9.
18. David T. Beito
D.T. Beito. From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services 1890-1967. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U of North Carolina P, 2000: Ch. 7.
D.T. Beito, and Linda Royster Beito. "Gold Democrats and the Decline of Classical Liberalism, 1896-1900." The Independent Review Spring 2000: 555-575.
19. Other
F.L. Allen, Ch. 5.
Baatz, Simon. For the Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb, and the Murder That Shocked Jazz Age Chicago. New York City: Harper, 2008: Ch. 8.
Bacevich, Twilight of the American Century, Ch. 13.
Balakian, Ch. 1-2, 6, 8.
Baltzell, E. Digby. The Protestant Establishment Revisited. Ed. Howard G. Schneiderman. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1991: Ch. 8.
Bannister, Robert C. Social Darwinism: Science and Myth in Anglo-American Social Thought, rev. ed. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1988: Ch. 7-8.
Barker, Hugh, and Yuval Taylor. Faking It: The Quest for Authenticity in Popular Music. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2007: Ch. 1.
Blom, Philipp. The Vertigo Years: Europe 1900-1914. New York City: Basic Books, 2008: Ch. 8-9, 13.
Bovard, James. The Farm Fiasco. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1989: Ch. 7.
Burleigh. Earthly Powers: The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe, From the French Revolution to the Great War. New York City: Harper Collins, 2007: Ch. 10.
Cantor, Paul A. " 'The Invisible Man' and the Invisible Hand: H.G. Wells's Critique of Capitalism." Literature & the Economics of Liberty: Spontaneous Order in Culture. Ed. Cantor and Stephen D. Cox. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009: Ch. 6.
Carlson, Allan. The New Agrarian Mind: The Movement Toward Decentralist Thought in Twentieth-Century America. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2000: Ch. 1.
Casey, Gerald. Freedom’s Progress?: A History of Political Thought. Exeter, U.K.: Imprint Academic, 2017: Ch. 31.
Cashill, Jack. Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Huckersters Have Hijacked American Culture. Nashville, Tenn.: Nelson Current, 2005: Ch. 5.
Chester, George Randolph. The Cash Intrigue: A Fantastic Melodrama of Modern Finance. 1909. Rpt. New York City: A.L. Burt Co., 1911.
Chodes, Ch. 17.
Daniel, Jean, Price Daniel, and Dorothy Blodgett. The Texas Governor’s Mansion: A History of the House and Its Occupants. Austin, Texas: Texas State Library and Archives Commission/Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center, 1984: Ch. 7.
Dalrymple, Theodore [Anthony Daniels]. Not With a Bang But a Whimper: The Politics and Culture of Decline, rev. ed. Rugby, U.K.: Monday Books, 2009.
Dangerfield, George. The Strange Death of Liberal England. 1935. Rpt. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1997: Pt. 2, Ch. 3-4; Pt. 3, Ch. 3-4.
DeConde, Alexander. Gun Violence in America: The Struggle for Control. Boston: Northeastern UP, 2001: Ch. 8.
Deutsch, Nathaniel. Inventing America’s “Worst” Family: Eugenics, Islam, and the Fall and Rise of the Tribe of Ishmael. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 2009: Ch. 2-4.
Diggins, John Patrick. The Rise and Fall of the American Left. New York City: W.W. Norton, 1992: Pt. 1.
Doctorow, Ch. 6, 8, 20, 22, 32, 35-36.
Draper, Ch. 2.
Faith & Action, Vol. I: Authority, Humanism & Morality. Vallecito, Calif.: Chalcedon/Ross House Books, 2019: Ch. 111.
Flynn, As We Go Marching, Pt. 1, Ch. 5.
Gillespie, J. David. Challengers to Duopoly: Why Third Parties Matter in American Two-Party Politics. Columbia, S.C.: U of South Carolina P, 2012: Ch. 7.
Grant, George. Trial and Error: The American Civil Liberties Union and Its Impact on Your Family. 1989. Rpt. Franklin, Tenn.: Adroit Press, 1993: Ch. 4, 6.
Grant, James. The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2014: Ch. 1-3.
Grenier, Richard. The Gandhi Nobody Knows. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983.
Gwynne, H.A. The Cause of World Unrest, rev. ed. New York City: G.P. Putnam’s Sons/The Knickerbocker Press, 1920: Ch. 6-8.
Halbrook, Stephen P. The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class? New York City: Bombardier Books, 2021: Ch. 8.
Helms, Harry L. Inside the Shadow Government: National Emergencies and the Cult of Secrecy. Los Angeles: Feral House, 2003: Ch. 2.
Higgs, Against Leviathan, Ch. 37.
Hill, Patricia Evridge. Dallas: The Making of a Modern City. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 1996: Ch. 2-3.
Hochschild, Adam. To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914-1918. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011: Ch. 1, 4, 6.
Holcombe, Randall G. From Liberty to Democracy: The Transformation of American Government. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 2002: Ch. 8.
Hughes, Jonathan R.T. The Government Habit Redux: Economic Controls From Colonial Times to the Present. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1991: Ch. 4.
Jeffries, Donald. Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics, 1776-1963: The History They Didn’t Teach You in School. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2019: Ch. 6.
Jensen, Richard J. The Winning of the Midwest: Social and Political Conflict, 1888-1896. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1971.
M. Josephson, The President Makers, Ch. 4.
Kauffman. Look Homeward, America: In Search of Reactionary Radicals and Front-Porch Anarchists. Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2006: Ch. 5.
Kaye, Harvey J. Thomas Paine and the Promise of America. New York City: Hill & Wang, 2005: Ch. 7.
Leamer, Laurence. The Paper Revolutionaries: The Rise of the Underground Press. New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1972: Ch. 1.
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. Democracy and Liberty, rev. ed. 1897. Rpt. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1981: Vol. II, Ch. 9.
Lepore, Ch. 1-2.
Leslie, W. Bruce. Images of America: Princeton University: The First 275 Years. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2022: Ch. 5.
Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street. 1920. Rpt. Main Street & Babbit. New York City: Library of America, 1992.
Lipow, Arthur. Authoritarian Socialism in America: Edward Bellamy & the Nationalist Movement. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1982.
K.B. MacDonald, The Culture of Critique, Ch. 2, 6.
MacMillan, Margaret. The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914. New York City: Random House, 2013: Ch. 9.
Malcolm, Joyce Lee. Guns and Violence: The English Experience. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2002: Ch. 5.
Maloney, C.J. Back to the Land: Arthurdale, FDR’s New Deal, and the Costs of Economic Planning. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2011: Ch. 3.
Mowry, George E. The Era of Theodore Roosevelt, 1900-1912. New York City: Harper & Row Publishers, 1958: Ch. 1-4.
Neal, Steve. Dark Horse: A Biography of Wendell Willkie. 1984. Rpt. Lawrence, Kan.: UP of Kansas, 1989: Ch. 2.
Nisbet, Robert A. Teachers and Scholars: A Memoir of Berkeley in Depression and War. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1992: Ch. 3.
Noble, David W. The Progressive Mind, 1890-1917, rev. ed. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co., 1981: Ch. 1.
North, Gary. Salvation Through Inflation: The Economics of Social Credit. Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1993.
Parry, Albert. Terrorism: From Robspierre to the Weather Underground. 1976. Rpt. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2006: Ch. 37.
Pietrusza, David. 1920: The Year of the Six Presidents, rev. ed. New York City: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2008: Ch. 18.
Porter, Darwin. J. Edgar Hoover & Clyde Tolson: Investigating the Sexual Secrets of America’s Most Famous Men and Women. New York City: Blood Moon Productions, 2012: Ch. 1.
Prerau, David. Seize the Daylight: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylight Saving Time. 2005. Rpt. New York City: Basic Books, 2009: Ch. 1.
Regier, C.C. The Era of Muck-Rakers. 1932. Rpt. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1957.
Richardson, Darcy G. Others, Vol. I: Third-Party Politics From the Nation’s Founding to the Rise and Fall of the Greenback-Labor Party. Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse, 2004: Ch. 16-18.
Riordan, William L. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Ex-Senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany Philosopher, From His Rostrum — the New York County Court House Bootblack Stand. 1905. Rpt. Charleston, S.C.: Bibliolife, 2010: Ch. 4, 7.
Roberts, Paul Craig, and Lawrence M. Stratton. The New Color Line: How Quotas and Privilege Destroy Democracy. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1995: Ch. 3.
Rushby, Kevin. Paradise: A History of the Idea That Rules the World. 2006. Rpt. New York City: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2007: Ch. 18.
Schaeffer, Francis A. How Should We Then  Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture. 1976. Rpt. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1983: Ch. 9.
Gilbert Seldes, Ch. 22-23, 26.
Siegel, Fred. The Revolt Against the Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class, rev. ed. New York City: Encounter Books, 2015: Ch. 1-2.
Sinclair, May. The Tree of Heaven. 1917. Rpt. Boston: IndyPublish.com, 2005: Ch. 11, 16-17.
U. Sinclair, The Goose-Step, Ch. 2-4.
Sowell, Thomas. Intellectuals and Race. New York City: Basic Books, 2013: Ch. 3.
Stove, David. On Enlightenment. Ed. Andrew Irvine. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2002: Ch. 7, 13.
Stromberg, Roland N. Redemption by War: The Intellectuals and 1914. Lawrence, Kan.: Regents Press of Kansas, 1982: Ch. 2, 4.
Szasz, Thomas S. "My Madness Saved Me": The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2006: Ch. 1-2, 7.
J. Taylor, Politics on a Human Scale, Ch. 4.
Tenney, Ch. 1.
Tobey, Ronald C. The American Ideology of National Science, 1919-1930. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1971: Ch. 1, 5.
Trefousse, Hans L. Ben Butler: The South Called Him Beast! 1957. Rpt. New York City: Octagon Books, 1974: Ch. 21.
J.A. Tucker. Bourbon for Breakfast: Living Outside the Statist Quo. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010: Ch. 67.
Underwood, Oscar W. Drifting Sands of Party Politics. New York City: The Century Co., 1928: Ch. 11, 21-24, 26-27, 31.
Webster, World Revolution, Ch. 8.
Weyl & Marina, Ch. 16.
White, Richard. Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2011: Ch. 8-9.
Wiebe, Ch. 3, 6, 8.

B. Pax Britannia

1. The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty
a. Edward VII [Albert Edward Saxe-Coburg-Gotha]
The Private Life of King Edward VII (Prince of Wales, 1841-1901), by a Member of the Royal Household. New York City: D. Appelton and Co., 1901: Ch. 1-17.
Rose, Andrew. The Woman Before Wallis: Prince Edward, the Parisian Courtesan, and the Perfect Murder. Rpt. New York City: Picador, 2013: Ch. 1, 14.
b. Others
Parker, John. King of Fools. London: Macdonald Futura, 1988: Ch. 1.
Radziwill, Princess Catherine. Sovereigns and Statesmen of Europe. 1915. Rpt. New York City: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1916: Ch. 9.
2. London
A History of the French in London: Liberty, Equality, Opportunity. Ed. Debra Kelly and Martyn Cornick. London: Institute of Historical Research, 2013: Ch. 10-11.
Hueffer, Ford Madox [Joseph Leopold Ford Madox Hueffer].The Soul of London: A Survey of a Modern City. 1905. Rpt. London: Everyman's Library, 1995.
Ransome, Arthur. Bohemia in London. 1907. Rpt. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 1984.
Robson, Neil G. Roomy Villas: The Story of Southfields Grid and Its Surroundings, rev. ed. London: Neil Robson/Wandsworth Libraries and Museum, 2000.
3. Ireland
Bates, Jean Victor. Sir Edward Carson, Ulster Leader. London: John Murray, 1921.
Joyce, James. Dubliners, 3rd corr. ed. Ed. Robert Scholes and A. Walton Litz. New York City: Penguin Books, 1996.
4. Canada
a. Stephen Leacock
i. Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town. 1912. Rpt. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013.
ii. The Boy I Left Behind Me. 1947. Rpt. London: Hesperides Press, 2006: Pt. 1, Ch. 3-4.
b. Herbert Hoover
Hamill, John. The Strange Career of Mr. Hoover Under Two Flags. 1931. Rpt. Getzville, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co., 2013: Ch. 16.
Liggett, Walter W. The Rise of Herbert Hoover. New York City: The H.K. Fly Co., 1932: Ch. 11.
c. Peter C. Newman [Peta Karel Neuman]
i. The Canadian Establishment, Vol. I: The Old Order. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975: Ch. 1, 3.
ii. The Canadian Establishment, Vol. II: The Acquisitors. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1981: Ch. 1.
iii. The Canadian Establishment, Vol. III: Titans: How the New Canadian Establishment Seized Power. Toronto: Viking, 1998: Ch. 18, 20-21.
d. Others
Crowther, Bosley. Hollywood Rajah: The Life and Times of Louis B. Mayer. 1960. Rpt. New York City: Dell Publishing Co., 1961: Ch. 1.
Lamb, Robert E. Thunder in the North: Conflict Over the Riel Risings, 1870-1885. New York City: Pageant Press, 1957: Ch. 3-6.
Maturié, Pierre. Man Proposes, God Disposes: Recollections of a French Pioneer. 1972. Trans. Vivien Bosley. Edmonton, Alb.: AU Press, 2013.
Michener, James A. Journey, rev. ed. New York City: Random House, 1989.
Paterson, Isabel. The Shadow Riders. 1916. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2010.
Randell & Frost, Ch. 1.
Stead, Pt. 1, Ch. 6.
Unger, Craig. House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia. New York City: Dutton, 2018: Ch. 3.
Warner, Donald F. The Idea of Continental Union: Agitation for the Annexation of Canada to the United States, 1849-1893. Lexington, Ky.: The Mississippi Valley Historical Association/U of Kentucky P, 1960: Ch. 6-7.
Warren, Donald I. Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, the Father of Hate Radio. New York City: The Free Press, 1996: Ch. 1.
Webb, Whitney. One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, Vol. I. Walterville, Ore. Trine Day, 2022: Ch. 2.
Weitz, John. Hitler's Diplomat: The Life and Times of Joachim von Ribbentrop. New York City: Ticknor & Fields, 1992: Ch. 3.
5. Africa
The British South Africa Co. Illustrated Handbook of North-Eastern Rhodesia. Fort Jameson, North-Eastern Rhodesia Territory, 1906.
Bryden, H. Anderson. Gun and Camera in Southern Africa: A Year of Wandering in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake River Country, Ngamiland, With Notes on Colonisation, Natives, Natural History and Sport. 1893. Rpt. Prescott, Ariz.: Wolfe Publishing, 1988.
Bulpett, C.W.L. A Picnic Party in Wildest Africa: Being a Sketch of of a Winter's Trip to Some of the Unknown Waters of the Upper Nile. London: Edward Arnold, 1907: Ch. 1-2.
Butcher, Tim. Chasing the Devil: A Journey Through Sub-Saharan Africa in the Footsteps of Graham Greene. 2010. Rpt. New York City: Atlas & Co. Publishers, 2011: Ch. 4.
Churchill. My African Journey. 1908. Rpt. London: Bloomsbury, 2015.
Hall, Mary. A Woman's Trek From the Cape to Cairo. London: Methuen & Co., 1907.
Hamill, Ch. 13.
Innes, Ch. 5-7, 19, 22, Appendix A-D.
Kirkland, Caroline. Some African Highways: A Journey of Two American Women to Uganda and the Transvaal. Boston: Dana Estes & Co., 1908: Ch. 3-9, 11-13.
Patterson, John Henry. The Man-Eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures. 1907. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.
6. Newspapers
Hobbs, Andrew. A Fleet Street in Every Town: The Provincial Press in England, 1855-1900. Cambridge, U.K.: Open Book Publishers, 2018: Ch. 5.
Le Queux, Ch. 12.
7. British India
Knight, E.F. Where Three Empires Meet: A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the Adjoining Countries. 1893. Rpt. New Delhi: Gyan, 2020.
Meredith, Robyn. The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us, rev. ed. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008: Ch. 2.
8. R.H. Davis
a. Our English Cousins. New York City: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1894.
b. Adventures and Letters, Ch. 17.
9. Hueffer
a. The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story. 1901. Rpt. Liverpool, U.K.: Liverpool UP, 1999.
b. The Benefactor: A Tale of a Small Circle. 1905. Rpt. San Francisco: Mellen Research UP, 1991.
c. An English Girl: A Romance. 1907. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publications, 2007.
d. The Spirit of the People: An Analysis of the English Mind. 1907. Rpt. London: Duckworth & Co., 1915: Ch. 1, 4-5.
e. Mr. Apollo: A Just Possible Story. London: Methuen & Co., 1908.
f. A Call: The Tale of Two Passions. 1910. Rpt. Manchester, U.K.: Carcanet, 1984.
g. Ring for Nancy: A Sheer Comedy. 1912. Rpt. San Francisco: Mellen Research UP, 1991.
h. Mr. Fleight. London: Howard Latimer, 1913.
i. Women and Men. Paris: Three Mountains Press, 1923.
j. New York Essays. Mt. Vernon, N.Y.: William Edwin Rudge, 1927: Ch. 2.
10. H. Hoover
Hamill, Ch. 2, 4-9, 11, 15, 17.
Liggett, Ch. 8-10, 12, 14.
11. Other
Bailey, Thomas A., and Paul B. Ryan. The Lusitania Disaster: An Episode in Modern Warfare and Diplomacy. New York City: The Free Press, 1975: Ch. 1.
Bryce, Ch. 1-5, 7, 13-24, 26-27.
Buruma, Ian. Anglomania: A European Love Affair. New York City: Random House, 1998: Ch. 9-11.
Caro, Power Broker, Ch. 3.
Casserly, Ch. 8.
Cleese, John. So, Anyway…. 2014. Rpt. London: Arrow Books, 2015: Ch. 2.
Dangerfield, Pt. 1; Pt. 2, Ch. 1-2; Pt. 3, Ch. 1-2, 5-6.
Davidson, Andrew. A Doctor in the Great War. 2013. Rpt. New York City: Marble Arch Press, 2014: Ch. 1.
Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Lost World: Being an Account of the Recent Amazing Adventures of Professor George E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee, and Mr E.D. Malone of the Daily Gazette. 1912. Rpt. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2022: Ch. 1-6, 16.
The 1890s: An Encyclopedia of British Literature, Art and Culture. Ed. G.A. Cevasco. New York City: Garland Publishing, 1993.
England, Vaudine. Fortune's Bazaar: The Making of Hong Kong. New York City: Scribner, 2023: Ch. 6-9.
Grann, David. The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon. 2009. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Departures, 2010: Ch. 4, 6.
Gunn, Jeannie. We of the Never-Never. 1907. Rpt. Portland, Ore.: Mint Editions, 2021.
Hanighen, Frank C. The Secret War. 1934. Rpt. Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press, 1975: Ch. 1.
Hanoum, Zeyneb. A Turkish Woman’s European Impressions. Ed. Grace Ellison. 1913. Rpt. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2012: Ch. 17-18.
Hughes, Michael. Beyond Holy Russia: The Life and Times of Stephen Graham. Cambridge, U.K.: Open Book Publishers, 2014: Ch. 1.
Hynes, Samuel. The Edwardian Turn of Mind. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1968.
Ionescu, Take. Some Personal Impressions. 1919. Rpt. New York City: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1920: Ch. 11, 16.
P. Johnson. Humorists: From Hogart to Noël Coward. New York City: Harper, 2010: Ch. 7.
Joyce, James. Exiles: A Play in Three Acts. 1918. Rpt. London: Grafton, 1988.
Kirk, Russell. The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot, 7th rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1986: Pt. 9, Ch. 4; Pt. 11, Ch. 1-4.
Le Queux, Ch. 18.
Leslie, Ch. 1-2, 9.
Macintyre, Ben. Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory, rev. ed. New York City: Broadway Paperbacks, 2011: Ch. 3-5.
MacMillan, Ch. 2.
McFee, William. Casuals of the Sea: The Voyage of a Soul. 1916. Rpt.: Bath, U.K.: Lythway Press, 1969.
The Memoirs of Elias Canetti. 1977. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1979. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999: Vol. I, Pt. 2.
Nicolson, Juliet. The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just Before the Storm. Rpt. New York City: Grove Press, 2006.
Nock, Ch. 12, 15.
Patch, Harry, and Richard van Emden. The Last Fighting Tommy: The Life of Harry Patch, Last Veteran of the Trenches, 1898-2009, 2nd rev. ed. London: Bloomsbury, 2009: Ch. 1-2.
The Poems of Arthur Conan Doyle: Collected Edition. London: John Murray, 1922.
Pupin, Michael. From Immigrant to Inventor, rev. ed. 1925. Rpt. London: Forgotten Books, 2015: Ch. 6-7.
Savile, Frank [Frank Mackenzie]. Beyond the Great South Wall: The Secret of the Antarctic. New York City: Grosset & Dunlap, 1901: Ch. 1-5.
Schwarz, Frederick. Beating the Unbeatable Foe: One Man’s Victory Over Communism, Leviathan, and the Last Enemy*. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1996: Ch. 2.
S. Seagrave & P. Seagrave, Dragon Lady, Ch. 16.
M. Sinclair, Ch. 1-10, 9-10, 12-15, 18.
Tuchman, Proud Tower, Ch. 1, 7.
Utley, Freda. Odyssey of a Liberal: Memoirs. Washington, D.C.: Washington National Press, 1970: Ch. 2, 4.
Wiener, Martin J. English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit, 1850-1980, rev. ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2004: Ch. 6.
Wellman, Manly W., and Wade Wellman. Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds. New York City: Warner Books, 1975.
Wilson, A.N. After the Victorians: The Decline of Britain in the World. 235. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005: Ch. 1-8, 12.

C. The Underworld

1. The Mafia
a. Sicily
i. John Dickie
(1) Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia, rev. ed. London: Stoddard and Houghton, 2007: Ch. 3-4.
(2) Blood Brotherhoods: A History of Italy's Three Mafias, rev. ed. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2014: Ch. 17-19.
ii. Other
Lewis, Norman. The Honored Society: A Searching Look at the Mafia. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1964: Ch. 3.
b. New Orleans
Davis, John H. Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. New York City: McGraw-Hill, 1989: Ch. 3.
English, T.J. Dangerous Rhythms: Jazz and the Underworld. New York City: William Morrow, 2023: Ch. 2.
Reid, Ed. The Grim Reapers: The Anatomy of Organized Crime in America. 1969. Rpt. New York City: Bantam, 1970: Ch. 9.
c. Lucky Luciano [Salvatore Lucania]
Demaris. The Lucky Luciano Story: The Mafioso and the Violent 30's, rev. ed. New York City: Tower, 1969: Ch. 1-3.
Feder, Sid, and Joachim Joesten. The Luciano Story. 1954. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1994: Ch. 1-2.
Powell, Hickman. Lucky Luciano: The Man Who Organized Crime in America. 1939. Rpt. New York City: Barricade Books, 2000: Ch. 5.
d. Al Capone
Balsamo, William, and John Balsamo. Young Al Capone: The Untold Story of Scarface in New York, 1899-1925. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2011: Ch. 1-8.
Collins, Max Allan, and A. Brad Schwartz. Scarface and the Untouchable: Al Capone, Eliot Ness, and the Battle for Chicago, rev. ed. New York City: William Morrow, 2019: Ch. 1.
e. Hank Messick
i. Secret File. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969: Ch. 2.
ii. The Mobs and the Mafia: The Illustrated History of Organized Crime. 1972. Rpt. New York City: Galahad Books, 1974: Ch. 1.
e. Other
A.A. Block, Ch. 1.
Capeci, Jerry. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Mafia, rev. ed. Indianapolis: Alpha, 2004: Ch. 1-7, 9-11, 13, 25-26.
Chandler, David Leon. Brothers in Blood: The Rise of the Criminal Brotherhoods. New York City: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1975: Pt. 4.
Chepesiuk. Gangsters of Harlem: The Gritty Underworld of New York’s Most Famous Neighborhood. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 2007: Ch. 1.
Cressey,Donald R. Theft of the Nation: The Structure and Operations of Organized Crime in America. 1969. Rpt. Piscataway, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2008: Ch. 2, 7.
Dash, Mike. The First Family: Terror, Extortion, Revenge, Murder, and the Birth of the American Mafia. New York City: Random House, 2009: Ch. 1, 3-12.
De Stefano, George. An Offer We Can’t Refuse: The Mafia in the Mind of America. New York City: Faber and Faber, 2006: Ch. 2, 4.
Dickie, Cosa Nostra, Ch. 5.
Eppolito, Lou, and Bob Drury. Mafia Cop. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1992: Ch. 8.
Giancana, Sam, and Chuck Giancana. Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America, rev. ed. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2014: Ch. 2.
Maas, Peter. The Valachi Papers, rev. ed. New York City: Pocket Books, 1986: Ch. 3.
Porrello, Rick. The Rise and Fall of the Cleveland Mafia: Corn, Sugar and Blood. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 1995: Ch. 1.
Puzo, Mario. The Godfather. New York City: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1969: Ch. 14.
Reid, Ch. 5.
Siragusa, Charles, and Robert Wiedrich. The Trail of the Poppy: Behind the Mask of the Mafia. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966: Ch. 2.
Smith, Dwight C. Jr. The Mafia Mystique, rev. ed. Lanham, Md.: UP of America, 1990: Ch. 2.
Talese. Honor Thy Father, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Harper Perennial, 2009: Ch. 12.
Wolf, George, and Joseph DiMona. Frank Costello: Prime Minister of the Underworld. 1974. Rpt. London: Futura Publications, 1976: Pt. 1, Ch. 5, 7.
2. Narcotics
A.A. Block, Ch. 3.
Chasteen, John Charles. Getting High: Marijuana Through the Ages. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016: Ch. 2.
Leland, John. Hip: The History, rev. ed. New York City: HarperPerennial, 2005: Ch. 12.
McNeal, Violet. Four White Horses and a Brass Band: True Confessions From the World of Medicine Shows, Pitchmen, Chumps, Suckers, Fixers, and Shills. 1947. Rpt. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2019: Ch. 12.
Streatfeild, Ch. 6-7.
3. The Sex Fiends
a. E. M. Jones
(1) Degenerate Moderns: Modernity As Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior. San Francisco: Ignatius, 1993: Ch. 1, 9.
(2) Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 2000: Pt. 2, Ch. 1-6.
b. Others
Beachy, Robert. Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity. 2014. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 2015: Ch. 1-2.
Crumrin, Tim. Terre Haute's Notorious Red-Light District. Charleston, S.C.: History Press, 2022: Ch. 1, 4, 6.
Dobbs, Ch. 9.
Gordon, Mel. Horizontal Collaboration: The Erotic World of Paris, 1920-1946. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2015: Ch. 6-7.
Lee, George W. Beale Street, Where the Blues Began. 1934. Rpt. College Park, Md.: McGrath Publishing Co., 1969: Ch. 7.
Lively & Abrams, Ch. 4.
Robertson, Ch. 4.
Sears, Hal D. The Sex Radicals: Free Love in High Victorian America. Lawrence, Kan.: The Regents Press of Kansas, 1977.
4. Professional Sports
a. Brian Tuohy
i. The Fix Is In: The Showbiz Manipulations of the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL and NASCAR. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2010.
ii. The Fix Is Still In: More Corruption and Conspiracies the Pro Sports Leagues Don't Want You to Know. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2019: Ch. 12.
b. Others
Kirchner, Ch. 9.
Moldea, Dan E. Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football, rev. ed. New York City: Open Road Integrated Media, 2014: Ch. 2, 6.
5. Fraud
Adams, Samuel Hopkins. The Great American Fraud: Articles on the Nostrum Evil and Quackery Reprinted From Collier's, 3rd rev. ed. 1912. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2010.
Hynd, Alan. The Giant Killers. New York City: Robert M. McBride & Co., 1945: Ch. 2, 11.
Kahn, E.J. Jr. Fraud: The United States Postal Inspection Service and Some of the Fools and Knaves It Has Known. New York City: Harper & Row Publishers, 1973: Ch. 4.
P. Martin, Ch. 8, 16.
Maurer, David W. The American Confidence Man, 2nd rev. ed. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1974: Ch. 3-8.
McNeal, Ch. 1-11, 13.
Thornton, T.D. My Adventures With Your Money: George Graham Rice and the Golden Age of the Con Artist. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 2015: Ch. 2-4.
6. The Jews
Fried, Albert. The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America, rev. ed. New York City: Columbia UP, 1993: Ch. 1-4.
Hynd, Ch. 4, 8.
Joselit, Jenna Weisman. Our Gang: Jewish Crime and the New York Jewish Community, 1900-1940. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana UP, 1983: Ch. 1-4, 6.
Piper, Michael Collins. Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, 4th rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: American Free Press, 2004: Ch. 7.
Rockaway, Robert. But — He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters, rev. ed. Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House, 2000: Ch. 4, 7.
7. The Hoboes
a. “A-No. 1, the Famous Tramp” [Leon Ray Livingston]
i. Life and Adventures of A-No. 1: America’s Most Celebrated Tramp, Written by Himself, rev. ed. Cambridge Springs, Pa.: The A-No. 1 Publishing Co., 1910: Ch. 1-3, 6-8, 10-14, 17-18.
ii. Hobo-Camp-Fire-Tales. 1911. Rpt. New Orleans: Garrett County Press, 2012.
iii. The Ways of the Hobo, by A-No. 1, the Famous Tramp, Written by Himself From Personal Experiences: A Book of Educational Worth in Connection With the National Demand for a Solving of the Tramp Problem. 1915. Rpt. New Orleans: Garrett County Press, 2012.
iv. From Coast to Coast With Jack London. 1917. Rpt. New Orleans: Garrett County Press, 2012.
v. Mother Delcassee of the Hoboes, and Other Stories. Erie, Pa.: The A-No. 1 Publishing Co., 1918.
b. Others
Cutler, Ian. The Lives and Extraordinary Adventures of Fifteen Tramp Writers From the Golden Age of Vagabondage. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2020.
Kennedy, Bart. A Tramp's Philosphy: The Rediscovered Classic of Sagacious Twaddle, and Occasional Insight by One With Erudition and Experience in Peregrination. 1908. Rpt. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2020.
London. The Road. 1907. Rpt. La Vergne, Tenn.: Double 9 Books, 2022.
8. New York City
a. The Police
Chepesiuk, Gangsters of Harlem, Ch. 14.
Maas. Serpico, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Harper Perennial, 2005: Ch. 8.
Night Stick: The Autobiography of Lewis J. Valentine. New York City: The Dial Press, 1947: Ch. 1-3, 16.
b. English
i. Paddy Whacked: The Untold Story of the Irish American Gangster. 2005. Rpt. New York City: William Morrow/Barnes & Noble, 2013: Ch. 4.
ii. The Westies: Inside New York's Irish Mob, rev. ed. New York City: St. Martin's Griffin, 2006: Ch. 1.
c. Other
Chepesiuk, Gangsters of Harlem, Ch. 2.
Dash. Satan’s Circus: Murder, Vice, Police Corruption, and New York’s Trial of the Century. New York City: Crown Publishers, 2007.
Greenburg, Michael M. The Mad Bomber of New York: The Extradordinary True Story of the Manhunt That Paralzed a City. New York City: Union Square Press, 2011: Ch. 1.
Kavieff, Paul R. The Life and Times of Lepke Buchalter: America’s Most Ruthless Labor Racketeer. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 2006: Ch. 1-2.
Messick. $yndicate Wife: The Story of Ann Drahmann Coppola, rev. ed. Covington, Ky.: For the Love of Books Publishing, 1995: Ch. 4.
Zacks, Richard. Island of Vice: Theodore Roosevelt’s Doomed Quest to Clean Up Sin-Loving New York. New York City: Doubleday, 2012.
9. Private Detectives
Moffett, Cleveland. True Detective Stories: From the Archives of the Pinkertons. 1897. Rpt. New York City: Log Cabin Press, 1921.
O’Grady, John, and Nolan Davis. O’Grady: The Life and Times of Hollywood’s No. 1 Private Eye. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1974: Ch. 2.
Riffenburgh, Ch. 12-14, 18, 25.
10. Asbury
a. The French Quarter: An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld. 1936. Rpt. San Francisco: Hauraki Publishing, 2016: Ch. 13-14.
b. The Gangs of Chicago: An Informal History of the Chicago Underworld. 1940. Rpt. New York City: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2002: Ch. 5-9.
11. Chinese Crime Syndicates
Culin, Stewart. The Í Hing or "Patriotic Rising." A Secret Society Among the Chinese in America. Chinese Secret Societies in the U. S. Customs of the Chinese in America. 1890. Rpt. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates, 1970.
P. Martin, Ch. 4.
12. Great Britain
Le Queux, Ch. 14-15.
Rendall, Vernon. The London Nights of Belsize. London: John Lane/The Bodley Head, 1917.
Thomas, Donald. Villains’ Paradise: A History of Britain’s Underworld. 2005. Rpt. New York City: Pegasus, 2006: Ch. 16.
13. The Irish
English, Paddy Whacked, Ch. 7.
O'Keefe, Joseph James, and Bob Considine. The Men Who Robbed Brink's: The Inside Story of the One of the Most Famous Holdups in the History of Crime. 1961. Rpt. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1964: Ch. 2.
Touhy, Roger, and Ray Brennan. The Stolen Years. 1959. Rpt. Chicago: Phocion Publishing, 2019: Ch. 4.
13. Prison
Heilbron, W.C. Convict Life at the Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, Minnesota, rev. ed. Minneapolis: Press of Murphy-Travis Co., 1909.
Lowrie, Donald. My Life in Prison. New York City: Mitchell Kennerley, 1912.
The Story of Cole Younger, by Himself: Being an Autobiography of the Missouri Guerrilla Captain and Outlaw, His Capture and Prison Life, and the Only Authentic Account of the Northfield Raid Ever Published. Chicago: The Henneberry Co., 1903: Ch. 33.
14. Other
Jad Adams, Ch. 9.
Black, Jack. You Can’t Win, rev. ed. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2013: Ch. 1, 5-24.
Chepesiuk. Black Gangsters of Chicago. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 2007: Ch. 1-2.
Crime Does Not Pay, Vol. VIII. Milwaukie, Ore.: Dark Horse Books, 2014.
Deitche, Scott. Cigar City Mafia: A Complete History of the Tampa Underworld, rev. ed. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 2005: Ch. 4.
Demaris. Poso del Mundo: Inside the Mexican-American Border, From Tijuana to Matamoros. 1970. Rpt. New York City: Pocket Books, 1971: Ch. 2.
Dickie, Blood Brotherhoods, Ch. 10-12, 14-16, 20-24.
English, Dangerous Rhythms, Ch. 1.
E.J. Epstein. The Annals of Unsolved Crime. New York City: Melville House, 2013: Ch. 15.
Garfield. The Last Hard Men. 1971. Rpt. New York City: Bantam Books, 1987.
Hollandsworth, Skip. The Midnight Assassin: The Hunt for America’s First Serial Killer. 2015. Rpt. New York City: Picador/Henry Holt and Co., 2017: Ch. 21.
Houdini, Harry [Erik Weisz]. The Right Way to Do Wrong: A Unique Selection of Writings by History’s Greatest Escape Artist. 1906. Rpt. New York City: Melville House Publishing, 2012: Ch. 1-18, 20.
Hynd, Ch. 7, 9.
Ianni, Francis A.J. Black Mafia: Ethnic Succession in Organized Crime. 1974. Rpt. London: New English Library, 1975: Ch. 3.
Lait, Jack [Jacquin Leonard Lait]. Beef, Iron and Wine. 1916. Rpt. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
G.W. Lee, Ch. 4, 6.
Lens, Left, Right & Center, Ch. 5.
Lowrie. My Life out of Prison. New York City: Mitchell Kennerley, 1915.
Maas. King of the Gypsies. 1975. Rpt. New York City: Bantam Books, 1976: Pt. 3.
Manso, Peter. Ptown: Art, Sex, and Money on the Outer Cape. New York City: Lisa Drew/Scribner, 2002: Ch. 19.
P. Martin, Ch. 5, 17, 24.
Mecklin, John Moffatt. The Ku Klux Klan: A Study of the American Mind. 1924. Rpt. Getzville, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co., 2014: Ch. 1.
Messick. The Mob in Show Business. 1973. Rpt. New York City: Pyramid Books, 1975: Ch. 1.
Riffenburgh, Ch. 16-17.
Shannon, Elaine. Desperados: Latin Drug Lords, U.S. Lawmen, and the War America Can’t Win, rev. ed. New York City: Penguin Books, 1989: Ch. 2.
Schechter, Harold. Man-Eater: The Life and Legend of an American Canibal. New York City: Little A, 2015: Ch. 36-39, 45-48.
Stanford, Phil. Portland Confidential: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Rose City, rev. ed. 2004. Rpt. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2018: Ch. 1.
Stone, Roger J., and Mike Colapietro. The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, rev. ed. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2014: Ch. 3.
Thackrey, Ted Jr. Gambling Secrets of Nick the Greek. 1968. Rpt. New York City: Pocket Books, 1970.
Vanardy, Varick [Frederic van Rensselaer Dey]. The Two-Faced Man. 1918. Rpt. London: Jarrolds, 1923.
Wodehouse, P.G. A Gentleman of Leisure. 1910. Rpt. Fairfield, Iowa: 1st World Library, 2004.
Cole Younger, Ch. 34-36.

D. Arts and Entertainment

1. Music
a. Latin
Collier, Simon. The Life, Music, and Times of Carlos Gardel. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1986: Ch. 1-2.
McGowan, Chris, and Ricardo Pessanha. The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova, and the Popular Music of Brazil, 2nd rev. ed. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2009: Ch. 2, 8.
Salazar, Max. Mambo Kingdom: Latin Music in New York. New York City: Schirmer Trade Books, 2002: Ch. 2.
Sublette, Ch. 20, 23-24.
b. Ragtime
Berlin, Edward A. Ragtime: A Musical and Cultural History. 1980. Rpt. Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse, 2002.
Blesh, Rudi, and Harriet Janis. They All Played Ragtime, 3rd rev. ed. New York City: Oak Publications, 1971.
Schafer, William J. et al. The Art of Ragtime: Form and Meaning of an Original Black American Art. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State UP, 1973.
Russell, Ross. Jazz Style in Kansas City and the Southwest, corr. ed. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1973: Ch. 6.
Wald, Elijah. How the Beatles Destroyed Rock ‘n’ Roll: An Alternative History of American Popular Music. New York City: Oxford UP, 2009: Ch. 2.
Waldo, Terry. This Is Ragtime, rev. ed. 1991. Rpt. New York City: Jazz at Lincoln Center Library Editions, 2009: Ch. 1-9, 11.
c. Tin Pan Alley
Fowler, Gene. Beau James: The Life & Times of Jimmy Walker. New York City: The Viking Press, 1949: Ch. 5.
Sheed, Wilfrid. The House That George Built, With a Little Help from Irving, Cole, and a Crew of About Fifty. New York City: Random House, 2007: Pt. 1.
Suisman, David. Selling Sounds: The Commercial Revolution in American Music. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2009: Ch. 1-2.
White, E.J. You Talkin' to Me?: The Unruly History of New York English. New York City: Oxford UP, 2020: Ch. 5.
Yagoda, Ben. The B Side: The Death of Tin Pan Alley and the Rebirth of the Great American Song. New York City: Riverhead Books, 2015: Ch. 2.
d. The Blues
Birnbaum, Larry. Before Elvis: The Prehistory of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Lanham, Md.: The Scarecrow Press, 2013: Ch. 2-3.
Davis, Francis. The History of the Blues. 1995. Rpt. Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2003: Pt. 2, Ch. 1-3.
De Visé, Daniel. King of the Blues: The Rise and Reign of B.B. King. New York City: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2021: Ch. 4.
Gioia, Ted. Music: A Subversive History. New York City: Basic Books, 2019: Ch. 22.
G.W. Lee, Ch. 9.
R. Russell, Ch. 5.
e. The Saxophone
Cottrell, Stephen. The Saxophone. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2012: Ch. 4.
Segell, Michael. The Devil’s Horn: The Story of the Saxophone, From Noisy Novelty to King of Cool. New York City: Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2005: Ch. 4-5.
f. Sven A. Kirsten
i. The Book of Tiki: The Cult of Polynesian Pop in Fifties America. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2000: Ch. 17.
ii. Tiki Pop: America Imagines Its Own Polynesian Paradise. Cologne, Germany: Musée du Quai Branly/Taschen, 2014: Ch. 5.
g. Other
Bergreen, Laurence. As Thousands Cheer: The Life of Irving Berlin. New York City: Viking, 1990: Ch. 2-6.
Birnbaum, Ch. 4.
Bom, Ch. 11-12.
Carter, Marva Griffin. Swing Along: The Musical Life of Will Marion Cook. New York City: Oxford UP, 2008: Ch. 3-4, 7, 9, 12.
Castles in the Air, by Irene Castle, As Told to Bob and Wanda Duncan. 1958. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1980: Ch. 8, 12.
Cuney-Hare, Maud. Negro Musicians and Their Music, rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, 1943: Ch. 9, 11, 14-15.
Doctorow, Ch. 30.
Driggs Frank, and Chuck Haddix. Kansas City Jazz: From Ragtime to Bebop – a History. New York City: Oxford UP, 2005: Ch. 2.
Dyer, Philip, Charles Spencer, and Martin Battersby. The World of Serge Diaghilev. 1974. Rpt. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin Books, 1979: Ch. 1-6.
George, Nelson. The Death of Rhythm & Blues. New York City: Pantheon Books, 1988: Ch. 1.
Gioia, Ch. 20, 23.
Hammarstrom, David Lewis. Fall of the Big Top: The Vanishing American Circus. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2008: Ch. 15.
Howland, John. "Ellington Uptown": Duke Ellington, James P. Johnson & the Birth of Concert Jazz. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 2009: Ch. 1.
Jasen, David A., and Gene Jones. Spreadin’ Rhythm Around: Black Popular Songwriters, 1880-1930. New York City: Schirmer Books, 1998: Ch. 2, 4-5, 7.
Lanza, Joseph. Elevator Music: A Surreal History of Muzak®, Easy-Listening, and Other Moodsong®, rev. ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 2004: Ch. 3.
G.W. Lee, Ch. 10.
Milner, Greg. Perfecting Sound Forever: The Story of Recorded Music. 2009. Rpt. London: Granta, 2010: Ch. 1, 3.
Mordden, Ethan. Beautiful Mornin’: The Broadway Musicial in the 1940s. New York City: Oxford UP, 1999: Ch. 12.
A People Passing Rude: British Responses to Russian Culture. Ed. Anthony Cross. Cambridge, U.K.: OpenBook Publishers, 2012: Ch. 8.
Peress, Maurice. Dvořák to Duke Ellington: A Conductor Explores America's Music and Its African American Roots. New York City: Oxford UP, 2004: Ch. 1-3, 5-7, 11-12.
Seibert, Brian. What the Eye Hears: A History of Tap Dancing. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015: Ch. 6-7, 20.
Smith, Laura Lee. Images of America: Steinway & Sons. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2020: Ch. 8.
Spiel, Ch. 10.
Sublette, Ch. 22.
Suisman, Ch. 3-6.
Sullivan, Jack. New World Symphonies: How American Culture Changed European Music. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 1999: Ch. 1.
Tau, Michael. Extreme Music: Silence to Noise and Everything in Between. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2022: Pt. 1, Ch. 2; Pt. 3, Ch. 2, 4-5, 7; Pt. 6, Ch. 1.
Toll, Robert C. The Entertainment Machine: American Show Business in the Twentieth Century. New York City: Oxford UP, 1982: Ch. 2, 4.
Wald, Ch. 1, 3, 7.
Walsh, Stephen. Debussy: A Painter in Sound, corr. ed. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2018: Ch. 2-12.
Wondrich, David. Stomp and Swerve: American Music Gets Hot 1843-1924. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2003: Pt. 3.
2. The Movies
a. Italy
Brunetta, Gian Piero. The History of Italian Cinema: A Guide to Italian Film From Its Origins to the Twenty-First Century, 2nd rev. ed. Trans. Jeremy Parzen. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2009: Ch. 1.
Frayling, Christopher. Sergio Leone: Something to Do With Death. London: Faber and Faber, 2000: Ch. 1.
b. Hollywood
Anger, Kenneth. Hollywood Babylon, rev. ed. 1975. Rpt. London: Arrow, 1991.
Bach, Steven. Final Cut: Art, Money, and Ego in the Making of Heaven's Gate, the Film That Sank United Artists, rev. ed. New York City: Newmarket Press, 1999: Ch. 1.
Bailey, Mark. Of All the Gin Joints: Stumbling Through Hollywood History. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2014: Pt. 1-2.
Ball, Edward. The Inventor and the Tycoon: A Gilded Age Murder and the Birth of Moving Pictures. New York City: Doubleday, 2013: Ch. 22.
Brownstein, Ronald. The Power and the Glitter: The Hollywood-Washington Connection, rev. ed. New York City: Vintage Books, 1992: Ch. 1.
E.J. Epstein. The Big Picture: Money and Power in Hollywood, rev. ed. New York City: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2006: Ch. 2.
Garfield. Western Films: A Complete Guide. 1982. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1988: Ch. 3-4, 6.
Kaplan, Sam Hall. L.A. Lost & Found: An Architectural History of Los Angeles. New York City: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1987: Ch. 5.
Thomson, David. Warner Bros: The Making of an American Movie Studio. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2017: Ch. 4.
c. Other
Berle, Milton [Mendel Berlinger], and Haskel Frankel. Milton Berle: An Autobiography. 1974. Rpt. New York City: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2002: Ch. 4.
Bordwell, David. Planet Hong Kong: Popular Cinema and the Art of Entertainment, rev. ed. Madison, Wis.: Irvington Way Institute Press, 2011: Ch. 3.
Castles in the Air, Ch. 11, 15.
Cawthorne, Nigel. A Brief History of Robin Hood. Philadelphia: Running Press Book Publishers, 2010: Ch. 13.
Crowther, Ch. 3-4.
Gehrts, Meg. A Camera Actress in the Wilds of Togoland: The Adventures, Observations and Experiences of a Cinematograph Actress in West African Forests Whilst Collecting Films Depicting Native Life and When Posing as the White Woman in Anglo-African Cinematograph Dramas. London: Seeley, Service & Co., 1915: Ch. 1-3.
George Lucas’s Blockbusting: A Decade-by-Decade Survey of Timeless Movies Including Untold Secrets of Their Financial and Cultural Success. Ed. Alex Ben Block and Lucy Autrey Wilson. New York City: George Lucas Books/It Books, 2010.
McCarty, John. Bullets Over Hollywood: The American Gangster Picture From the Silents to "The Sopranos." Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2004: Ch. 1.
Messick, The Mob in Show Business, Ch. 3.
North. The War on Mel Gibson: The Media vs. The Passion. Powder Springs, Ga.: American Vision, 2004: Ch. 1-5.
Nowak, Peter. Sex, Bombs, and Burgers: How War, Pornography, and Fast Food Have Shaped Modern Technology. 2010. Rpt. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2011: Ch. 3.
Singer, Matt. Opposable Thumbs: How Siskel & Ebert Changed Movies Forever. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2023: Ch. 3.
Skal, David J. Halloween: The History of America’s Darkest Holiday, rev. ed. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2016: Ch. 5.
Strausbaugh, John. Black Like You: Blackface, Whiteface, Insult & Imitation in American Popular Culture. New York City: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin Books, 2006: Ch. 6-7.
Thompson, Kristin. Exporting Entertainment: America in the World Film Market, 1907-34. London: BFI Publishing, 1985: Ch. 1-2.
Toll, Entertainment Machine, Ch. 1.
Wasser, Frederick. Veni, Vidi, Video: The Hollywood Empire and the VCR. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 2001: Ch. 1.
3. Theater
a. Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill (Hon. Wm. F. Cody) and His Wild West Companions, Including Wild Bill, Texas Jack, California Joe, Capt. Jack Crawford, and Other Famous Scouts of the Western Plains. Chicago: M.A. Donohue & Co., 1893: Ch. 20-24, 30.
Cody, William Frederic "Buffalo Bill," and William Lightfoot Visscher. Buffalo Bill's Own Story of His Life and Deeds. Chicago: Homewood Press, 1917: Ch. 23.
b. Mencken
i. George Bernard Shaw: His Plays. 1905. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2009.
ii. A Book of Burlesques, 1st ed. New York City: John Lane Co., 1916.
c. Eugene O'Neill
O'Neill, Eugene. Complete Plays 1913-1920. Ed. Travis Bogard. New York City: The Library of America, 1988.
Seibert, Ch. 8.
Sheed, Pt. 3.
Woollcott, Alexander. Shouts and Murmurs: Echoes of a Thousand and One First Nights. New York City: The Century Co., 1922: Ch. 11.
d. Toll
i. On With the Show!: The First Century of Show Business in America. New York City: Oxford UP, 1976: Ch. 9.
ii. Entertainment Machine, Ch. 6-7.
e. Others
Abbott, Karen. American Rose: A Nation Laid Bare: The Life and Times of Gypsy Rose Lee. New York City: Random House, 2010: Ch. 2-3, 5, 8.
Cantor. Pop Culture and the Dark Side of the American Dream: Con Men, Gangsters, Drug Lords, and Zombies. Lexington, Ky.: UP of Kentucky, 2019: Ch. 2.
Carter, Ch. 5-6, 8.
Castles in the Air, Ch. 3-7, 9-10, 14.
Chekhov, Anton P. Collected Works in Five Volumes, Vol. V: Plays (1887-1903). Ed. Raissa Bobrova. Trans. Kathleen Mary Cook and Ivy Litvinov, 1990.
R.H. Davis. Farces: The Dictator; The Galloper; "Miss Civilization." New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906.
Fowler, Beau James, Ch. 6.
Granlund, Nils Thor, Feder and Ralph Hancock. Blondes, Brunettes and Bullets. New York City: David McKay Co., 1957: Ch. 2-5.
Johnson, J.W. Black Manhattan. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1930: Ch. 9-10, 15.
Krasner, David. A Beautiful Pageant: African American Theatre, Drama and Performance in the Harlem Renaissance, 1910-1927. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002: Ch. 3-4, 7.
Reymont, Władysław Stanisław [Stanisław Władysław Rejment]. The Comédienne. 1896. Trans. Edmund Obecny. 1920. Rpt. Nashville, Tenn.: Onesuch Press, 2011.
Spiel, Ch. 8.
Stuart, Lyle [Lionel Simon]. The Secret Life of Walter Winchell, rev. ed. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 2003: Ch. 2-3.
Woollcott, Ch. 1, 10, 12-14.
4. Publishing
Baker, Nicholson, and Margaret Brentano. The World on Sunday: Graphic Art in Joseph Pulitzer’s Newspaper (1898-1911). New York City: Bulfinch Press, 2005.
Goulart, Ron. Cheap Thrills: The Amazing! Thrilling! Astonishing! History of Pulp Fiction. 1972. Rpt. Neshannock, Pa.: Hermes Press, 2007: Ch. 1, 3, 10-11.
Hajdu, David. The Ten-¢ent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008: Ch. 1.
Jews and American Comics: An Illustrated History of an American Art Form. Ed. Paul Buhle. New York City: The New Press, 2008: Ch. 1.
Mencken. My Life as Author and Editor. Ed. Jonathan Yardley. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993: Ch. 1-4, 8-9, 12, 19.
5. Vienna
a. Gustav Klimt
Fliedl, Gottfried. Gustav Klimt, 1862-1918: The World in Female Form. 1989. Trans. Hugh Beyer. Cologne, F.R.G.: Taschen, 1991.
Schorske, Ch. 5.
b. Other
Schorske, Ch. 7.
Spiel, Hilde. Vienna’s Golden Autumn, 1866-1938. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1987: Ch. 5-7.
6. Comedy
a. The Marx Brothers
i. Groucho
Arce, Hector. Groucho. New York City: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1979: Ch. 11.
Marx, Arthur. My Life With Groucho: A Son’s Eye View, rev. ed. 1988. Rpt. Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade Books, 1992: Ch. 3-4.
Marx, Groucho [Julius Marx], and Arce. The Groucho Phile: An Illustrated Life. 1976. Rpt. New York City: Galahad Books, 1979: Ch. 2.
ii. Other
P. Johnson. Humorists, Ch. 12.
G. Marx, and Richard Anobile. The Marx Bros. Scrapbook. 1973. Rpt. New York City: Harper & Row, 1989: Ch. 1.
Marx, Harpo [Adolph Marx], and Rowland Barber. Harpo Speaks! New York City: B. Geis Associates, 1961: Ch. 6-10.
b. Steve Allen
i. Funny People. New York City: Stein and Day, 1981.
ii. More Funny People. New York City: Stein and Day, 1982.
c. Others
Berle, [and Milt Rosen]. B.S. I Love You: Sixty Funny Years With the Famous and the Infamous. New York City: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1988.
Epstein, Lawrence J. The Haunted Smile: The Story of Jewish Comedians in America. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2001: Pt. 1.
P. Johnson, Humorists, Ch. 9.
King, Alan [Irwin Alan Kniberg], and Chris Chase. Name Dropping: The Life and Lies of Alan King. New York City: Scribner, 1996: Ch. 17.
Maslon, Laurence, and Michael Kantor. Make ‘em Laugh: The Funny Business of America. New York City: Twelve, 2008.
Miller, Christopher. American Cornball: A Laffopedic Guide to the Formerly Funny. New York City: Harper, 2014.
Nesteroff, Kliph. The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels, and the History of American Comedy. New York City: Grove Press, 2015: Ch. 1.
Newgarden, Mark, and Michael Schmelling. Cheap Laff: The Art of the Novelty Item. New York City: Harry N. Abrams, 2004.
Youngman, Henny, and Neal Karlen. Take My Life, Please! New York City: William Morrow & Co., 1991: Ch. 8.
7. Cabaret
The Spirit of Montmartre: Cabarets, Humor, and the Avant-Garde, 1875-1905. Ed. Phillip Dennis Cate and Mary Shaw. New Brunswick, N.J.: Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 1996.
8. Fine Arts
a. Art Nouveau

Alphonse Mucha. Ed. Sarah Mucha. 2000. Rpt. London: Frances Lincoln/The Mucha Foundation, 2005.
Camard, Florence. Jacques Émile Ruhlmann, rev. ed. Trans. Elisabeth G. Heard. 2009. Rpt. New York City: Rizzoli, 2011.
Sembach, Klaus-Jurgen. Art Nouveau. 1991. Rpt. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2016.
b. Impressionism
Boggs, Jean Sutherland et al. Degas. New York City: The Metropolitan Museum of Art/National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1988: Ch 3-4.
Feist, Peter H. Impressionist Art, 1860-1920, Vol. I: Impressionism in France. Ed. Ingo F. Walther. Cologne, Germany: Benedikt Taschen, 1993: Ch. 8-9.
Offenstadt, Patrick. Jean Béraud, 1849-1935: The Belle Époque: A Dream of Times Gone By. Cologne, Germany: Taschen/Wildenstein Institute, 1999.
Walther, and Rainer Metzger. Vincent Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings, Vol. II. 1989. Trans. Michael Hulse. Cologne, F.R.G.: Benedikt Taschen, 1990.
c. Post-Impressionism
i. Paul Gauguin
Gauguin: Maker of Myth. Ed. Belinda Thompson. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2010.
Vargas Llosa, Mario. The Way to Paradise. Trans. Natasha Wimmer. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003: Ch. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22.
Wildenstein, Daniel, Sylvie Crussard, and Martine Heudron. Gauguin: A Savage in the Making: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings (1873-1888), rev. ed., Vol. II. Milan, Italy: Skira/Wildenstein Institute, 2002.
ii. Others
Feist, Ch. 7.
P. Johnson, Humorists, Ch. 6.
De Montebello, Philippe et al. Monet’s Years at Giverny: Beyond Impressionism. New York City: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1978.
Salomon, Antoine, Guy Cogeval, and Mathias Chivot. Vuillard: The Inexhaustible Glance: Critical Catalogue of Paintings and Pastels. Milan, Italy: Skira/Wildenstein Institute, 2003: Vol. I-II.
Wildenstein, Guy et al. Pissaro: Critical Catalogue of Paintings, Vol. III. Trans. Mark Hutchinson and Michael Taylor. Milan, Italy: Skira Editore/Wildenstein Institute Publications, 2005.
d. Other
Fahlman, Betsy. Guy Pène du Bois: Painter of Modern Life. New York City: The Quantuck Lane Press, 2004.
Hanoum, Ch. 4.
Lienhard, John H. Inventing Modern: Growing Up With X-Rays, Skyscrapers, and Tailfins. New York City: Oxford UP, 2003: Ch. 5.
Edvard Munch: The Modern Eye. Ed. Angela Lampe and Clément Chéroux. 2011. Rpt. London: Tate Publishing, 2012.
A People Passing Rude, Ch. 9.
9. Radio
Bergreen. Look Now, Pay Later: The Rise of Network Broadcasting. 1980. Rpt. New York City: New American Library, 1981: Ch. 2, 4.
Fowler, Gene, and Bill Crawford. Border Radio: Quacks, Yodelers, Pitchmen, Psychics, and Other Amazing Broadcasters of the American Airwaves, rev. ed. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 2002.
Walker, Jesse. Rebels on the Air: An Alternative History of Radio in America. New York City: New York UP, 2001: Ch. 2.
10. Architecture
Llinàs Carmona, José, and Jordi Sarrà Arau. Jujol: Catalan Architect and Colleague of Gaudi. 1992. Rpt. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2007.
Okrent, Great Fortune, Ch. 5.
Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks. Frank Lloyd Wright: The Complete Works, Vol. I: 1885-1916. Ed. Peter Gössel. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2011.
Tilman, Jeffrey A. Arthur Brown, Jr.: Progressive Classicist. Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America/W.W. Norton & Co., 2006: Ch. 2.
11. Applied Arts
a. Louis Comfort Tiffany
i. Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen et al.
(1) Louis Comfort Tiffany at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York City: Metropolitan Musem of Art, 1999.
(2) Louis Comfort Tiffany and Laurelton Hall: An Artist’s Country Estate. New York City: Metropolitan Musem of Art/Yale UP, 2006.
ii. Other
P. Johnson. Creators: From Chaucer and Dürer to Picasso and Disney. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2006: Ch. 11.
b. Other
Miller, R. Craig, and Mark Darley. Modern Design in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1890-1990. New York City: The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Harry N. Abrams Publishers, 1990.
Strausbaugh, Black Like You, Ch. 8.
Trocme, Suzanne, and Neil Mersh. Retro Home. 2000. Rpt. New York City: Rizzoli, 2001.
Vargas-Cooper, Natasha et al. Mad Men Unbuttoned: A Romp Through 1960s America. New York City: CollinsDesign, 2010: Ch. 6.
12. Graphic Design
Art Chantry Speaks: A Heretic’s History of 20th Century Graphic Design. Ed. Monica René Rochester. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2015.
Müller, Jens, and David Jury. The History of Graphic Design, Vol. I: 1890-1959. Ed. Julius Wiedemann. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2017.
Remington, R. Roger, and Lisa Bodenstedt. American Modernism: Graphic Design, 1920 to 1960. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2003: Ch. 2.
13. Polynesiana
Hope, Dale et al. The Aloha Shirt: Spirit of the Islands, rev. ed. Ventura, Calif.: Patagonia Books, 2016: Ch. 8.
Kirsten, Tiki Pop, Ch. 4.
14. Literature
Altick, Richard D. The Scholar-Adventurers, rev. ed. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1987: Ch. 13.
Drabelle, Dennis. The Great American Railroad War: How Ambrose Bierce and Frank Norris Took on the Notorious Central Pacific Railroad. New York City: St. Martin’s Press, 2012: Ch. 7-8.
Exman, Eugene. The House of Harper: The Making of a Modern Publisher. 1967. Rpt. New York City: Harper Perennial, 2010: Ch. 15.
Ford, New York Essays, Ch. 3.
Le Queux, Ch. 12.
Leslie, Ch. 7.
The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar: Containing His Complete Poetical Works, His Best Short Stories, Numerous Anecdotes and a Complete Biography of the Famous Poet by Lida Keck Wiggins; and an Introduction by William Dean Howells. 1907. Rpt. Honolulu: UP of the Pacific, 2004.
15. Fairs
a. The World's Columbian Exposition
Northrup, H.D., and Nancy Huston Banks. The World's Fair As Seen in One Hundred Days, Containing a Complete History of the World's Columbian Exposition; Captivating Descriptions of the Magnificent Buildings and Marvelous Exhibits, Such As Works of Art, Textile Fabrics, Machinery, Natural Products, the Latest Inventions, Discoveries, Etc., Etc., Including a Full Description of Chicago, Its Wonderful Buildings, Parks, Etc. Philadelphia: Ariel Book Co., 1893: Ch. 6-36.
Peress, Ch. 4.
Wade, Stuart C. et al. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Handbook of the World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1893.
The World's Fair Album, Containing Photographic Views of Buildings, Statuary, Grounds, Interiors, Midway Plaisance Scenes, and Other Objects of Interest at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1893.
b. Amusement Parks
Denson, Charles. Images of America: Coney Island's Wonder Wheel Park. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2020: Ch. 1.
Geffken, Rick, and George Severini. Images of America: Lost Amusement Parks of the North Jersey Shore. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2017: Ch. 1-4.
c. Other
Adinolfi, Francesco. Mondo Exotica: Sounds, Visions, Obsessions of the Cocktail Generation, rev. ed. Ed. And Trans. Karen Pinkus and Jason Vivrette. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 2008: Ch. 6.
16. Food
Ralat, José R. American Tacos: A History and Guide. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 2020: Ch. 5, 7-8.
Sax, David. The Tastemakers: Why We're Crazy for Cupcakes but Fed Up With Fondue (Plus Baconomics, Superfoods, and Other Secrets From the World of Food Trends). Toronto: Signal/McClelland & Stewart, 2014: Ch. 11.
Serventi, Silvano, and Françoise Sabban. Pasta: The Story of a Universal Food. 2000. Trans. Anthony Shugaar. New York City: Columbia UP, 2002: Ch. 8.
17. Houdini
Gresham, William Lindsay. Houdini: The Man Who Walked Through Walls. 1959. Rpt. New York City: Manor Books, 1975: Ch. 1-26.
Houdini, Ch. 19.
18. Sports
Camp, Walter. Drives and Puts: A Book of Golf Stories. Boston: L.C. Page and Co., 1899.
London. The Cruise of the Snark. 1911. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 2004: Ch. 6.
19. Other
Abraham, Jeff, and Burt Kearns. The Show Won't Go On: The Most Shocking, Bizarre, and Historic Deaths of Performers Onstage. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2019: Ch. 5, 15.
Jad Adams, Ch. 5-8.
Adams, Joey [Joseph Abramowitz], and Henry Tobias. The Borscht Belt. 1966. Rpt. New York City: Bentley Publishing Co., 1973: Ch. 2.
Adams, Rachel et al. The American Circus. Ed. Susan Weber, Kenneth L. Ames, and Matthew Whittmann. New York City: Bard Graduate Center. Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture/Yale UP, 2012: Ch. 4-5, 11, 15.
Adinolfi, Ch. 2, 4, 16.
Arce, Hector. Groucho. New York City: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1979: Ch. 3-5.
Bannister, Ch. 11.
Barber. The Night They Raided Minsky’s. 1960. Rpt. New York City: Award Books, 1968: Ch. 3-5.
Bergreen, Look Now, Pay Later, Ch. 8.
Birmingham, Stephen. “The Rest of Us”: The Rise of America’s Eastern European Jews. 1984. Rpt. New York Open Road Integrated Media, 2015: Ch. 8.
Castle, Irene. My Husband. 1919. Rpt. Hong Kong: Forgotten Books, 2012: Ch. 1-3.
Douglas, Ann. Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s. New York City: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1995: Ch. 1-4.
P. Dyer, Spencer & Battersby, Ch. 7.
Gardner, Hy. Champagne Before Breakfast. New York City: Henry Holt and Co., 1954: Ch. 6.
Gavin, James. Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne. New York City: Atria Books, 2009: Ch. 1.
Gay, Peter. The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud, Vol. V: Pleasure Wars. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1998: Ch. 6.
Goddard, Leslie. Lost Chicago Department Stores. Charleston, S.C.: The History Press, 2022: Ch. 9.
Hammarstrom, Ch. 20.
Hayden, Ch. 18.
Hynes. A War Imagined: The First World War and English Culture. 1990. Rpt. New York City: Atheneum, 1991: Ch. 1.
Jay, Ricky [Ricky Jay Potash]. Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women. 1986. Rpt. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998: Ch. 1, 3, 6-7, 9, 13.
Kupcinet, Irv. Kup's Chicago: A Many-Faceted and Affectionate Portrait of Chicago. 1962. Rpt. Lanham, La.: Garrett County Press, 2012: Ch. 3.
Le Queux, Ch. 19.
Lienhard, Ch. 7.
Manso, Ptown, Ch. 6.
McManus, James. Cowboys Full: The Story of Poker. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009: Ch. 20, 22-23.
Noble, Ch. 8-9.
Okuefuna, David. The Dawn of the Color Photograph: Albert Kahn's Archives of the Planet. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2008: Ch. 9.
A People Passing Rude, Ch. 10-14.
Orbanes, Ch. 3.
Pizzitola, Louis. Hearst Over Hollywood: Power, Passion and Propaganda in the Movies. New York City: Columbia UP, 2002: Ch. 3, 7.
Schaeffer, Ch. 10.
Spielman, Ed. The Mighty Atom: The Life and Times of Joseph L. Greenstein. 1979. Rpt. London: Secker & Warburg, 1980: Ch. 2, 5.
Strausbaugh, The Village, Ch. 9.
Tuccille. Dillerland: The Story of Media Mogul Barry Diller. New York City: Alyson Books, 2009: Ch. 3.
J.A. Tucker, Bourbon for Breakfast, Ch. 60.
Williams, Robert, and Mike LaVella. The Hot Rod World of Robt. Williams. St. Paul, Minn.: Motorbooks, 2006: Ch. 6.
Cole Younger, Ch. 37.

E. The Anarcho-Capitalists

1. Benjamin Tucker
1. Instead of a Book, by a Man Too Busy to Write One: A Fragmentary Exposition of Philosophical Anarchism Culled From the Writings of Benj. R. Tucker. 1893. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1972.
2. Individual Liberty: Selections From the Writings of Benjamin R. Tucker. Ed. C.L.S. 1926. Rpt. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Reprint Co., 1973.
2. Others
Martin, James J. Men Against the State: The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism America, 1827-1908, rev. ed. 1970. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009: Ch. 9.
McElroy, Wendy. The Debates of Liberty: An Overview of Individualist Anarchism, 1881-1908. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2003.

F. Dar al-Islam

1. Persia
a. Kinzer
i. All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, rev. ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2008: Ch. 3-4.
ii. Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America’s Future, rev. ed. New York City: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2011: Ch. 1.
b. Other
Caryl, Christian. Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century. New York City: Basic Books, 2013: Ch. 7.
Cooper, Andrew Scott. The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran. New York City: Henry Holt and Co., 2016: Ch. 2.
Hiro, Dilip. Cold War in the Islamic World: Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Struggle for Supremacy. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2018: Ch. 2, 4.
Houtum-Schindler, Albert. Eastern Persian Irak. London: John Murray, 1896.
Kapuściński, Ryszard. Shah of Shahs. 1982. Trans. William R. Brand and Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand. 1985. Rpt. New York City: Vintage International, 1992.
Milani, Abbas. The Myth of the Great Satan: A New Look at America's Relations with Iran. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 2010: Ch. 3.
Wilson, The Rev. S.G. Persian Life and Customs: With Scenes and Incidents of the Residence and Travel in the Land of the Lion and the Sun, rev. ed. 1900. Rpt. New York City: AMS Press, 1973: Ch. 1-16.
Yenne, Bill. Operation Long Jump: Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Greatest Assassination Plot in History. Washington, D.C.: Regnery History, 2015: Ch. 1.
2. The Ottoman Empire
Azhderian, Antranig. The Turk and the Land of Haig, or, Turkey and Armenia: Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque. New York City: The Mershon Co., 1898.
Baer, Marc David. The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 2010: Ch. 2-4.
Barton, James L. Daybreak in Turkey. Boston: Pilgrim Press, 1908: Ch. 2, 5, 9-11, 19, 22, 26-28.
E. Black. The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust. Washington, D.C.: Dialog Press. 2010: Ch. 11.
Conder, Claude Reignier. Heth and Moab: Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882, rev. ed. 1889. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2008.
Cox, Samuel S. Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey. 1887. Rpt. New York City: Elibron Classics, 2005: Ch. 1-7, 14-16, 18, 23-46.
Gaidzakian, Ohan. Illustrated Armenia and the Armenians. Boston: B.H. Aznive, 1898: Ch. 9.
Hanoum, Ch. 1-3, 6-14, 16.
Ionescu, Ch. 21.
Leslie, Ch. 4, 8.
Mazower, Mark. Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950. 2004. Rpt. London: Harper Perennial, 2016: Ch. 13.
Montefiore, Simon Sebag. Jerusalem: The Biography. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011: Ch. 43.
Ochsenwald, William. Religion, Society, and the State in Arabia: the Hijaz Under Ottoman Control, 1840-1908. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1984: Ch. 9.
Radziwill, Ch. 7.
L.L. Snyder, Ch. 17.
Stead, Pt. 2, Ch. 2.
Sykes, Mark. The Caliphs' last Heritage: A Short History of the Turkish Empire. 1915. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1973: Pt. 2.
Taylor, Edmond. The Fall of the Dynasties: The Collapse of the Old Order, 1905-1922. 1963. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2015: Ch. 6.
3. Egypt
Alexander, John Romich. The Truth About Egypt. London: Cassell and Co., 1911.
Butcher, E.L. Things Seen in Egypt. London: Seeley, Service & Co., 1910.
Dwyer, James Francis. Breath of the Jungle. Chicago: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1915: Ch. 12.
Heyworth-Dunne, James. Religious and Political Trends in Modern Egypt. Washington, D.C.: J. Heyworth-Dunne, 1950: Ch. 2-3.
4. The Mahgreb
Alexander, Frances Gordon. Wayfarers in the Libyan Desert. London: A.L. Humphreys, 1912.
Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest von. Tunis: The Land and the People. London: Chatto & Windus, 1882.
Meakin, Ch. 1-30, 32-34.
5. Central Asia
Lieven, Anatol. Pakistan: A Hard Country. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2011: Ch. 11.
Tomsen, Peter. The Wars of Afghanistan: Messianic Terrorism, Tribal Conflicts, and the Failures of Great Powers. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2011: Ch. 4.
6. Other
Ajami, Fouad. The Dream Palace of the Arabs: A Generation’s Odyssey. 1998. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1999: Ch. 1-2.
Balakian, Ch. 5, 7, 9-12.
E. Black, The Farhud, Ch. 10.
Cook, David. Understanding Jihad. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 2005: Ch. 5.
R.H. Davis, The Rulers of the Mediterranean, Ch. 2, 4, 7
Doyle. The Tragedy of the Korosko. 1898. Rpt. London: Hesperus, 2003.
The FBI and Religion: Faith and National Security Before and After 9/11. Ed. Sylvester A. Johnson and Steven Weitzman. Oakland, Calif.: U of California P, 2017: Ch. 3.
Fregosi, Paul. Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests From the 7th to the 21st Centuries. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1998: Ch. 60.
Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace, Ch. 3-4.
Gossman, Lionel. The Passion of Max von Oppenheim: Archaeology and Intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Cambridge, U.K.: Open Book Publishers, 2013: Ch. 4, 6-8.
Hanighen, Ch. 10.
Katusa, Marin. The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped From America’s Grasp. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley/Casey Research, 2014: Ch. 10.
Keay, John. Sowing the Wind: The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2003: Ch. 1-2.
Kinzer, Reset, Ch. 2.
Kwitny, Jonathan. Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World, corr. ed. New York City: Penguin Books, 1986: Ch. 10.
Lamb, David. The Arabs: Journeys Beyond the Mirage, rev. ed. New York City: Vintage Books, 2002: Ch. 11.
Leslie, Ch. 5.
Okuefuna, Ch. 8.
Oren, Ch. 20.
Pryce-Jones, David. The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs, 2nd rev. ed. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2009: Ch. 4, 6.
A. Rose, Ch. 6.
Stoddard, Lothrop. The New World of Islam. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1921: Ch. 5, 8.
Strachan, Hew. The First World War. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2003: Ch. 4.
Viorst, Milton. In the Shadow of the Prophet: The Struggle for the Soul of Islam. 1998. Rpt.: Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2001: Ch. 4.

G. The United States

1. The Melting Pot
a. Illinois
i. Chicago
(1) The Democratic Machine
Luthin, Ch. 4.
O’Connor, Len. Clout: Mayor Daley and His City. 1975. Rpt. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1984: Ch. 1-2.
Royko, Mike. Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago, rev. ed. New York City: Plume, 1988: Ch. 2.
(2) Kupcinet
Kupcinet, Irv. Kup's Chicago: A Many-Faceted and Affectionate Portrait of Chicago. 1962. Rpt. Lanham, La.: Garrett County Press, 2012: Ch. 5.
Kup: A Man, an Era, a City: Irv Kupcinet’s Autobiography With Paul Neimark. Chicago: Bonus Books, 1988: Ch. 2.
(3) Other
Algren, Nelson. Chicago: City on the Make, 2nd rev. ed. Oakland, Calif.: Angel Island Publishing, 1968: Ch. 2, 4, 6.
Allswang, John M. Bosses, Machines, and Urban Voters, rev. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1986: Ch. 4.
Baatz, Ch. 2.
Ciccone, F. Richard. Royko: A Life in Print. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2001: Ch. 2, 4.
M.A. Collins & A.B. Schwartz, Ch. 2.
Demaris. Captive City. New York City: Lyle Stuart, 1969: Pt. 2, Ch. 2, 8, 15; Pt. 3, Ch. 10.
Friedkin, William. The Friedkin Connection: A Memoir. New York City: Harper, 2013: Ch. 1.
W.J. Gill, Ch. 2.
Goddard, Ch. 5, 7.
Horwitt, Sanford D. Let Them Call Me Rebel: Saul Alinsky – His Life and Legacy. 1989. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 1992: Ch. 1.
Keating, Ann Durkin. Building Chicago: Suburban Developers and the Creation of a Divided Metropolis. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1988: Ch. 3, 7.
Lait. Gus the Bus and Evelyn, the Exquisite Checker. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 197: Ch. 1-37.
McDougal, Dennis. The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA and the Hidden History of Hollywood. New York City: Crown Publishers, 1998: Ch. 1.
Messick. The Politics of Prosecution: Jim Thompson, Marje Everett, Richard Nixon & the Trial of Otto Kerner. Ottawa, Ill.: Caroline House Books, 1978: Ch. 2.
Michaeli, Ethan. The Defender: How the Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America: From the Age of the Pullman Porters to the Age of Obama. New York City: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016: Ch. 1.
Northrup & Banks, Ch. 4-6.
Platt, Harold L. The Electric City: Energy and the Growth of the Chicago Area, 1880-1930. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1991: Ch. 2-7.
Reid, Ch. 12.
Schiavo, Giovanni Ermenegildo. The Italians in Chicago: A Study in Americanization. 1928. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1975.
Smith, Sally Bedell. In All His Glory: The Life of William S. Paley: The Legendary Tycoon and His Brilliant Circle. Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1990: Ch. 1.
Talese. Thy Neighbor’s Wife, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Ecco, 2009: Ch. 1.
Von Hoffman, Nicholas. Radical: A Portrait of Saul Alinsky. New York City: Nation Books, 2010: Ch. 1.
ii. Downstate
Reagan, Ron. My Father at 100. New York City: Viking, 2011: Ch. 3.
Novak, Robert D. The Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting in Washington. New York City: Crown Forum, 2007: Ch. 2.
b. New York City
i. Locales
(1) Harlem
Gill, Jonathan. Harlem: The Four Hundred Year History From Dutch Village to Capital of Black America. New York City: Grove Press, 2011: Ch. 6-7.
Haskins, Jim. The Cotton Club. 1977. Rpt. New York City: Hippocrene Books, 1994: Ch. 1.
J.W. Johnson, Ch. 13.
D.L. Lewis. When Harlem Was in Vogue, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Penguin Books, 1997: Ch. 2.
McKay, Claude. Home to Harlem. 1928. Rpt. Garden City, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2024: Ch. 17.
(2) Times Square
Grimes, William. Appetite City: A Culinary History of New York. New York City: North Point Press, 2009: Ch. 8.
Traub, James. The Devil’s Playground: A Century of Pleasure and Profit in Times Square. New York City: Random House, 2004: Ch. 2-4, 18.
(3) Brooklyn
Campanella, Thomas J. Brooklyn: The Once and Future City. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2019: Ch. 7, 9-11.
Gabrielan, Randall. Brooklyn, New York in Vintage Postcards. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 1999: Ch. 1, 5, 7-8.
(4) Greater Astoria Historical Society et al.
Greater Astoria Historical Society, Thomas Jackson, and Richard Melnick. Images of America: Long Island City. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2004: Ch. 3, 7.
Walsh, Kevin, and the Greater Astoria Historical Society. Images of America: Forgotten Queens. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2013: Ch. 1, 5.
(5) Other
Anbinder, Tyler. City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic History of Immigrant New York. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016: Ch. 16.
Bianco, Anthony. Ghosts of 42nd Street: A History of America’s Most Infamous Block. New York City: William Morrow, 2004.
Bruno, Guido. Fragments From Greenwich Village. New York City: Guido Bruno, 1921.
Cannato, Vincent J. American Passage: The History of Ellis Island. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009: Ch. 3-13, 15.
Lait, and Lee Mortimer [Mortimer Lieberman]. New York: Confidential!, rev. ed. New York City: Crown Publishers, 1951: Ch. 3.
ii. The New York Times
Mnookin, Seth. Hard News: Twenty-One Brutal Months at The New York Times and How They Changed the American Media, rev. ed. New York City: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2005: Pt. 1.
Talese. The Kingdom and the Power: Behind the Scenes at The New York Times: The Institution That Influences the World. 1969. Rpt. New York City: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2007: Ch. 2-3, 7, 11.
iii. The Marx Brothers
(1) Groucho
Arce, Ch. 2.
Arthur Marx, Ch. 2.
G. Marx & Arce, Ch. 1.
(2) Harpo
Adolph Marx & Barber, Ch. 2-5.
iv. Roy Cohn
Von Hoffman. Citizen Cohn. 1988. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2023: Pt. 2.
W. Webb, Vol. I, Ch. 4.
v. Billy Rose [William Samuel Rosenberg]
Conrad, Earl [Earl Cohen]. Billy Rose, Manhattan Primitive. 1968. Rpt. New York City: Paperback Library, 1969: Ch. 1.
Gottlieb, Peggy Rose. The Nine Lives of Billy Rose. 1968. Rpt. New York City: New American Library, 1969: Ch. 4-5.
vi. Birmingham
(1) “Our Crowd”: The Great Jewish Families of New York. 1967. Rpt. New York City: Tess Press, 2004: Ch. 37.
(2) “The Rest of Us”: The Rise of America’s Eastern European Jews. 1984. Rpt. New York Open Road Integrated Media, 2015: Ch. 1.
vii. David Evanier
(1) Roman Candle: The Life of Bobby Darin. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale, 2004: Ch. 1.
(2) All the Things You Are: The Life of Tony Bennett. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2011: Ch. 1.
viii. Strausbaugh
(1) The Village, Ch. 6.
(2) Victory City: A History of New York and New Yorkers During World War II. New York City: Twelve, 2018: Ch. 3.
ix. Talese
(1) Thy Neighbor’s Wife, Ch. 6.
(2) Unto the Sons, Ch. 42.
x. Other
Adamic. Laughing in the Jungle: The Autobiography of an Immigrant in America. 1932. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1969: Ch. 3-6.
Albright & Kunstel, Ch. 2.
Allswang, Ch. 3.
Anbinder, Ch. 15, 17-19.
Asbury. The Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld. 1928. Rpt. New York City: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2001: Ch. 13, 15-16.
Balinska, Maria. The Bagel: The Surprising History of a Modest Bread. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2008: Ch. 5.
Bergreen, As Thousands Cheer, Ch. 1.
Berle & Frankel, Ch. 2-3.
Bourdain, Anthony. Typhoid Mary: An Urban Historical. New York City: Bloomsbury, 2001.
Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York City: Oxford UP, 1999: Ch. 59-69.
Cahn, Sammy [Samuel Cohen][, and Jerry Tallmer]. I Should Care: The Sammy Cahn Story. New York City: Arbor House, 1974: Ch. 1.
Chiang, Ch. 11.
Connable, Alfred, and Edward Silberfarb. Tigers of Tammany: Nine Men Who Ran New York. New York City: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967: Ch. 8.
Cudahy, Brian J. How We Got to Coney Island: The Development of Mass Transportation in Brooklyn and Kings County. New York City: Fordham UP, 2002: Ch. 1.
Cummings, Richard. The Pied Piper: Allard Lowenstein and the Liberal Dream. 1985. Rpt. New York City: InPrint.com, 2000: Ch. 2.
Doctorow, Ch. 5-7.
Eisler, Kim Isaac. Shark Tank: Greed, Politics, and the Collapse of Finley Kumble, One of America’s Largest Law Firms. 1990. Rpt. New York City: Plume, 1991: Ch. 5.
Fitzpatrick, Kevin C. A Journey Into Dorothy Parker’s New York. Berkeley, Calif.: Roaring Forties Press, 2005: Ch. 2.
Fleming, Michael. The Three Stooges: An Illustrated History: Amalgamated Morons to American Icons. 1999. Rpt. New York City: Broadway Books, Pt. 1, Ch. 1.
Fowler, Beau James, Ch. 2-4, 7.
Gaines, Steven. The Sky’s the Limit: Passion and Property in Manhattan. New York City: Little, Brown and Co., 2005: Ch. 7.
Gardner, Ch. 21.
Goldman, Albert, and Lawrence Schiller. Ladies and Gentlemen — Lenny Bruce!! New York City: Random House, 1974: Ch. 3.
Gottfried, Paul. Encounters: My Life with Nixon, Marcuse, and Other Friends and Teachers. Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2009: Ch. 1.
Grimes, Ch. 9-10, 12.
Guggenheim, Peggy. Confessions of an Art Addict, rev. ed. 1960. Rpt. Hopewell, N.J.: Ecco Press, 1997: Ch. 1.
Heller, Steven. Growing Up Underground: A Memoir of Counterculture New York. New York City: Princeton Architectural Press, 2022: Ch. 1.
Interborough Rapid Transit, 1904: The New York Subway: Its Construction and Equipment. 1904. Rpt. New York City: Fordham UP, 1991.
Jaffe, Eric. A Curious Madness: An American Combat Psychiatrist, a Japanese War Crimes Suspect, and an Unsolved Mystery From World War II. New York City: Scribner, 2014: Ch. 3.
J.W. Johnson, Ch. 7, 12.
Jones, Gerard. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book. New York City: Basic Books, 2004: Ch. 1.
Kennedy, William. Very Old Bones. New York City: Viking, 1992: Pt. 2, Ch. 1.
Kisseloff, Jeff. You Must Remember This: An Oral History of Manhattan From the 1890s to World War II, corr. ed. 1990. Rpt. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1999.
Kostelanetz, Richard. SoHo: The Rise and Fall of an Artist’s Colony. New York City: Routledge, 2003: Ch. 37.
Laskin, The Family, Ch. 5-6.
Lennon, J. Michael. Norman Mailer: A Double Life. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2013: Ch. 1.
Levy, Leon, and Eugene Linden. The Mind of Wall Street. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2002: Ch. 2.
Lundrigan, Margaret, and Tova Navarra. Images of America: Staten Island. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 1997: Ch. 2.
P. Martin, Ch. 6.
McGowen, Lauren, and Jennifer Dempsey. Images of America: Carvel Ice Cream. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2009: Ch. 1.
Meyerson, Harold, Ernie Harburg, and Arthur Perlman. Who Put the Rainbow in the Wizard of Oz?: Yip Harburg, Lyricist. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 1993: Ch. 1.
Mitgang, Herbert. Once Upon a Time in New York: Jimmy Walker, Franklin Roosevelt, and the Last Great Battle of the Jazz Age. 2000. Rpt. New York City: Cooper Square Press, 2003: Ch. 3-4.
Moore, Deborah Dash. At Home in America: Second Generation New York Jews. New York City: Columbia UP, 1981: Ch. 1-7.
Murray, James T., and Karla L. Murray. Store Front — The Disappearing Face of New York. Berkeley, Calif.: Gingko Press, 2010.
New York Unbound: The City and the Politics of the Future. Ed. Peter D. Salins. New York City: Basil Blackwell, 1988: Ch. 11.
Pedersen, Laura. Buffalo Gal: A Memoir. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum, 2008: Ch. 5.
Perino, Ch. 2.
Podell-Raber, Mickey, and Charles Pignone. The Copa: Jules Podell and the Hottest Club North of Havana. New York City: Collins, 2007: Ch. 1.
Riis, Jacob A. How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York. 1890. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 1997.
Riordan, Ch. 8-13, 20-22.
Rodgers, Richard. Musical Stages: An Autobiography. New York City: Random House, 1975: Ch. 1-2.
Schroth, Raymond A. Fordham: A History and Memoir, rev. ed. New York City: Fordham UP, 2008: Ch. 6.
Schulberg, Budd. What Makes Sammy Run?, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Random House, 1990: Ch. 9.
Seabrook, Ch. 10.
Shavelson, Melville. How to Succeed in Hollywood Without Really Trying: P.S. – You Can’t. Albany, Ga.: BearManor Media, 2007: Ch. 1.
Shnayerson, Michael. Bugsy Siegel: The Dark Side of the American Dream. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2021: Ch. 1.
Sklar, Robert. City Boys: Cagney, Bogart, Garfield. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1992: Ch. 1.
Tuccille. Heretic: Confessions of an Ex-Catholic Rebel. New York City: iUniverse, 2006: Ch. 2.
Youngman & Karlen, Ch. 3.
Wallach, Eli. The Good, the Bad and Me: In My Anecdotage. Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt, 2005: Ch. 1.
Wolf & DiMona, Pt. 1, Ch. 4, 6.
Zangwill, Israel. The Melting Pot: Drama in Four Acts, rev. ed. New York City: The Macmillan Co., 1914.
c. New Jersey
i. Atlantic City
Demaris. The Boardwalk Jungle. New York City: Bantam Books, 1986: Ch. 2-3.
Johnson, Nelson. Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City. Medford, N.J.: Plexus Publishing, 2002: Ch. 3-5.
ii. Frank Sinatra
Kaplan, James. Frank: The Voice. New York City: Doubleday, 2010: Ch. 1.
Taraborrelli, J. Randy. Sinatra: Behind the Legend, rev. ed. New York City: Grand Central Publishing, 2015: Ch. 1.
iii. Families of Future U.S. Supreme Court Justices
Biskupic, Joan. American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. New York City: Sarah Crichton Books/Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2009: Ch. 1.
Eisler. The Last Liberal: William J. Brennan, Jr., and the Decisions That Transformed America. 1993. Rpt. Washington, D.C.: Beard Books, 2005: Ch. 1.
iv. Other
Bailey, Blake. Philip Roth: The Biography. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2021: Ch. 1.
Carlo, Philip. The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 2006: Ch. 1.
Doctorow, Ch. 33.
L. Gordon & B. Singer, Ch. 1.
Konigsberg, Eric. Blood Relation. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005: Ch. 4.
Luthin, Ch. 6.
Messick, Secret File, Ch. 8.
Oppenheimer, Jerry. Crazy Rich: Power, Scandal, and Tragedy Inside the Johnson & Johnson Dynasty. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 2013: Ch. 6.
Pantoliano, Joe, and Evanier. Who's Sorry Now: The True Story of a Stand-Up Guy. 2002. Rpt. New York City: Plume, 2003: Ch. 1.
Trump, Donald J., and Tony Schwartz. Trump: The Art of the Deal. 1987. Rpt. New York City: Ballentine Books, 2004: Ch. 3.
Updike, John. In the Beauty of the Lilies. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996: Pt. 1.
d. Ohio
McDougal, Ch. 5.
Painter, Sue Ann et al. Architecture in Cincinnati: An Illustrated History of Designing and Building an American City. Athens, Ohio: Ohio UP, 2006: Ch. 5.
Tosches, Nick. Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams, corr. ed. New York City: Delta, 1999: Ch. 3.
e. Massachusetts
i. The Kennedy Dynasty
J.H. Davis. The Kennedys: Dynasty and Disaster, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: S.P.I. Books, 1992: Ch. 6-10.
English, Paddy Whacked, Ch. 9.
Hersh, Burton. Bobby and J. Edgar: The Historic Face-Off Between the Kennedys and J. Edgar Hoover That Transformed America. New York City: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2007: Ch. 2.
Kessler. The Sins of the Father: Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded. New York City: Warner Books, 1996: Ch. 2-3.
Lasky, Victor. J.F.K.: The Man and the Myth, rev. ed. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1966: Ch. 2.
Leamer. The Kennedy Men, 1901-1963: The Laws of the Father. New York City: William Morrow, 2001: Ch. 1-3.
Pietrusza, David. 1960 – LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged Three Presidencies. New York City: Union Square Press, 2008: Ch. 2.
ii. Others
Albright & Kunstel, Ch. 3.
Byron, Ch. 1.
Crowther, Ch. 2.
Daniels, John. In Freedom’s Birthplace: A Study of the Boston Negroes. 1914. Rpt. New Delhi: Isha Books, 2013: Ch. 6-10.
Fuller, Samuel, Christa Lang Fuller, and Jerome Henry Rudes. A Third Face: My Tale of Writing, Fighting, and Filmmaking. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002: Ch. 2-3.
Leland, Ch. 9.
Messick, Secret File, Ch. 17.
Stoddart, Dayton. Prelude to Night. New York City: Coward-McCann, 1945: Ch. 1-7.
R.J. Stone & Colapietro, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, Ch. 18.
Teresa, Vincent "Fat Vinnie," and Thomas C. Renner. My Life in the Mafia. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1973: Ch. 2.
f. Baltimore
Hollander, J.H. Guide to the City of Baltimore. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1893.
Mencken. The Days Trilogy, 2nd rev. ed. Ed. Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. New York City: Library of America, 2014.
Silverman, Chip. Diner Guys. New York City: Birch Lane Press, 1989: Ch. 2.
g. The Jews
i. J.R. Marcus
(1) United States Jewry, 1776-1985, Vol. III: The Germanic Period, Part 2. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1993: Ch. 6, 11-12, 14-16, 18, 21-22, 24-26.
(2) United States Jewry, 1776-1985, Vol. IV: The East European Period; The Emergence of the American Jew; Epilogue. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1993: Ch. 1, 3-7, 9-19, 21-22.
ii. Others
Berman, Susan. Easy Street. 1981. Rpt. New York City: Bantam Books, 1983: Ch. 5.
Birmingham, “The Rest of Us”, Ch. 3-5.
Blanc, Mel [Melvin Jerome Blank], and Philip Bashe. That's not all Folks! New York City: Warner Books, 1988: Ch. 1.
Cohen, Naomi W. Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis UP, 1999: Ch. 2-3.
Considine. Toots. New York City: Meredith Press, 1969: Ch. 1.
Coram, Robert. Brute: The Life of Victor Krulak, U.S. Marine. New York City: Little, Brown and Co., 2010: Ch. 1.
Cowan, Neil M., and Ruth Schwartz Cowan. Our Parents' Lives: The Americanization of Eastern European Jews. 1989. Rpt. Rutgers, N.J.: Rutgers UP, 1996.
Fuchs, Lawrence H. Beyond Patriarchy: Jewish Fathers and Families. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis UP, 2000: Ch. 9.
Gordon, Lorraine, and Barry Singer. Alive at the Village Vanguard: My Life in and out of Jazz. Milwaukee. Hal Leonard, 2006: Ch. 7.
Hendrick, Burton Jesse. The Jews in America. 1923. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1977.
Imagining the American Jewish Community. Ed. Jack Wertheimer. Waltham, Mass.: Brandeis UP, 2007: Ch. 2-3, 5, 7, 9, 13-15.
MacDonald, The Culture of Critique, Ch. 7.
Meier, Ch. 2.
Mirsky, Norman B. Unorthodox Judaism. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1978: Ch. 2, 7.
Ross, Edward Alsworth. The Old World in the New: The Significance of Past and Present Immigration to the American People. 1914. Rpt. New York City: J.S. Ozer, 1971: Ch. 7.
Russell, Thaddeus. A Renegade History of the United States. New York City: Free Press, 2010: Ch. 7.
Simon, Joe. My Life in Comics. London: Titan Books, 2011: Ch. 1.
Soyer, Daniel. Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939. 1997. Rpt. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2001.
Thomson, Ch. 3.
Waxman, Chaim I. American Aliya: Portrait of an Innovative Migration Movement. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1989: Ch. 8.
Weyl, The Jew in American Politics, Ch. 7-8, 13, 19.
Whitfield, Stephen J. In Search of American Jewish Culture. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis UP, 1999.
h. The Italians
Boulard, Garry. "Just a Gigolo": The Life and Times of Louis Prima. Lafayette, La.: U of Southwestern Louisiana. The Center for Louisiana Studies, 1989: Ch. 1.
De Stefano, Ch. 7.
Douglas, Charles G. III. Philadelphia's King of Little Italy: C.C.A. Baldi & His Brothers. Charleston, S.C.: The History Press, 2022: Ch. 3-16, 20.
Earley, Pete. Family of Spies: Inside the John Walker Spy Ring. New York City: Bantam Books, 1988: Ch. 3.
Ross, The Old World in the New, Ch. 5.
Sidran, Ben. The Ballad of Tommy LiPuma. Madison, Wis.: Nardis Books, 2020.
i. The Slavs
Ross, The Old World in the New, Ch. 6.
Vidich, Arthur J. With a Critical Eye: An Intellectual and His Times. Ed. Robert Jackall. Knoxville, Tenn.: Newfound Press/U of Tennessee Libraries, 2009: Ch. 1.
j. Hispanics
Romo, Ricardo. East Los Angeles: History of a Barrio. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 1983: Ch. 3-7.
Vaca, Nicolás C. The Presumed Alliance: The Unspoken Conflict Between Latinos and Blacks and What It Means for America. New York City: Rayo, 2004: Ch. 3.
k. Overall
Adamic, Louis [Alojzij Adamič]. What’s Your Name? New York City: Harper & Bros., 1942.
Allswang, Ch. 1.
Anderson, Jack, and Ronald W. May. McCarthy: The Man, the Senator, the "Ism." 1952. Rpt. London: Victor Gollancz, 1953: Ch. 2.
Barry, John M. Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1998: Ch. 8.
Blocker, Jack S. A Little More Freedom: African Americans Enter the Urban Midwest, 1860-1930. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 2008: Ch. 5-6, 8.
Byron, Christopher. Testosterone Inc.: Tales of CEOs Gone Wild. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2004: Ch. 3.
Coe, Andrew. Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United States. New York City: Oxford UP, 2009: Ch. 6.
Commons, John R. Races and Immigrants in America. New York City: The Macmillan Co., 1907.
S.D. Cox. The Big House: Image and Reality of the American Prison. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2009: Ch. 1, 3, 5.
J.H. Davis, Ch. 1.
Deitche, Ch. 1.
Doctorow, Ch. 12, 17.
Erie, Steven P. Rainbow's End: Irish-Americans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Politics, 1840-1985. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1988: Ch. 3.
Graham, Hugh Davis. Collision Course: The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America. New York City: Oxford UP, 2002: Ch. 3.
Granlund, Feder & R. Hancock, Ch. 1.
Greenburg, Ch. 2.
Haas, Ben. KKK. Evanston, Ill.: Regency Books, 1963: Ch. 4.
Hodel, Steve, and Ralph Pezzullo. Most Evil: Avenger, Zodiac, and the Further Serial Murders of Dr. George Hill Hodel. New York City: Dutton, 2007: Ch. 1, 25.
Laskin. The Long Way Home: An American Journey From Ellis Island to the Great War. New York City: Harper, 2010: Ch. 1-4.
Laurie & R.H. Cole, Ch. 4.
Moldea, Ch. 7.
Ottley, Roi. "New World A-Coming": Inside Black America. 1943. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2007: Ch. 10.
Oates, Joyce Carol. The Lost Landscape: A Writer’s Coming of Age. New York City: Ecco, 2015.
Park, Robert Ezra. The Immigrant Press and Its Control. 1922. Rpt. New York City: Andesite Press, 2015: Ch. 1-9, 11-18.
Ross, The Old World in the New, Ch. 8-12.
R. Russell, Ch. 2.
T. Russell, Ch. 8.
Fowler, Beau James, Ch. 8-9.
2. The Bush Dynasty
R. Baker, Ch. 2.
Bowen, Russell S. The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed. Carson City, Nev.: America West Publishers, 1991: Ch. 1.
Kelley, Kitty. The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, rev. ed. New York City: Anchor Books, 2005: Ch. 1-2.
Phillips, Kevin. American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush. New York City: Viking, 2004: Ch. 5, 8.
R.J. Stone, and St. John Hunt. The Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty, rev. ed. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing Co., 2017: Ch. 10-11.
3. Yale University
Caro, Power Broker, Ch. 2.
Robbins, Alexandra. Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power. Boston: 2002. Rpt. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Co., 2003: Ch. 6-7.
4. The West
a. California
i. Greater Los Angeles
(1) Jim Heimann et al.
Heimann, Jim. California Crazy and Beyond: Roadside Vernacular Architecture, rev. ed. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2001: Ch. 1.
Heimann, Jim, David L. Ulin, and Kevin Starr. Los Angeles: Portrait of a City. Ed. Heimann. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2009: Ch. 2.
(2) Others
Deverell, William, and Tom Sitton. Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900-1940. Oakland, Calif.: U of California P, 2017.
Friedricks, William B. Henry E. Huntington and the Creation of Southern California. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1992.
Geary, George. L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played. Solana Beach, Calif.: Santa Monica Press, 2016.
Issenberg, Sasha. The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy. New York City: Gotham Books, 2007: Ch. 5.
S.H. Kaplan, Ch. 4, 6.
Kneedler, H.S. Through Storyland to Sunset Seas: What Four People Saw on a Journey Through the Southwest to the Pacific Coast. 1895. Rpt. Cincinnati: A.H. Pugh Print Co., 1896: Ch. 18.
Knoedelseder, William. Fins: Harley Earl, the Rise of General Motors, and the Glory Days of Detroit. New York City: Harper Business, 2018: Ch. 2.
Halberstam, David. The Powers That Be. 1979. Rpt. Urbana, Ill.: U of Illinois P, 2000: Ch. 3.
Roderick, Kevin, and J. Eric Lynxwiler. Wilshire Boulevard: Grand Concourse of Los Angeles. Santa Monica, Calif.: Angel City Press, 2005: Ch. 1-3, 5, 7-9.
Sheehan, Perley Poore. Hollywood As a World Center. Los Angeles: Hollywood Citizen Press, 1924: Ch. 2.
Sides, Josh. L.A. City Limits: African American Los Angeles From the Great Depression to the Present. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 2003: Ch. 1.
Staley, Frank W. Staley's Views: Los Angeles, 1914-1915. San Francisco: Frank W. Staley, 1914.
Talese, Thy Neighbor’s Wife, Ch. 22.
Zeitlin, Harry, and Bennett Gilbert. Images of America: Early-20th-Century Los Angeles Bungalow Architecture. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2022.
ii. Greater San Francisco
Asbury. The Barbary Coast: An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld. 1933. Rpt. New York City: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2002: Ch. 11-12.
E. Ball, Ch. 1.
Caen, Herb. Baghdad by the Bay. 1949. Rpt. Sausalito, Calif.: Comstock Editions, 1989: Ch. 19.
Chiang, Monlin. Tides From the West: A Chinese Autobiography. 1947. Rpt. Taipei, R.O.C.: China Academy, 1974: Ch. 9.
Considine. Ripley, the Modern Marco Polo. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1961: Ch. 2.
Dallek, Matthew. The Right Moment: Ronald Reagan’s First Victory and the Decisive Turning Point in American Politics, rev. ed. New York City: Oxford, 2004: Ch. 1.
Kneedler, Ch. 20.
Liggett, Ch. 3.
London, The Cruise of the Snark, Ch. 1, 3.
Norris, Frank. McTeague: A Story of San Francisco, rev. ed. New York City: Doubleday & McClure, 1899.
Santa Cruz Seaside Co. The Santa Cruz Boardwalk: A Century by the Sea. Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press, 2007: Ch. 2-3.
Schuettinger, Robert L., and Eamonn F. Butler. Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls: How Not to Fight Inflation. 1979. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009: Ch. 12.
Tilman, Ch. 3, 7.
iii. Other
Blackford, Mansel G. The Politics of Business in California, 1890-1920. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1977.
Geary. Made in California: The California-Born Burger Joints, Diners, Fast Food & Restaurants That Changed America. Nashville, Tenn.: Prospect Park Books, 2021.
Kneedler, Ch. 17, 19, 22.
McManus, Ch. 36.
b. Montana
Connolly, Christopher P. The Devil Learns to Vote: The Story of Montana. New York City: Covici Friede Publishers, 1938: Ch. 4, 6-24.
Montville, Leigh. Evel: The High-Flying Life of Evel Knievel: American Showman, Daredevil, and Legend. New York City: Doubleday, 2011: Ch. 3.
c. New Mexico Territory
Burns, Walter Noble. The Saga of Billy the Kid. 1926. Rpt. Victoria, B.C.: Rare Treasure, 2021: Ch. 21.
Burr, Baldwin G. Images of America: Socorro. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2014: Ch. 1-2, 5-7.
Carpenter, Cindy, and Sherry Fletcher. Images of America: Hatch Valley. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2015: Ch. 1, 3-4.
Lummis, Charles Fletcher. The Land of Poco Tiempo. 1893. Rpt. Charleston, S.C.: BiblioBazaar, 2009: Ch. 5.
Otero, Miguel Antonio. My Life on the Frontier, 1864-1882: Incidents and Characters of the Period When Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico Were Passing Through the last of Their Wild and Romantic Years. 1935. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2010: Ch. 21-22.
Spillane, Mickey, and M.A. Collins. Last Stage to Hell Junction. New York City: Kensington Books, 2019.
d. Arizona Territory
i. Tombstone
Burns. Tombstone: An Illiad of the Southwest. 1927. Rpt. Albuquerque, N.M.: U of New Mexico P, 1999: Ch. 20, 22.
Martin, Douglas D. Tombstone’s Epitaph, rev. ed. 1958. Rpt. Norman, Okla.: U of Oklahoma P, 1997: Ch. 1-3, 5, 7, 12-13.
ii. Other
Alexander, Dave. Fearless Dave Allison: Border Lawman. Silver City, N.M.: High-Lonesome Books, 2003: Ch. 5.
Courtney, Bradley G., and Drew Desmond. True Tales of Prescott. Charleston, S.C.: The History Press, 2022: Ch. 9-13, 16-18, 21.
Forest, Earle R. Arizona’s Dark and Bloody Ground, rev. ed. 1950. Rpt. Tucson, Ariz.: U of Arizona P, 1979: Ch. 16-22.
McDowell, Edwin. Barry Goldwater: Portrait of an Arizonan. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1964: Ch. 4-5.
e. Wyatt Earp
Barra, Allen. Inventing Wyatt Earp: His Life and Many Legends, rev. ed. Lincoln, Neb.: U of Nebraska P, 2008: Ch. 10.
Isenberg, Andrew C. Wyatt Earp: A Vigilante Life. New York City: Hill and Wang, 2013: Ch. 6-7.
f. Garfield
i. The Lawbringers. 1962. Rpt. London: Arrow Books, 1969.
ii. Manifest Destiny. 1989. Rpt. New York City: Open Road Integrated Media, 2011.
g. Will James [Joseph Ernest Nephtali Dufault]
i. Cowboys North and South. 1924. Rpt. Missoula, Mont.: Mountain Press Publishing Co., 1995.
ii. The Drifting Cowboy. 1925. Rpt. Missoula, Mont.: Mountain Press Publishing Co., 1995.
h. Asa Shinn Mercer
Mercer. The Banditti of the Plains, or the Cattlemen's Invasion of Wyoming in 1892 (the Crowning Infamy of the Ages), corr. ed. Norman, Okla.: U of Oklahoma P, 1954.
Rush, N. Orwin. Mercer's Banditti of the Plains: The Story of the First Book Giving an Account of the Cattlemen's Invasion of Wyoming in 1892. Talahassee, Fla.: The Florida State University Library, 1961.
i. Other
Blum, Howard. The Floor of Heaven: A True Tale of the Last Frontier and the Yukon Gold Rush. New York City: Crown Publishers, 2011: Ch. 11-43.
Cobb, Irwin S. Roughing It De Luxe. New York City: George H. Doran Co., 1914.
R.H. Davis. The West From a Car-Window. 1892. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publications, 2008: Ch. 3-4, 6, 8.
Hamill, Ch. 1.
Kneedler, Ch. 16, 21.
Kwitny. The Mullendore Murder Case. 1974. Rpt. Mattituck, N.Y.: Amereon, 1990: Ch. 2-3.
Langmore, Bank, and Ron Tyler. The Cowboy. New York City: Ridge Press/William Morrow and Co., 1975: Ch. 9.
Liggett, Ch. 2.
Petzinger, Thomas Jr. Oil & Honor: The Texaco-Pennzoil Wars. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1987: Ch. 3.
Reisner, Ch. 4.
Ridings, Sam P. The Chisholm Trail: A History of the World’s Greatest Cattle Trail, Together With a Description of the Persons, a Narrative of the Events, and Reminiscences Associated With the Same. 1936. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2015: Ch. 28, 34.
Schechter, Ch. 40-44.
Sunset Magazine: A Century of Western Living, 1898-1998: Historical Portraits and a Chronological Bibliography of Selected Topics. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Libraries, 1998.
R. White. "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West. Norman, Okla.: U of Oklahoma P, 1991: Pt. 4.
Wright, Lawrence. Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013: Ch. 2.
5. The Negroes
a. W.E.B. Du Bois
Du Bois, W.E.B. The Quest of the Silver Fleece. 1911. Rpt. New York City: Oxford UP, 2007.
D.J. Flynn, Ch. 9.
b. Chester Himes
Himes, Chester. The Third Generation. 1954. Rpt. New York City: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1989: Ch. 1-9.
Sallis, James. Chester Himes: A Life. New York City: Walker & Co., 2000: Ch. 1.
c. Others
Adams, Clayton. Ethiopia: The Land of Promise: A Book With a Purpose. 1917. Rpt. LaVergne, Tenn.: Kessinger Publishing, 2010.
Baltzell, Protestant Establishment Revisited, Ch. 9.
Barry, Rising Tide, Ch. 9.
Bawer, Bruce. The Victims' Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind. New York City: Broadside Books, 2012: Ch. 3.
D.T. Beito, Ch. 9.
Chilton, John. Let the Good Times Roll: The Story of Louis Jordan and His Music. 1992. Rpt. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 1994: Ch. 1.
Cohen, Harvey G. Duke Ellington's America. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2010: Ch. 1.
Collins, Winfield H. The Truth About Lynching and the Negro in the South, in Which the Author Pleads That the South Be Made Safe for the White Race. New York City: The Neale Publishing Co., 1918: Ch. 3-4, 7.
Doctorow, Ch. 21, 23-24, 26, 37.
Gifford, Justin. Street Poison: The Biography of Iceberg Slim. New York City: Doubleday, 2015: Ch. 1.
Ginzburg, Ralph. 100 Years of Lynchings. 1962. Rpt. Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1988.
R.M. Gordon, Ch. 14-15.
Graham, Ch. 2.
Krasner, Ch. 1-2.
G.W. Lee, Ch. 12, 15, 17, 20.
Lincoln, C. Eric. Black Muslims in America, 2nd rev. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans/Africa World Press, 1994: Ch. 3.
Mecklin. Democracy and Race Friction: A Study in Social Ethics. 1914. Rpt. New York City: AMS Press, 1973.
Noble, Ch. 7.
Ottley, Ch. 13.
Page, Thomas Nelson. The Negro: The Southerner’s Problem. 1904. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2007: Ch. 3-4, 7-8.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 21.
Powell, A. Clayton Sr. Against the Tide: An Autobiography. 1938. Rpt. Salem, N.H.: Ayer Co., 1992.
Romano, Will. Big Boss Man: The Life and Music of Bluesman Jimmy Reed. San Francisco: Backbeat Books, 2006: Ch. 1.
Shipton, Allyn. Hi-De-Ho: The Life of Cab Calloway. New York City: Oxford UP, 2010: Ch. 1.
Short, Bobby. Black and White Baby. New York City: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1971: Ch. 2.
Southern, Ch. 5.
Walters, Ch. 16.
Wilson, Sunnie, and John Cohassey. Toast of the Town: The Life and Times of Sunnie Wilson. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998: Ch. 1, 9.
Wright, Richard. Black Boy (American Hunger). 1977. Rpt. Later Works. Ed. Arnold Rampersad. New York City: Library of America, 1991: Ch. 1-4.
6. The Northeast
a. New York
i. The Dulleses
Grose, Peter. Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles. 1994. Rpt. London: André Deutsch, 1995: Ch. 1.
Kinzer. The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War. New York City: Times Books, 2013: Ch. 1.
Mosley, Leonard. Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen, and John Foster Dulles and Their Family Network. 1978. Rpt. New York City: Dell Publishing Co., 1979: Ch. 1-2.
ii. W. Kennedy
(1) O Albany!: Improbable City of Political Wizards, Fearless Ethnics, Spectacular Aristocrats, Splendid Nobodies, and Underrated Scoundrels. 1983. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 1985: Pt. 5.
(2) Very Old Bones. New York City: Viking, 1992: Pt. 1, Ch. 1; Pt. 4, Ch. 4.
(3) The Flaming Corsage. New York City: Viking, 1996.
iii. R.H. Davis
a. The Boy Scout. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914.
b. Adventures and Letters, Ch. 4.
iv. Others
Asbury. All Around the Town: Murder, Scandal, Riot and Mayhem in Old New York. 1934. Rpt. San Francisco: Hauraki Publishing, 2016: Ch. 2-3.
Birmingham, “Our Crowd”, Ch. 31-33, 35, 39, 42.
Butler, Ellis Parker. The Adventures of a Suburbanite. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1911.
Carlucci, Phil. Images of America: Long Island Golf. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2015: Ch. 1, 6.
Castles in the Air, by Irene Castle, As Told to Bob and Wanda Duncan. 1958. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1980: Ch. 2.
Davis, Deborah. Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and Her Washington Post Empire, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Sheridan Square Press, 1991: Ch. 4.
Doctorow, Ch. 7, 9, 14-15, 28-29, 38-39.
Dunlop, M.H. Gilded City: Scandal and Sensation in Turn-of-the-Century New York. New York City: William Morrow, 2000.
Feldman, Ch. 4.
H.S. Fish, Ch. 2.
Frederic, Harold. The Damnation of Theron Ware. 1896. Rpt. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2012.
Friedman, Joe, and Richard Berenholtz. Inside New York: Discovering the Classic Interiors of New York. London: Phaidon, 1992.
Johnny Came Lately: An Autobiography by Fred de Cordova, Executive Producer of "The Tonight Show". 1988. Rpt. New York City: Pocket Books, 1989: Pt. 3.
Kahn. Jock: The Life and Times of John Hay Whitney. New York City: Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1981: Ch. 1-4.
Korda, Michael. Ulysses S. Grant: The Unlikely Hero. New York City: Atlas Books/HarperCollins, 2004: Ch. 10.
McDougall, Walt. This Is the Life! New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1926: Ch. 5-6.
Tuchman. Stillwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-1945. 1971. Rpt. New York City: Bantam Books, 1972: Ch. 1.
J.A. Tucker, Bourbon for Breakfast, Ch. 64.
b. Pennsylvania
Bird. The Chairman: John J. McCloy: The Making of the American Establishment. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1992: Ch. 1-2.
Lukacs, John. Philadelphia: Patricians & Philistines, 1900-1950. 1981. Rpt. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1982: Ch. 1, 4-6, 8.
Smith, Joseph Burkholder. Portrait of a Cold Warrior. 1976. Rpt. New York City: Ballentine Books, 1981: Ch. 1.
Talese, Unto the Sons, Ch. 17-18.
Woodward, George Abishai. Philadelphia and Its Environs: A Guide to the City and Surroundings, 2nd rev. ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1893.
c. Baltimore
Parker, Ch. 4.
Silverman, Appendix B.
Williams, Harold A. The Baltimore Sun, 1837-1987. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987: Ch. 5-9.
d. Connecticut
Canby, Henry Seidel. American Memoir, 2nd rev. ed. 1947. Rpt. New York City: Greenwood Press, 1968: Pt. 2.
R.H. Davis. The Scarlet Car. 1907. Rpt. Toronto: McLeod & Allen, 1984.
Westport Museum for History & Culture. Images of America: Westport. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2020: Ch. 6-7.
Wilcoxson, William Howard. History of Stratford, Connecticut, 1639-1939. 1939. Rpt. Salem, Mass.: Higginson Book Co., 1988: Ch. 50.
Yates, Richard. A Special Providence. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969: Pt. 2, Ch. 1.
e. The Pendergast Machine
Dorsett, Lyle W. The Pendergast Machine. New York City: Oxford UP, 1968: Ch. 1-5.
English, Dangerous Rhythms, Ch. 3.
Milligan, Maurice M. Missouri Waltz: The Inside Story of the Pendergast Machine by the Man Who Smashed It. New York City: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1948: Ch. 3.
Powell, Gene. Tom's Boy Harry: The First Complete, Authentic Story of Harry Truman's Connection With the Pendergast Machine. Jefferson City, Mo.: Hawthorn Publishing Co., 1948: Ch. 1-3.
Reddig, William M. Tom's Town: Kansas City and the Pendergast Legend, corr. ed. Columbia, Mo.: U of Missouri P, 1986: Ch. 2.
f. Hoagy Carmichael
Carmichael, Hoagy, and Stephen Longstreet. Sometimes I Wonder: The Story of Hoagy Carmichael. 1965. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1976: Ch. 1-3.
Sudhalter, Richard M. Stardust Melody: The Life and Music of Hoagy Carmichael. New York City: Oxford UP, 2002: Ch. 1-2.
g. Warren Harding
Downes, Ch. 2-3, 5-8.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 5.
h. Other
Baatz, Ch. 9.
Bicknell, Ernest Percy. Indianapolis Illustrated. Indianapolis: Baker-Randolph Lithography and Engraving Co., 1893.
Brodsky, Ch. 58-66.
Gelernter, David. America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered in the Obamacrats). New York City: Encounter Books, 2012: Ch. 3.
Isaacson, Walter, and E. Thomas. The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1986: Ch. 1-2.
Meckler, Laura. Dream Town: Shaker Heights and the Quest for Racial Equity. New York City: Henry Holt and Co.. 2023: Ch. 2.
Milligan, Ch. 1.
Smith, Richard Norton. The Colonel: The Life and Legend of Robert R. McCormick, 1880-1955. 1997. Rpt. Evanston, Ill.: Northwest UP, 2003: Ch. 3.
Van Meter, Jonathan. The Last Good Time: Skinny D’Amato, the Notorious 500 Club, and the Rise and Fall of Atlantic City. New York City: Crown Publishers, 2003: Ch. 2.
Vanderbilt, Arthur T. II. Fortune's Children: The Fall of the House of Vanderbilt. New York City: William Morrow and Co., 1989: Ch. 6-9.
Walters, Ch. 3-4, 6, 8.
Woodford, Frank B., and Arthur M. Woodford. All Our Yesterdays: A Brief History of Detroit. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1969: Ch. 9.
7. Foreign Policy
Higgs. Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government, rev. ed. Chicago: Independent Institute, 2013: Ch. 5-6.
Karp, Walter. The Politics of War: The Story of Two Wars Which Altered Forever the Political Life of the American Republic (1890-1920). 1979. Rpt. New York City: Franklin Square Press, 2003: Ch. 1-7.
McDougall, Walter A. Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter With the World Since 1776. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997: Ch. 5.
Oglesby, Carl. The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies From Dallas to Watergate and Beyond, rev. ed. New York City: Berkeley Medallion, 1977: Ch. 2.
8. Business
a. Finance
i. J.P. Morgan and Co.
Chernow, Ch. 8-9.
Doctorow, Ch. 19.
ii. Edwin Lefèvre
a. Wall Street Stories. 1901. Rpt. New York City: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
b. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. 1923. Rpt. New York City: John Wiley & Sons, 1994: Ch. 1-13, 19-20, 23.
iii. Other
Birmingham, “Our Crowd”, Ch. 38, 44.
Chester. Get-Rick-Quick Wallingford: A Cheerful Account of the Rise and Fall of an American Business Buccaneer. 1908. Rpt. New York City: Cosimo Classics, 2005.
Engelhardt, George W. Chicago: Its Board of Trade and Other Public Bodies. Chicago: Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, 1900: Ch. 10.
Lawrenson, Helen. Stranger at the Party: A Memoir. 1975. Rpt. New York City: Popular Library, 1977: Ch. 8.
Lawson, Thomas W. Friday, the Thirteenth. 1907. Rpt. Memphis, Tenn.: General Books, 2010.
Moody, Ch. 7.
Sterngold, James. Burning Down the House: How Green, Deceit, and Bitter Revenge Destroyed E.F. Hutton. New York City: Summit Books, 1990: Ch. 2.
Yago, Glenn. Junk Bonds: How High Yield Securities Restructured Corporate America. New York City: Oxford UP, 1991: Ch. 2.
b. Transportation
i. Automotive
(1) Henry Ford
Doctorow, Ch. 18.
Garrett, The Wild Wheel, Ch. 1-6, 9-10.
(2) Other
Heimann, and Phil Patton. 20th Century Classic Cars: 100 Years of Automotive Ads. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2009.
Hogan, John F., and John S. Maxson. Images of America: Chicago's Motor Row. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2021.
Jackson, Kenneth T. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States. New York City: Oxford UP, 1985: Ch. 9.
Lamm, Michael, and David Holls, A Century of Automotive Style: 100 Years of American Car Design. Stockton, Calif.: Lamm-Morada Publishing, 1997: Ch. 2-6, 8, 11.
Sorensen, Charles E., and Samuel L. Williamson. My Forty Years With Ford. 1956. Rpt. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2006: Ch. 1-11.
F.B. Woodford & A.M. Woodford, Ch. 11.
ii. Aviation
Biddle, Wayne. Barons of the Sky: From Early Flight to Strategic Warfare: The Story of the American Aerospace Industry. 1991. Rpt. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2001: Ch. 2-3.
Hartung, William D. Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex, rev. ed. New York City Nation Books, 2012: Ch. 2.
Lienhard, Ch. 11.
iii. Railroads
(1) Walter R. Borneman
(a) Iron Horses: America’s Race to Bring the Railroads West. 2010. Rpt. New York City: Back Bay Books, 2014: Ch. 17-23.
(b) Rival Rails: The Race to Build America’s Greatest Transcontinental Railroad. New York City: Random House, 2010: Ch. 14-15, 17-23.
(2) Others
Condit, Carl W. The Railroad and the City: A Technological and Urbanistic History of Cincinnati. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1977: Ch. 4.
G.W. Engelhardt, Ch. 8.
Drabelle, Ch. 5-6.
Memoirs of Henry Villard, Journalist and Financier, 1835-1900, Vol. II. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1904: Ch. 41.
iv. Cudahy
i. A Century of Subways: Celebrating 100 Years of New York's Underground Railways. New York City: Fordham UP, 2003: Ch. 2, 4-5.
ii. Box Boats: How Container Ships Changed the World. New York City: Fordham UP, 2006: Ch. 1, 3, 9.
c. Oil
Ansell, Ch. 2, 4-6.
Hanighen, Ch. 5, 11.
U. Sinclair. Oil! 1927. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 2007: Ch. 1-4.
Walters, Ch. 19.
d. Food
i. Restaurants
Arellano, Gustavo. Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America, rev. ed. New York City: Scribner, 2013: Ch. 10.
Fried, Stephen. Appetite for America: How Visionary Businessman Fred Harvey Built a Railroad Hospitality Empire That Civilized the Wild West. New York City: Bantam Books, 2009: Ch. 14-27.
Langdon, Philip. Orange Roofs, Golden Arches: The Architecture of American Chain Restaurants. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986: Ch. 2.
Mariani, Ch. 4-5.
Ozersky, Josh. The Hamburger: A History. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2008: Ch. 2.
ii. Grocers
(1) The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
Hoyt, Edwin P. That Wonderful A & P! New York City: Hawthorn Books Publishers, 1969: Ch. 6, 8-12.
Walsh, William I. The Rise and Decline of The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company. Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1986: Ch. 2.
(2) Other
Ruhlman, Michael. Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America. New York City: Abrams Press, 2017: Ch. 4.
Zimmerman, M.M. The Super Market: A Revolution in Distribution, rev. ed. New York City: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1955: Ch. 2.
e. Sweets
Allen, Frederick. Secret Formula: How Brilliant Marketing and Relentless Salesmanship Made Coca-Cola the Best-Known Product in the World. 1994. Rpt. New York City: Open Road Integrated Media, 2015: Ch. 1-3.
Brenner, Joël Glenn. The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars. 1999. Rpt. New York City: Broadway Books, 2000: Ch. 5, 7, 9-10.
Kahn. The Big Drink: The Story of Coca-Cola. New York City: Random House, 1960: Ch. 6-7, 9, 15-16.
f. Publishing
Exman, Ch. 14, 18-21.
Lawrenson, Ch. 5.
Pinkerton, Stewart. The Fall of the House of Forbes: The Inside Story of the Collapse of a Media Empire. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 2011: Ch. 11-12.
g. Pharmaceuticals
Kahn. All in a Century: The First 100 Years of Eli Lilly and Company. Indianapolis: Eli Lilly and Co., 1976: Ch. 4-7, 14.
C.C. Mann & Plummer, Ch. 3, 10.
Posner. Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America. New York City: Avid Reader Press, 2020: Ch. 3-4.
J.H. Young, Ch. 10-11.
h. Other
Abbott, Karl P. Open for the Season. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1950: Ch. 1-8.
F.L. Allen, Ch. 1-3, 9.
G. Allen, Ch. 1.
Bakke, Gretchen. The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future. New York City: Bloomsbury, 2016: Ch. 3.
Birmingham, “Our Crowd”, Ch. 26, 34.
Brooks, John. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales From the World of Wall Street. New York City: Open Road Integrated Media, 2014: Ch. 5.
Chamberlain, John. The Enterprising Americans: A Business History of the United States, rev. ed. Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1991: Ch. 11.
Cohan. Power Failure: The Rise and Fall of an American Icon. New York City: Portfolio/Penguin, 2022: Ch. 2.
Connolly, Ch. 25.
Crawford, Alan Pell. How Not to Get Rich: The Financial Misadventures of Mark Twain. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017: Ch. 14-23.
G.W. Engelhardt, Ch. 1-7, 9, 11-15.
Fitch, John A. The Steel Workers. 1910. Rpt. Miami: HardPress Publishing, 2015.
Garrett, The Driver, Ch. 2-3, 5-16.
George A. Fuller Company, General Contractors, 1882-1937: A Book Illustrating Recent Works of This Organization. New York City: George A. Fuller Co., 1937.
J. Grant, Ch. 15.
Heimann, Ch. 3.
Kahn. The Problem Solvers: A History of Arthur D. Little, Inc. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1986: Ch. 2-3.
Kessner, Thomas. Capital City: New York City and the Men Behind America’s Rise to Economic Dominance, 1860-1900. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2003: Ch. 5-6.
Langmore & Tyler, Ch. 7.
Lanza, Ch. 4, 7.
Levy, Shawn. The Last Playboy: The High Life of Porfiro Rubirosa. New York City: Fourth Estate, 2005: Ch. 11.
Lisagor & Lipsius, Ch. 2, 4.
Lundberg, Ch. 2.
MacDougall, Ch. 1-2, 4.
Manning, Matthew J. “The Death and Life of Great American Strip Malls: Evaluating and Preserving a Unique Cultural Resource.” M.A. Thesis. U of Georgia, 2009: Ch. 1.
Marcus, Leonard S. et al. Golden Legacy: How Golden Books Won Children's Hearts, Changed Publishing Forever, and Became an American Icon Along the Way. New York City: Golden Books, 2007: Ch. 1.
McKenna, Christopher D. The World’s Newest Profession: Management Consulting in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2006: Ch. 3.
Moody, Ch. 5.
Oppenheimer, Ch. 7-8.
Perino, Ch. 5.
Petzinger, Ch. 2.
Schweikart, Larry, and Lynne Pierson Doti. American Entrepreneur: The Fascinating Story of the People Who Defined Business in the United States, rev. ed. New York City: AMACOM, 2010: Ch. 8.
Smith, Roy C. The Money Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Great Buyout Boom of the 1980s. 1990. Rpt. Washington, D.C.: BeardBooks, 2000: Ch. 1-2.
Starbuck, Dane. The Goodriches: An American Family. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2001: Ch. 6.
Villard, Ch. 42, 44.
The Voluntary City: Choice, Community, and Civil Society. Ed. Beito, Peter Gordon, and Alexander Tabarrok. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P/The Independent Institute, 2002: Ch. 5.
Wasik, John F. The Merchant of Power: Samuel Insull, Thomas Edison, and the Creation of the Modern Metropolis. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006: Ch. 1-5.
Younger, Richard D. The People's Panel: The Grand Jury in the United States, 1634-1941. Providence, R.I.: American History Research Center/Brown UP, 1963: Ch. 12.
9. The U.S. Army
R.H. Davis, The West From a Car-Window, Ch. 2, 7.
Laurie & R.H. Cole, Ch. 15.
Manguso, John M. Images of America: San Antonio in the Great War. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2014: Ch. 1.
McManus, Ch. 26.
Miles, Nelson A.Serving the Republic, Ch. 13-14.
Pride, Capt. W.F. The History of Fort Riley. 1926. Rpt. Fort Riley, Kan.: U.S. Cavalry Museum and Fort Riley Historical and Archaeology Society, 1987: Ch. 10-12, 15.
Tuchman, Stillwell and the American Experience in China, Ch. 3.
10. Southern Florida
a. Leamer
Madness Under the Royal Palms: Love and Death Behind the Gates of Palm Beach, rev. ed. New York City: Hyperion, 2009: Ch. 1, 11.
Leamer, Laurence. Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump's Presidential Palace. New York City: Flatiron Books, 2019: Ch. 2.
b. Others
Allman, T.D. Miami: City of the Future. New York City: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987: Ch. 5, 7-10.
Bramson, Seth H. Miami: The Magic City. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2007: Ch. 1-3.
Chepesiuk, Gangsters of Miami, Ch. 1.
Eddy, Paul et al. The Cocaine Wars. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1988: Ch. 12.
Nash, Eric P., and Randall C. Robinson Jr. MiMo: Miami Modern Revealed. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2004: Ch. 1.
Posner, Gerald L. Miami Babylon: Crime, Wealth, and Power – a Dispatch From the Beach. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2009: Ch. 3.
Randall, Elizabeth, and Bob Randall. Past & Present: Historic Orlando. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2022.
11. Architecture
Gottfried, Herbert, and Jan Jennings. American Vernacular: Buildings and Interiors, rev. ed. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2009: Ch. 8, 10, 14.
Heimann, Ch. 3.
Tilman, Ch. 5.
Wright, Gwendolyn. USA: Modern Architectures in History. London: Reaktion Books, 2008: Ch. 2.
12. The Midwest
Anderson, Sherwood. Many Marriages. 1923. Rpt. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2019.
Cook, William Wallace. His Friend the Enemy. New York City: G.W. Dillingham Co., 1903.
Friesen, Gordon. Flamethrowers. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1936: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Ch. 1-6.
Gavin. Is That All There Is?: The Strange Life of Peggy Lee. New York City: Atria Books, 2014: Ch. 1.
Vaughan, Joe H. Images of America: Kansas City, Kansas. Charleston, S.C., 2012: Ch. 2-3.
13. Nixon
a. RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, rev. ed. New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1990.
b. In the Arena, Ch. 4-5.
E.J. Epstein, Agency of Fear, Ch. 4.
Dallek, Robert. Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2007: Ch. 1.
Feldstein, Mark. Poisoning the Press: Richard Nixon, Jack Anderson, and the Rise of Washington’s Scandal Culture. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010: Ch. 1.
Perlstein, Rick. Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America, corr. ed. New York City: Scribner, 2009: Ch. 2.
Pietrusza, 1960, Ch. 4.
Stone, Roger J., and Mike Colapietro. Nixon’s Secrets. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing Co., 2014: Ch. 1-2.
Summers, Anthony, and Robyn Swan. The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon. 2000. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 2001: Ch. 1.
White, Theodore H. Breach of Faith: The Fall of Richard Nixon. 1975. Rpt. New York City: Dell, 1976: Ch. 3.
14. Ronald Reagan
Cannon, Lou. Governor Reagan: His Rise to Power. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2003: Ch. 2.
Colacello, Bob. Ronnie & Nancy: Their Path to the White House, 1911 to 1980. New York City: Warner Books, 2004: Ch. 1.
Eliot, Marc. Reagan: The Hollywood Years. New York City: Harmony Books, 2008: Ch. 1.
Reagan & Hubler, Ch. 1.
Sandbrook, Dominic. Mad as Hell: The Crisis of the 1970s and the Rise of the Populist Right. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011: Ch. 10.
14. M. Josephson
a. The Politicos, Ch. 14-15, 18.
b. The President Makers, Ch. 1.
15. Kauffman
a. America First!: Its History, Culture, and Politics, rev. ed. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2016: Ch. 1, 11.
b. With Good Intentions?: Reflections on the Myth of Progress in America. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1998: Ch. 1-3, 5.
c. Look Homeward, America, Ch. 1.
16. J.T. Patterson
a. Mr. Republican, Ch. 3-4.
b. The Dread Disease: Cancer and Modern American Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1987: Ch. 2-3.
17. The Newspapers
S.H. Adams. Common Cause: A Novel of the War in America. 1919. Rpt. Lincoln, Neb.: Potomac Books, 2019: Pt. 1-2.
Cobb. Stickfuls: Compositions of a Newspaper Minion. New York City: George H. Doran Co., 1923: Ch. 1-6.
Considine. It’s All News to Me: A Reporter’s Deposition. New York City: Duell, Sloan and Pearce/Meredith Press, 1967: Ch. 4-5.
Crouse, Timothy. The Boys on the Bus. 1973. Rpt. New York City: Ballentine Books, 1974: Ch. 2.
Farr, Finis. Fair Enough: The Life of Westbrook Pegler. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House Publishers, 1975: Ch. 2-3.
Kahn. The World of Swope. New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1965: Ch. 6-8.
D.D. Martin, Ch. 6.
Messick, Secret File, Ch. 9.
Michaeli, Ch. 2-4.
Kupcinet, Irv. Kup's Chicago: A Many-Faceted and Affectionate Portrait of Chicago. 1962. Rpt. Lanham, La.: Garrett County Press, 2012: Ch. 4.
R.N. Smith, Ch. 5.
Tifft, Susan E., and Alex S. Jones. The Trust: The Private and Powerful Family Behind the New York Times. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1999: Ch. 3-8.
18. Religion
S.D. Cox. American Christianity: The Continuing Revolution. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 2014: Ch. 1, 11.
Douthat, Ross. Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics. New York City: Free Press, 2012: Ch. 6.
Finke, Roger, and Rodney Stark. The Churching of America, 1776-2005: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers UP, 2005: Ch. 6-7.
Frank, Douglas. Less Than Conquerors: The Evangelical Quest for Power in the Early Twentieth Century. 1986. Rpt. Eugene, Ore.: Wipf and Stock, 2009: Ch. 2-6.
Murch, Ch. 14, 20, 22.
19. The South
a. New Orleans
Barry, Rising Tide, Ch. 24.
Fountain, Kimber. The Maceos and the Free State of Galveston: An Authorized History. Charleston, S.C.: The History Press, 2020: Ch. 2.
Groenevelt, Carl E. New Orleans Illustrated in Photo Etching: From New and Original Plates With Descriptive Text. Chicago: James P. Craig Publisher, 1892.
New Orleans: A Descriptive View Book in Colors. Denver: H.H. Tammen Co., 1913.
b. Georgia
Acklom, George Moreby. Jekyl Island Club, Brunswick, Georgia. 1916. Rpt. New York City: W.E. Rudge's Sons, 1936.
Richardson, Jennifer J., and Spencer Tunnell II. Images of America: Olmstead's Linear Park. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2022.
c. Elsewhere
Lauterbach, Preston. Beale Street Dynasty: Sex, Song, and the Struggle for the Soul of Memphis. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2015: Ch. 5-14.
20. Calvin Coolidge
The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. 1929. Rpt. Honolulu: UP of the Pacific, 2004: Ch. 2-3.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 6.
21. Other
Sherwood Anderson. Collected Stories. Ed. Charles Baxter. New York City: Library of America, 2012.
Baltzell. Philadelphia Gentleman: The Making of a National Upper Class, rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1989: Ch. 2.
Baritz, Loren. The Good Life: The Meaning of Success for the American Middle Class. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989: Ch. 1.
Drabelle, Ch. 10.
D.T. Beito, Ch. 2-6, 8.
D.E. Bernstein, Rehabilitating Lochner, Ch. 2.
Brodsky, Ch. 13-56.
Calhoun, Charles W. From Bloody Shirt to Full Dinner Pail: The Transformation of Politics and Governance in the Gilded Age. New York City: Hill and Wang, 2010: Ch. 3-6.
Bennett, Larry. Fragments of Cities: The New American Downtowns and Neighborhoods. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 1990: Ch. 4.
Caro, Lyndon Johnson, Vol. III, Ch. 15.
W.S. Cole. Charles A. Lindbergh and the Battle Against American Intervention in World War II. New York City: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974: Ch. 2.
Cowley, Malcolm. Exile’s Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920s, 2nd rev. ed. 1956. Rpt. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin Books, 1976: Pt. 1, Ch. 1-4.
Dawson, Carol and Carol Johnston. House of Plenty: The Rise, Fall and Revival of Luby’s Cafeterias. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 2006: Ch. 2.
DeFrank, Thomas M. Write It When I'm Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations With Gerald R. Ford. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2007: Ch. 10.
Dellinger, Matt. Interstate 69: The Unfinished History of the Last Great American Highway. New York City: Scribner, 2010.
Doctorow, Ch. 25, 27, 31, 34.
Eisenhower, John S.D. American General: The Life and Times of William Tecumseh Sherman. New York City: NAL Caliber, 2014: Ch. 21.
Eliot, Ch. 9.
Engstrom, Erik J. Partisan Gerrymandering and the Construction of American Democracy. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 2013: Ch. 9.
Feldman, Ch. 5.
Gentry, Ch. 4.
Harrington, Dale. Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis: Nazi Agent of Influence. Dulles, Va.: Brassey’s, 1999: Ch. 1.
Hoplin, Nicole, and Ron Robinson. Funding Fathers: The Unsung Heroes of the Conservative Movement. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2008: Ch. 2, 5, 8.
Hunter & Bainbridge, Ch. 32.
Johnson. A History of the American People. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997: Pt. 6.
Kelley, Robert. The Transatlantic Persuasion: The Liberal-Democratic Mind in the Age of Gladstone, rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1990: Ch. 8.
Kiedis, Anthony, and Larry Sloman. Scar Tissue. New York City: Hyperion, 2004: Ch. 1.
Kirk, Conservative Mind, Pt. 10, Ch. 4-5.
Kneedler, Ch. 1-7.
Kushins, C.M. Nothing’s Bad Luck: The Lives of Warren Zevon. New York City: Da Capo, 2019: Ch. 1.
Larson, Erik. In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin. New York City: Crown, 2011: Ch. 1.
Lashner, William. Veritas. New York City: ReganBooks, 1997: Ch. 33, 54.
Lecklider, Aaron. Inventing the Egghead: The Battle Over Brainpower in American Culture. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2013: Ch. 1.
Lott, Ch. 9.
MacNeil, Neil, and Richard A. Baker. The American Senate: An Insider’s History. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2013: Ch. 4.
A.E. Martin, Ch. 16-19, 21.
Mayer, Ch. 3, 5.
McClanahan, Ch. 12.
W. McDougall, Ch. 8-14.
Messick, Secret File, Ch. 8.
Mezzrow, Milton “Mezz,” and Bernard Wolfe. Really the Blues, rev. ed. New York City: Dell Publishing Co., 1953: Ch. 1.
Neal, Ch. 1.
Offner, Arnold. Another Such Victory: President Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1953. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 2002: Ch. 1.
Ozersky. Colonel Sanders and the American Dream. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 2012: Ch. 1.
Paul, and Lewis Lehrman. The Case for Gold: A Minority Report of the U.S. Gold Commission. 1982. Rpt. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007: Ch. 3.
Pizzitola, Ch. 1-2, 4-5.
Rasenberger, Jim. America, 1908: The Dawn of Flight, the Race to the Pole, the Invention of the Model T, and the Making of a Modern Nation. New York City: Scribner, 2007.
Remini, Robert V. The House: The History of the House of Representatives. New York City: The Library of Congress/Smithsonian Books/Collins, 2006: Ch. 11-12.
Sammarco, Anthony Mitchell. A History of Howard Johnson's: How a Massachusetts Soda Fountain Became an American Icon. Charleston, S.C.: American Palate, 2013: Ch. 1.
Stadiem, William. Jet Set: The People, the Planes, the Glamour, and the Romance in Aviation’s Glory Years. New York City: Ballantine Books, 2014: Ch. 4.
Starbuck, Ch. 3-5, 7-8.
Svejda, George J. History of the Star Spangled Banner From 1814 to the Present. 1969. Rpt. Honolulu: UP of the Pacific, 2005: Ch. 14-15.
Talese. The Kingdom and the Power, Ch. 8.
E. Thomas, War Lovers, Ch. 9.
Thompson, David. Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996: Pt. 1, Ch. 1.
Tuccille. Kingdom: The Story of the Hunt Family of Texas. 1984. Rpt. Washington, D.C.: Beard Books, 2003: Ch. 2-11.
Tuchman, Proud Tower, Ch. 3.
Vaca, Ch. 5.
Walter, Marc, and Sabine Arqué. American 1900: An American Odyssey: Photos From the Detroit Photographic Company, 1888-1924. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2020.
Walters, Ch. 5, 7, 9, 12, 17-18, 20.
Watson, Elmo Scott. A History of Newspaper Syndicates in America, 1865-1935, rev. ed. Chicago: Elmo Scott Watson, 1936: Ch. 6-7.
Watts, Steven. Mr. Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2008: Ch. 1.
Wiebe, Ch. 4-5.

H. Mittleuropa

1. The German Empire
a. The Hohenzollern Dynasty
Hohenzollern, Friedrich Wilhelm Victor August Ernst, and Karl Rosner. Memoirs of the Crown Prince of Germany. 1922. Rpt. Honolulu: UP of the Pacific, 2004: Ch. 1-3.
Ionescu, Ch. 29.
b. The Young Nazis
i. Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel
(1) Goering: The Rise and Fall of the Notorious Nazi Leader. 1962. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2011: Ch. 1.
(2) Heinrich Himmler: The Sinister Life of the SS and the Gestapo. 1965. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2007: Ch. 1.
ii. Others
Hanfstaengl, Ernst. Hitler: The Memoir of the Nazi Insider Who Turned Against the Fuhrer. 1957. Rpt. New York City: Arcade Publishing, 2020: Ch. 1.
Heinz, Heinz A. Germany's Hitler, rev. ed. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1938: Ch. 3.
Posner, and John Ware. Mengele: The Complete Story. 1986. Rpt. New York City: Cooper Square Press, 2000: Ch. 1.
Roberts, Stephen H. The House That Hitler Built, 2nd rev. ed. London: Metheun Publishers, 1939: Pt. 1, Ch. 2.
Weitz, John. Hitler’s Diplomat: The Life and Times of Joachim von Ribbentrop. New York City: Ticknor & Fields, 1992: Ch. 2.
c. Other
Bassett, Richard. Hitler’s Spy Chief, rev. ed. New York City: Pegasus Books, 2011: Ch. 2-3.
Beachy, Ch. 3-5.
Browder, George C. Foundations of the Nazi Police State: The Formation of Sipo and SD. Lexington, Ky.: UP of Kentucky, 1990: Ch. 3.
Brown, Constantine. The Coming of the Whirlwind. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1964: Ch. 2-4.
Burleigh. Germany Turns Eastward: A Study of Ostforschung in the Third Reich, corr. ed. London: Pan Books, 2002: Ch. 1.
Caldwell, Ch. 4.
Denny, Ludwell. We Fight for Oil. 1928. Rpt. Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press, 1976: Ch. 12.
Elon, Amos. The Pity of It All: A Portrait of the German-Jewish Epoch, 1743-1933. 2002. Rpt. New York City: Picador, 2003: Ch. 7-8.
Enrich, David. Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction, rev. ed. New York City: Custom House, 2021: Ch. 1.
Evans, Richard J. In Hitler’s Shadow: West German Historians and the Attempt to Escape From the Nazi Past. London: I.B. Tauris & Co., 1989: Ch. 5-6.
Fromkin, Europe’s Last Summer, Ch. 9.
Gossman, Ch. 3, 13.
Hambloch, Ernest. Germany Rampant: A Study in Economic Militarism. London: Duckworth, 1939: Ch. 11.
Hunt, Violet, and Hueffer. The Desirable Alien at Home in Germany. London: Chatto and Windus, 1913.
Innes, Ch. 20.
Ionescu, Ch. 2-3, 7, 22.
Lertzman, Richard A., and William J. Birnes. Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2013: Ch. 2.
Life and Adventures of A-No. 1, Ch. 9.
MacMillan, Ch. 3-4.
Mann, Thomas. The Magic Mountain, rev. ed. Trans. H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955.
C.C. Mann & Plummer, Ch. 2.
Nock, Ch. 9, 19.
Ortner, Helmut. The Lone Assassin: The Epic True Story of the Man Who Almost Killed Hitler, rev. ed. Trans. Ross Benjamin. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2012: Ch. 7.
Radziwill, Ch. 8.
The Raven of Zürich: The Memoirs of Felix Somary, rev. ed. Trans. A.J. Sherman. London: C. Hurst & Co., 1986: Ch. 11.
E. Taylor, Ch. 8.
Tuchman, Proud Tower, Ch. 6.
Villard, Ch. 38.
2. The Habsburg Empire
a. The House of Habsburg-Lorraine
King, Greg, and Sue Woolmans. The Assassination of the Archduke: Sarajevo 1914 and the Romance That Changed the World. 2013. Rpt. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 2014: Ch. 1-11.
Radziwill, Ch. 3.
Snyder, Timothy. The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke. New York City: Basic Books, 2008.
E. Taylor, Ch. 5.
b. Vienna
i. Arthur Schnitzler
(1) Lieutenant Gustl. 1901. Trans. Richard L. Simon. Copenhagen: Green Integer, 2003.
(2) Youth in Vienna. 1968. Trans. Catherine Hutter. New York City: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970: Pt. 4-7.
ii. Others
Aragon-Yoshida, Ch. 3, 5.
Borsi, Franco, and Ezio Godoli. Vienna 1900: Architecture and Design. 1985. Trans. Marie-Hélène Agüeros. New York City: Rizzoli International Publications, 1986.
M. Gordon. Erik Jan Hannussen: Hitler's Jewish Clairvoyant. Los Angeles: Feral House, 2001: Ch. 1.
McCraw, Thomas K. Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 2007: Ch. 2-3.
Musil, Robert. The Man Without Qualities, corr. ed. Ed. Adolf Frisé. 1978. Trans. Sophie Wilkins and Burton Pike. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Somary, Ch. 1, 3, 8, 10.
Schorske, Ch. 1, 3, 6.
Spiel, Ch. 9.
Tallis, Frank. Vienna Secrets: A Max Liebermann Mystery. 2009. Rpt. New York City: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2010.
Weyr, Thomas. The Setting of the Pearl: Vienna Under Hitler. New York City: Oxford UP, 2005: Ch. 5.
c. The Austrian School of Economics
i. Ludwig von Mises
Selected Writings of Ludwig von Mises, Vol. I: Monetary and Economic Problems Before, During, and After the Great War. Ed. Richard M. Ebeling. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2012: Pt. 1.
g. Selected Writings of Ludwig von Mises, Vol. II: Between the Two World Wars: Monetary Disorder, Interventionism, Socialism, and the Great Depression. Ed. Ebeling. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002: Pt. 5.
ii. Others
The Next Generation of Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Joseph T. Salerno. Ed. Per Bylund and David Howden. Auburn, Ala.: Mises Institute, 2015: Ch. 5.
Schulak & Unterköfler, Ch. 10-13, 19.
Somary, Ch. 2, 9.
d. Adolf Hitler
A. Carr, Ch. 17.
Carr, James, and Archana Kumar. Hipster Hitler. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2012: Ch. 1.
Cawthorne, Nigel. Hitler: The Psychiatric Files: The Madness of the Führer. London: Arcturus, 2016.
Heinz, Ch. 1-2.
Hitler Is Alive!: Guaranteed True Stories Reported by the National Police Gazette. Ed. Steven A. Westlake. New York City: Mysterious Press/Open Road Integrated Media, 2016.
Kubizek, August. The Young Hitler I Knew: The Memoirs of Hitler's Childhood Friend. Trans. Geoffrey Brooks. 2006. Rpt. New York City: Arcade Publishing, 2011.
Machtan, Lothar. The Hidden Hitler: An Intimate Portrait. Trans. John Brownjohn and Susanne Ehlert. 2001. Rpt. New York City: Bristol Park Books, 2013: Ch. 1.
J.R. Marcus, The Rise and Destiny of the German Jew, Ch. 4, 17.
S.H. Roberts, Pt. 1, Ch. 1.
Spotts, Frederic. Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics, rev. ed. Woodstock, N.Y.: The Overlook Press, 2009: Ch. 1, 8-9, 13.
e. Joseph Roth
i. The Emperor's Tomb. 1938. Trans. Michael Hoffman. New York City: New Directions, 2013: Ch. 1-10.
ii. The Tale of the 1002nd Night. 1939. Trans. Hoffman. New York City: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.
iii. The Collected Stories of Joseph Roth. 1992. Trans. Hofmann. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 2002.
f. Other
Adamic, Laughing in the Jungle, Ch. 1-2.
Beatty, Lost History of 1914, Ch. 5.
Blom, Ch. 3.
C.M. Clark, Ch. 2.
Colacello. Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up, rev. ed. New York City: Vintage Books, 2014: Ch. 2.
E.J. Epstein, Annals of Unsolved Crime, Ch. 7.
Fodor, M.W. South of Hitler, rev. ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co./The Riverside Press, 1939: Ch. 13.
Fromkin, Europe’s Last Summer, Ch. 8, 11.
Holbach, Maude M. Dalmatia: The Land Where East Meets West. London: John Lane/The Bodley Head, 1908.
Ionescu, Ch. 4-5, 8, 15, 17, 20.
Kornai, János [János Kornhauser]. By Force of Thought: Irregular Memoirs of an Intellectual Journey, rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2006: Ch. 1.
Lee, Hermione. Tom Stoppard: A Life. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2021: Ch. 1.
MacMillan, Ch. 8.
McCraw, Ch. 1, 5.
The Memoirs of Elias Canetti, Vol. I, Pt. 1.
Meyer, G.J. A World Undone: The Story of the Great War. New York City: Delacorte Press, 2006: Ch. 2.
Miles, Jonathan. The Nine Lives of Otto Katz: The Remarkable Story of a Communist Super-Spy. London: Bantam Press, 2010: Ch. 3.
Miller, Nicholas J. Between Nation and State: Serbian Politics in Croatia Before the First World War. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1997: Ch. 3-5.
Poundstone, William. Prisoner's Dilemma: John von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb. 1992. Rpt. New York City: Anchor Books, 1993: Ch. 2.
Pupin, Ch. 5.
Sempre Avanti Savoia!: Trento e Trieste All'Italia. New York City: The Aste Press, 1915.
Somary, Ch. 6-7, 14.
Zweig, Stefan. The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography. 1942. Rpt. London: Pushkin Press, 2014: Ch. 1-4.
3. Other
Fromkin, Europe’s Last Summer, Ch. 7.
Stadiem, Ch. 11.

I. Asia

1. East Asia
a. Korea

Fehrenbach. This Kind of War: The Classic Korean War History. 1963. Rpt. Washington, D.C.: Brassey's, 1994: Ch. 2.
Halberstam. The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War. New York City: Hyperion, 2007: Ch. 3.
Harden, Blaine. The Great Leader and the Fighter Pilot: The True Story of the Tyrant Who Created North Korea and the Young Lieutenant Who Stole His Way to Freedom. New York City: Viking, 2015: Ch. 1.
Hastings. The Korean War. 1987. Rpt. Basingstoke, U.K.: Papermac, 1993: Ch. 1.
Sands, William Franklin. Undiplomatic Memories: The Far East, 1896-1904. 1930. Rpt. Seoul, R.O.K.: Royal Asiatic Society. Korea Branch, 1975: Ch. 2-15.
Yim, Louise [Yong-Sin Im]. My Forty Year Fight for Korea. Ed. Emanuel H. Demby. 1951. Rpt. Seoul: Chungang University. International Research Center, 1959: Ch. 1-4.
Ward, Orlando. Korea – 1950. 1952. Rpt. Washington, D.C.: United States. Army. Center of Military History, 1982: Ch. 1.
b. Japan
i. C. Johnson
(1) MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1982: Ch. 2-3.
(2) An Instance of Treason: Ozaki Hotsumi and the Sorge Spy Ring, rev. ed. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1990: Ch. 2.
ii. Others
Bartholomew, James R. The Formation of Science in Japan: Building a Research Tradition. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 1989: Ch. 6.
Harries, Meirion, and Susie Harries. Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army, 1868-1945. London: William Heinemann, 1991: Ch. 6-9.
Jaffe, Ch. 2, 4.
Sands, Ch. 1.
Satow, Ernest. A Diplomat in Japan: The Inner History of the Critical Years in the Evolution of Japan When the Ports Were Opened and the Monarchy Restored. 1921. Rpt. Berkeley, Calif.: Stone Bridge Press, 2006.
S. Seagrave & P. Seagrave, The Yamato Dynasty, Ch. 4.
c. China
i. The Manchu Dynasty
(1) Der Ling Yu
(a) Imperial Incense. New York City: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1933.
(b) Son of Heaven. New York City: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1935: Ch. 1-29, 31-32.
(2) Others
Headland, Isaac Taylor. Court Life in China. 1909. Rpt. Memphis, Tenn.: General Books, 2010.
S. Seagrave & P. Seagrave, Dragon Lady, Ch. 10-15, 17-18, 20, 23-26.
La Fargue, Thomas E. China's First Hundred: Educational Mission Students in the United States, 1872-1881. 1942. Rpt. Pullman, Wash.: Washington State UP, 1987: Ch. 4, 8.
ii. The Boxer Rebellion
Casserly, Ch. 11-12.
Yu, Ch. 30.
iii. H. Hoover
Hamill, Ch. 3, 10.
Liggett, Ch. 5, 7.
iv. Others
Booth, Martin. The Dragon Syndicates: The Global Phenomenon of the Triads, rev. ed. 1999. Rpt. New York City: Carroll & Graf, 2000: Pt. 2, Ch. 1-2.
J. Bradley, Ch. 4.
Chiang, Ch. 2-8, 10, 13-17, 21.
Dong, Stella. Shanghai: The Rise and Fall of a Decadent City. New York City: William Morrow, 2000: Ch. 3.
Edwards, Lee. Missionary for Freedom: The Life and Times of Walter Judd. New York City: Paragon House, 1990: Ch. 3.
La Fargue, Ch. 9.
Linebarger, Paul M.A. The China of Chaing K’ai-Shek: A Political Study. 1943. Rpt. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1973: Ch. 9.
Reinsch, Paul S. An American Diplomat in China. 1922. Rpt. Taipei, R.O.C.: Ch'eng-Wen Publishing Co., 1967: Pt. 1.
Ross. The Changing Chinese: The Conflict of Oriental and Western Cultures in China. 1911. Rpt. London: Forgotten Books, 2012: Ch. 1-5, 7-10.
S. Seagrave. The Soong Dynasty. New York City: Harper & Row, 1985: Ch. 2-4, 6.
Tuchman, Stillwell and the American Experience in China, Ch. 2.
Utley. Last Chance in China. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1947: Ch. 12.
"Weale, B.L. Putnam" [Betram Lenox Simpson]. The Fight for the Republic in China. 1917. Rpt. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1918: Ch. 1-4.
White, Theodore H., and Annalee Jacoby. Thunder Out of China, rev. ed. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1980: Ch. 3.
d. Hawaii
Grant, M. Forsyth. Scenes in Hawaii, or, Life in the Sandwich Islands. Toronto: Hart & Co., 1888.
London, The Cruise of the Snark, Ch. 7-8.
e. Conrad
i. Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River. 1895. Rpt. New York City: The Modern Library, 2002.
ii. Victory: An Island Tale, rev. ed. 1920. Rpt. New York City: Modern Library, 2003.
iii. The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows. 1920. Rpt. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1995.
iv. Lord Jim, 2nd corr. ed. Ed. Thomas C. Moser. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1996.
v. An Outcast of the Islands, corr. ed. Ed. John Henry Stape. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2002.
f. Other
Bacon, George B., and Frederick Wells Williams. Siam, the Land of the White Elephant, As It Was and Is, rev. ed. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1892: Ch. 2, 8, 10, 12-19.
Bartholomew, James. The Richest Man in the World: The Sultan of Brunei. 1989. Rpt. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1990: Ch. 3.
Casserly, Ch. 10.
Dwyer, Ch. 1-2, 4-7, 9, 11.
Keeley, Ch. 4, Appendix B.
Landor, A. Henry Savage. An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet. New York City: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1910.
London, The Cruise of the Snark, Ch. 2, 4-5, 9-17.
Mackay, Kenneth. The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia. 1895. Rpt. Middletown, Conn.: Weslayan UP, 2003.
Okuefuna, Ch. 5-6.
Palmer, James. The Bloody White Baron: The Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia. New York City: Basic Books, 2009: Ch. 3.
Townsend, Ralph. Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China. 1933. Rpt. Washington, D.C.: Barnes Review, 1997: Ch. 9.
2. The Levant
a. Palestine
Agnon, S.Y. [Smuel-Yoysef Tshatshkes]. Only Yesterday. 1945. Trans. Barbara Harshav. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2000.
Avnery, Uri [Helmut Ostermann]. Israel Without Zionism: A Plan for Peace in the Middle East. 1968. Rpt. New York City: Collier Books, 1971: Ch. 4.
Ball, George W., and Douglas B. Ball. The Passionate Attachment: America’s Involvement With Israel, 1947 to the Present. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1992: Ch. 8.
Gorny, Yosef. Zionism and the Arabs, 1882-1948: A Study of Ideology. Trans. Chaya Galai. New York City: Oxford UP, 1987: Pt. 1.
Sharon, Ariel [Ariel Scheinermann], and David Chanoff. Warrior: The Autobiography of Ariel Sharon, rev. ed. 1989. Rpt. New York City: Touchstone Books, 2001: Ch. 1.
b. Other
Anderson, Scott. Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East. New York City: Doubleday, 2013: Ch. 1, 3.
Emin, Ahmed. Turkey in the World War. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 1930: Ch. 5, 16.
Bell, Getrude Lowthian. Syria: The Desert and the Sown. 1907. Rpt. New York City: Cooper Square Press, 2001.
Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace, Ch. 1.
D. Lamb, Ch. 11.
3. Transcaucasia
Kazemadeh, Firuz. The Struggle for Transcaucasia, 1917-1921. 1951. Rpt. London: Anglo Caspian Press, 2008: Ch. 2.
Price, M. Philips. War & Revolution in Asiatic Russia. 1918. Rpt. London: Routledge, 2017: Ch. 8.

J. Latin America

1. Mexico
a. The Porfiriato
Alec-Tweedie, Ethel. Mexico, From Diaz to the Kaiser. 1917. Rpt. New York City: George H. Doran Co., 1918: Ch. 2-3.
Ansell, Ch. 3.
Atkin, Ronald. Revolution!: Mexico 1910-20. 1969. Rpt. London: Panther Books, 1972: Pt. 1, Ch. 3.
Denny, We Fight for Oil, Ch. 4.
Gooch, Fanny Chambers. Face to Face With the Mexicans: The Domestic Life, Educational, Social, and Business Ways, Statesmanship and Literature, Legendary and General History of the Mexican People, As Seen and Studied by an American Woman During Seven Years of Intercourse With Them. New York City: Fords, Howard, & Hurlbert, 1887: Ch. 1-5, 7-9, 12-13, 15-20.
Hanighen, Ch. 3, 6.
Hearn, Adrian H. Diaspora and Trust: Cuba, Mexico, and the Rise of China. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 2016: Ch. 4.
O’Shaughnessy, Edith. Intimate Pages of Mexican History. 1920. Rpt. Charleston, S.C.: BiblioLife, 2011: Ch. 2-4.
Riding, Alan. Distant Neighbors: A Portrait of the Mexicans, rev. ed. New York City: Vintage Books, 2000: Ch. 8.
"Traven, B." Trozas. 1936. Trans. Hugh Young. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1994.
Turner, John Kenneth. Barbarous Mexico. 1910. Rpt. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 1969: Ch. 1-15, 17.
b. The Second Mexican Civil War
i. O’Shaughnessy
(1) A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico: Letters From the American Embassy at Mexico City, Covering the Dramatic Period Between October 8th, 1913, and the Breaking off of Diplomatic Relations on April 23rd, 1914, Together With an Account of the Occupation of Vera Cruz. 1916. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1970.
(2) Diplomatic Days. New York City: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1917.
(3) Intimate Pages of Mexican History, Ch. 7-29.
ii. Others
Adventures and Letters, Ch. 19.
Alec-Tweedie, Ch. 4-6, 8-12.
Atkin, Pt. 1, Ch. 4-6; Pt. 2-3; Pt. 4, Ch. 1-4, 6-7.
Beatty, Lost History of 1914, Ch. 5.
Cox, Mike. Time of the Texas Rangers, Vol. II: From 1900 to the Present. New York City: Tom Doherty Associates, 2009: Ch. 2-3.
Fehrenbach. Fire and Blood: A History of Mexico, rev. ed. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1995: Ch. 31-34.
Fuentes, Carlos. The Old Gringo. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden and Fuentes. New York City: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1985.
Irving, Clifford. Tom Mix and Pancho Villa. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 1982.
Preston, Julia, and Sam Dillon. Opening Mexico: The Making of a Democracy. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004: Ch. 16.
Riding, Ch. 3, 11, 15.
Small, Michael. The Forgotten Peace: Mediation at Niagara Falls, 1914. Ottawa, Ont.: U of Ottowa P, 2009.
Stafford, Harvey Bennett. Muerte!: Death in Mexican Popular Culture. Venice, Calif.: Feral House, 2000.
"Traven." The Rebellion of the Hanged. 1936. Trans. Charles St. Lawrence Duff. 1952. Rpt. London: Allison & Busby, 1997.
Tuccille, The Roughest Riders, Ch. 33-34.
Womack, John Jr. Zapata and the Mexican Revolution. 1969. Rpt. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin Books, 1972.
2. Brazil
a. Algot Lange [Åke Mortimer Lange]
i. In the Amazon Jungle: Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians. Ed. J. Odell Hauser. 1912. Rpt. Memphis, Tenn.: General Books, 2010.
ii. The Lower Amazon: A Narrative of Explorations in the Little Known Regions of the State of Pará, on the Lower Amazon, With a Record of Archaeological Excavations on the Marajô Island at the Mouth of the Amazon River, and Observations on the General Resources of the Country. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1914.
b. Others
Buarque, Chico. [Francisco Buarque De Hollanda]. Spilt Milk. 2009. Trans. Alison Entrekin. London: Atlantic Books, 2012.
Cook, Frederick A. Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899: A Narrative of the Voyage of the "Belgica" Among Newly Discovered Lands and Over an Unknown Sea About the South Pole. 1900. Rpt. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2015: Ch. 1.
Grann, Ch. 8-10, 12, 14.
Guillermoprieto, Alma. Samba. 1990. Rpt. London: Bloomsbury, 1991: Ch. 2-3, 5, 9.
Roosevelt, Theodore. Through the Brazilian Wilderness. 1914. Rpt. New York City: Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
3. R.H. Davis
a. Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America. 1896. Rpt. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Freedonia Books, 2002.
b. Cuba in War Time. 1897. Rpt. Lincoln, Neb.: U of Nebraska P, 2000.
c. Soldiers of Fortune. 1897. Rpt. Rockville, Md.: Wildside Press, 2009.
d. The White Mice. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909.
e. Adventures and Letters, Ch. 8.
4. Other
Arellano, Ch. 8-9, 18.
A. Carr, Ch. 14.
Carpentier, Alejo. Reasons of State. 1974. Trans. Frances Partridge. 1976. Rpt. London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative, 1977: Ch. 3-5.
Conrad. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard, rev. ed. 1918. London: Penguin Classics, 2007.
F.A. Cook, Ch. 2-8.
Denny, We Fight for Oil, Ch. 7.
Doyle, The Lost World, Ch. 7-15.
Goodman, Jordan. The Devil and Mr. Casement: One Man’s Battle for Human Rights in South America’s Heart of Darkness, rev. ed. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010.
Hoplin & R. Robinson, Funding Fathers, Ch. 3.
The Incurable Filibuster: Adventures of Colonel Dean Ivan Lamb. New York City: Farrar & Rinehart, 1934.
Kirchner, Ch. 32.
S. Levy, Ch. 3.
Life and Adventures of A-No. 1, Ch. 4-5, 15-16.
Miller, Tom. The Panama Hat Trail, rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: Adventure Press/National Geographic, 2001: Ch. 12.
Ross. South of Panama. New York City: The Century Co., 1915.
Stead, Pt. 2, Ch. 4.

K. The Belle Epoque

1. Paris
R.H. Davis. About Paris. 1895. Rpt. LaVergne, Tenn.: Kessinger Publishing, 2009.
Gibbons, Helen Davenport. Paris Vistas. New York City: The Century Co., 1919: Ch. 1-20.
Gunter, Archibald Clavering. Mr. Barnes of New York. New York City: Hurst & Co., 1887: Ch. 5.
Zweig, Ch. 5.
2. L'Affaire Dreyfus
Conybeare, Frederick C. The Dreyfus Case, corr. ed. London: George Allen, 1899.
Dreyfus and the Shame of France: Including the Views of Zangwill, Zola and Other Famous Writers, Scholars, and Statesmen. Ed. C.M. Stevans. Chicago: F. Tennyson Neely, 1899.
Harding, William. Dreyfus: The Prisoner of Devil’s Island: a Full Story of the Most Remarkable Military Trial and Scandal of the Age. New York City: Associated Publishing Co., 1899.
Martin du Gard, Roger. Jean Barois. 1913. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. 1949. Rpt. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969: Ch. 7-8.
Steevens, G.W. The Tragedy of Dreyfus. London: Harper and Brothers, 1899.
3. Marcel Proust
a-i. In Search of Lost Time, Vol. I: Swann's Way, 2nd corr. ed. 1987. Ed. Jean-Yves Tadié and Christopher Prendergast. Trans. Lydia Davis. 2002. Rpt. New York City: Viking, 2003.
a-ii. In Search of Lost Time, Vol. II: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, 2nd corr. ed. 1987. Ed. Tadié and Prendergast. Trans. James Grieve. 2002. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 2005.
a-iii. In Search of Lost Time, Vol. III: The Guermantes Way, 2nd corr. ed. 1988. Ed. Tadié and Prendergast. Trans. Mark Treharne. 2002. Rpt. New York City: Viking, 2004.
a-iv. In Search of Lost Time, Vol. IV: Sodom and Gomorrah, 2nd corr. ed. 1988. Ed. Tadié and Prendergast. Trans. John Sturrock. London: Allen Lane, 2002.
a-v. In Search of Lost Time, Vol. V: The Prisoner, corr. ed. 1954. Ed. Pierre Clarac, Andre Ferré, and Prendergast. Trans. Carol E. Clark. London: Allen Lane, 2002.
a-vi-(1) In Search of Lost Time, Vol. V: The Fugitive, 2nd corr. ed, 1989. Ed. Tadié and Prendergast. Trans. Peter Collier. London: Allen Lane, 2002.
a-vi-(2) Albertine Gone, 2nd corr. ed. Ed. Nathalie Mauriac and Etienne Wolff. 1987. Trans. Terence Kilmartin. London: Chatto & Windus, 1989.
4. Other
Alec-Tweedie, Ch. 7.
Baring-Gould, Sabine. A Book of the Pyrenees. London: Methuen & Co., 1907: Ch. 8-11, 16, 19.
Beatty, Lost History of 1914, Ch. 6.
Déguignet, Jean-Marie. Memoirs of a Breton Peasant. Ed. Bernez Rouz. 1998. Trans. Linda Asher. New York City: Seven Stories Press, 2004: Ch. 4.
Gunter, Ch. 1-4, 6-11, 17-25.
Houellebecq, Michel [Michel Thomas]. The Elementary Particles. 1998. Trans. Frank Wynne. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000: Pt. 1, Ch. 4.
Ionescu, Ch. 1, 24.
Julian, Philippe, and Diana Vreeland. La Belle Époque. New York City: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.
Johnson, George Lindsay. The Weird Adventures of Professor Delapine of the Sorbonne. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1916: Ch. 1-24, 26-27.
King, David. Death in the City of Light: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris. New York City: Crown Publishers, 2011: Ch. 2.
Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr, rev. ed. 1928. Rpt. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2010.
Martin du Gard, Ch. 4-6, 9-13.
Middleton, William. Double Vision: The Unerring Eye of Art World Avatars Dominique and John de Menil. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 2018: Ch. 4.
Moynahan, Brian. The French Century: An Illustrated History of Modern France. Paris: Flammarion, 2007: Ch. 2-3.
Radziwill, Ch. 2.
A. Rose, Ch. 3.
Shirer, William L. The Collapse of the Third Republic: An Inquiry Into the Fall of France in 1940. 1969. Rpt. New York City: Da Capo Press, 1994: Ch. 3, 8.
Talese, Unto the Sons, Ch. 20-21.
Tuchman, Proud Tower, Ch. 4.
Weber, Eugen. France, Fin de Siècle. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1986.
Wharton, Edith. A Motor-Flight Through France. 1908. Rpt. Dekalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois UP, 1991.

L. Italy

1. Venice
Madden, Thomas F. Venice: A New History. New York City: Viking, 2012: Ch. 19.
Norwich, John Julius [John Julius Cooper]. Paradise of Cities: Venice in the 19th Century. 2003. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 2004: Ch. 12.
2. Dickie
a. Darkest Italy: The Nation and Stereotypes of the Mezzogiorno, 1860-1900. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 1999: Ch. 3-4.
b. Delizia!: The Epic History of the Italians and Their Food. 2007. Rpt. New York City: Free Press, 2008: Ch. 11, 13.
3. Other
Adinolfi, Ch. 15.
Bosworth, R.J.B. Mussolini’s Italy: Life Under the Fascist Dictatorship, 1915-1945. London: Penguin, 2005: Ch. 1-2.
Collison-Morley, Lacy. Naples Through the Centuries. New York City: Frederick A. Stokes Co. Publishers, 1924: Ch. 10.
De Stefano, Ch. 6.
Di Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi. The Leopard, 2nd rev. ed. Ed. Gioacchino Lanza Tomasi. 2006. Trans. Guido Waldman. London: Vintage Books, 2007: Ch. 7-8.
Entryways of Milan/Ingressi di Milano. Ed. Karl Kolbitz Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2017.
Forden, Sara Gay. House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour and Greed, rev. ed. New York City: Perennial 2021: Ch. 1.
Hanoum, Ch. 19.
Ionescu, Ch. 27.
Kirkland, Ch. 16.
Leamer. Capote's Women: A True Story of Love, Betrayal, and a Swan Song for an Era. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 2021: Ch. 12.
Pfaff, Ch. 6.
Radziwill, Ch. 6.
Robb, Peter. Midnight in Sicily, rev. ed. New York City: Picador/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007: Ch. 11.
Segrè, Claudio G. Italo Balbo: A Fascist Life. Berkeley, Calif.: U of California P, 1987: Ch. 1.
Svevo, Italo [Ettore Schmitz]. Emilio’s Carnival (Senilità), corr. ed. 1980. Trans. Beth Archer Brombert. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Nota Bene, 2001.
Talese, Unto the Sons, Ch. 4, 9-11, 19.

M. The Balkans

1. The Bosnian Crisis
C.A. Beard. European Sobriety in the Presence of the Balkan Crisis. New York City: American Branch of the Association for International Conciliation, 1908.
G. King & Woolmans, Ch. 12.
MacMillan, Ch. 14.
Somary, Ch. 4.
2. The Balkan Wars
Baer, Ch. 5.
Docherty & Macgregor, Ch. 18-19.
Durham, M. Edith. The Struggle for Scutari (Turk, Slav, and Albanian). London: Edward Arnold, 1914.
Emin, Ch. 26.
Ionescu, Ch. 12, 14.
Komski, Victor [Īlīja Mīletīn Mīmovīć]. Blackbirds’ Field. New York City: R.D. Henkle, 1934: Ch. 1-4.
MacMillan, Ch. 16.
Margolis, Eric S. American Raj: Liberation or Domination? Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2008: Ch. 13.
Mazower, Ch. 14.
Nock, Ch. 10, 17, 20.
3. Romania
Ionescu, Ch. 13, 18.
Markham, Rueben H. Rumania Under the Soviet Yoke. Boston: Meador Publishing Co., 1949: Ch. 3.
4. Other
Balakian, Ch. 13.
C.M. Clark, Ch. 1.
S.S. Cox, Ch. 47-51.
R.H. Davis, The Rulers of the Mediterranean, Ch. 6.
Le Queux, Ch. 3-6.
Markham. Tito’s Imperial Communism. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U of North Carolina P, 1947: Ch. 21.
Okuefuna, Ch. 3.
Radziwill, Ch. 4.
Somary, Ch. 5.
E. Taylor, Ch. 7.

N. Martial Matters

1. The Arms Merchants
Englebrecht, H.C., and Hanighen. Merchants of Death: A Study of the International Armaments Industry, corr. ed. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1935: Ch. 9, 11.
George Seldes. Iron, Blood and Profits: An Exposure of the World-Wide Munitions Racket. New York City: Harper & Brothers, 1934: Ch. 2, 11, 21, 24.
2. R.H. Davis
a. Moments in Hell: Notes of a War Correspondent. 1910. Rpt. New York City: Anthem Press, 2007.
b. Adventures and Letters, Ch. 18.
3. Others
C.M. Clark, Ch. 3, 5-6.
Cousins, Norman. The Pathology of Power. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1987: Ch. 6.
Coyne & A.R. Hall, Ch. 6.
A. Davidson, Ch. 2.
Ferguson, Niall. The Pity of War. London: Allen Lane, 1998: Ch. 1-5.
Hart, Ch. 1.
Jordan, David Starr. Unseen Empire: A Study of the Plight of Nations That Do Not Pay Their Debts. Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1912.
Keegan, John. The First World War. 1998. Rpt. London: Pimlico, 2002: Ch. 1.
Lewis-Stempel, John. Six Weeks: The Short and Gallant Life of the British Officer in the First World War. 2010. Rpt. London: Orion, 2011: Ch. 1.
MacMillan, Ch. 5, 11-13, 15.
N.A. Miles. Military Europe: A Narrative of Personal Observation and Personal Experience. New York City: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898.
Nock, Ch. 3-4, 13-14, 16.
Somary, Ch. 12.
Webster. The Socialist Network. 1926. Rpt. Sudbury, U.K.: Bloomfield Books, 1989: Ch. 4.

O. The Jews

1. The Zionists
a. Benny Morris
i. Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001, rev. ed New York City: Vintage Books, 2001: Ch. 1-2.
ii. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2004: Ch. 1.
b. Others
Aaronsohn, Alexander. With the Turks in Palestine. 1916. Rpt. Redland Bay, Qld.: Connor Court Publishing, 2017.
Bergman, Ronen. Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations. New York City: Random House, 2018: Ch. 1.
E. Black, The Farhud, Ch. 6.
Breines, Paul. Tough Jews: Political Fantasies and the Moral Dilmemma of American Jewry. New York City: Basic Books, 1990: Pt. 2, Ch. 2.
Cohen, Israel. Theodor Herzl, Founder of Political Zionism. New York City: Thomas Yoseloff, 1959: Ch. 5-18.
N.W. Cohen. The Americanization of Zionism, 1897-1948. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis UP, 2003: Ch. 1-2.
J.R. Marcus, United States Jewry, Vol. IV, Ch. 23.
Montefiore, Ch. 42.
Rose, Norman. ‘A Senseless, Squalid War’: Voices From Palestine 1890s to 1948. 2009. Rpt. London: Pimlico, 2010: Ch. 1.
Sand, Shlomo. The Invention of the Jewish People, rev. ed. Trans. Yael Lotan. London: Verso, 2009: Ch. 5.
Van Creveld, Martin. The Land of Blood and Honey: The Rise of Modern Israel. New York City: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press, 2010: Ch. 1.
Waxman, Ch. 4-5.
Solzhenitsyn. Two Hundred Years Together: On Russian-Jewish Relations, 1795-1995, Vol. I. 2001. Rpt. Brisbane, Qld.: The Incorrect Library, 2008: Ch. 7.
2. Birmingham
a. “Our Crowd”, Ch. 25, 36, 40-41.
b. The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite. 1971. Rpt. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2016: Ch. 21.
c. “The Rest of Us”, Ch. 2, 7.
3. K.B. MacDonald
a. Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, rev. ed. Bloomington, Ind.: 1st Books, 2004: Ch. 6.
b. Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Jewish Influence, Anti-Semitism, and Western Civilization. Atlanta: Occidental Press, 2007: Ch. 3.
4. Other
Aciman, André. Out of Egypt: A Memoir. 1994. Rpt. London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2008: Ch. 1.
Avnery, Ch. 3, 6.
Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin. The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why. 1987. Rpt. London: Tauris, 1988: Ch. 8.
Breines, Pt. 1.
Brenner, David A. Marketing Identities: The Invention of Jewish Ethnicity in Ost und West. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998.
N.W. Cohen, Jacob H. Schiff, Ch. 4-5.
S.S. Cox, Ch. 17.
Entine, Jon. Abraham's Children: Race, DNA, and the Identity of the Chosen People. New York City: Grand Central Publishing, 2007: Ch. 11.
Gossman, Ch. 15.
Guttenberg, Violet. Neither Jew nor Greek: A Story of Jewish Social Life. London: Chatto & Windus, 1902.
Judis, John B. Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014: Ch. 1, 3, 7-9, 12.
Laskin, The Family, Ch. 2-4.
Levy, Alan. Nazi Hunter: The Wisenthal File, rev. ed. New York City: Carroll & Graf, 2002: Ch. 2.
Maggin, Donald L. Bankers, Builders, Knaves, and Thieves: The $300 Million Scam at ESM. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1989: Ch. 2.
J.R. Marcus, The Rise and Destiny of the German Jew, Ch. 15.
Mirelman, Victor A. Jewish Buenos Aires, 1890-1930: In Search of an Identity. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1990.
Mirsky, Ch. 4.
Morris. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2008: Ch. 1.
Pennell, Joseph. The Jew at Home: Impressions of a Summer and Autumn Spent With Him in Russia and Austria, rev. ed. London: William Heinemann, 1892.
Reinharz, Jehuda, and Yaacov Shavit. Glorious, Accursed Europe: An Essay on Jewish Ambivalence, rev. ed. Trans. Michelle Engel. Lebanon, N.H.: Brandeis UP, 2010: Ch. 3-4, 7-9.
Rosenthal, Steven T. Irreconcilable Differences? The Waning of the American Jewish Love Affair with Israel. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis UP, 2001: Ch. 8.
Russo, Gus. Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers. New York City: Bloomsbury, 2006: Ch. 1.
Sanua, Marianne R. Let Us Prove Strong: The American Jewish Committee, 1945-2006. Waltham, Mass.: Brandeis UP, 2007: Ch. 1.
Segev, Tom. Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends. Trans. Ronnie Hope. New York City: Doubleday, 2010: Ch. 2.
Shabi, Rachel. We Look Like the Enemy: The Hidden Story of Israel’s Jews From Arab Lands. New York City: Walker & Co., 2008: Ch. 1.
Shapiro, Yonathan. The Road to Power: Herut Party in Israel. 1989. Trans. Ralph Mandel. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1991: Ch. 1.
Slezkine, Yuri. The Jewish Century, rev. ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2019: Ch. 3-4.
Spielman, Ch. 1.
Urofsky, Ch. 17.
Vincent, C. Paul. The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919. Athens, Ohio: Ohio UP, 1985: Ch. 2.
Wex, Michael. Rhapsody in Schmaltz: Yiddish Food and Why We Can’t Stop Eating It. New York City: St. Martin’s Press, 2016: Ch. 4.
Zabar, Lori. Zabar's: A Family Story, With Recipes. New York City: Schocken Books, 2022: Ch. 1.

P. The Caribbean

1. Cuba
Pérez, Ch. 1-3, 14.
W.A. Roberts, Ch. 18.
Sartorius, David. Ever Faithful: Race, Loyalty, and the Ends of Empire in Spanish Cuba. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 2013: Ch. 5-6.
Sublette, Ch. 18.
2. Haiti
Abbott, Elizabeth. Haiti: A Shattered Nation, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Overlook Duckworth, 2011: Ch. 2.
Prichard, Hesketh. Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Hayti. 1900. Rpt. Abergele, U.K.: The Palingenesis Project, 2012.
3. Jamaica
Thomas, Herbert T. The Story of a West Indian Policeman, or, Forty-Seven Years in the Jamaica Constabulary. Kingston, Jamaica: The Gleaner Co., 1927.
White, Timothy. Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley, 8th rev. ed. New York City: Henry Holt and Co., 2006: Ch. 1-2.
4. Other
Birge, William S. In Old Roseau: Reminiscences of Life as I Found It in the Island of Dominica, and Among the Carib Indians. New York City: Isaac H. Blanchard Co., 1900.
Denny, We Fight for Oil, Ch. 5.
Kusche, Larry. The Bermuda Triangle Mystery -- Solved, rev. ed. 1986. Rpt. Edison, N.J.: Galahad Books, 2006: Ch. 6-10.
Stead, Pt. 1, Ch. 5.

Q. The Occult

1. Adolf Hitler
a. Trevor Ravenscroft
Ravenscroft, Trevor. The Spear of Destiny: The Occult Power Behind the Spear Which Pierced the Side of Christ. 1973. Rpt. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1982: Ch. 1, 3, 5.
Roland, Paul. The Nazis and the Occult: The Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third Reich. London: Arcturus, 2007: Ch. 2.
b. Others
Bramley, Ch. 36.
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, 2nd rev. ed. London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2004: Ch. 15.
Mailer, Norman. The Castle in the Forest. New York City: Random House, 2007.
2. Goodrick-Clarke
a. Occult Roots of Nazism, Ch. 2, 4-11, 13-14.
b. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York City: New York UP, 2002: Ch. 11, 13.
3. Joseph P. Farrell
a. The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: NASA's Nazis, JFK, and Majic-12. Kempton, Ill.: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006: Ch. 3.
b. The Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2009: Ch. 11.
4. D. Livingstone
a. Black Terror, White Soldiers, Ch. 16.
b. Transhumanism, Ch. 20.
5. Webb
a. The Occult Underground, rev. ed. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court Publishing Co., 1974: Ch. 5.
b. The Occult Establishment, Ch. 1-2, 4-5, 7-8.
6. Others
Coogan, Kevin. Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International. New York City: Autonomedia, 1999: Ch. 31, Appendix C.
Dickie. The Craft: How Freemasons Made the Modern World. New York City: PublicAffairs, 2020: Ch. 11.
Flowers, Stephen E., and Michael Moynihan. The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism, rev. ed. Waterbury Center, Vt.: Dominion/Feral House, 2007: Ch. 1-2.
Jacobs, David Michael. The UFO Controversy in America. 1975. Rpt. New York City: Signet/New American Library, 1976: Ch. 1.
Jasper, William F. Global Tyranny … Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order. Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992: Ch. 12.
Jenkins, Philip. Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in American History. New York City: Oxford UP, 2000: Ch. 1, 4-5.
Kafton-Minkel, Walter. Subterranean Worlds: 100,000 Years of Dragons, Dwarfs, the Dead, Lost Races & UFOs From Inside the Earth. Port Townsend, Wash.: Loompanics Unlimited, 1989: Ch. 10.
Lachman, Gary. Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump. New York City: TarcherPerigee, 2018: Ch. 5.
North. Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism. 1986. Rpt. Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1994: Ch. 6.
Ravenscroft, Ch. 7-9, 12, 17.
Roland, Ch. 1.
Sedgwick, Mark. Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford UP, 2004: Ch. 3.
D. Sklar, Ch. 1, 3-4, 7-8, 11-12.
Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil: The Truth About the Cult Murders: Son of Sam & Beyond, 2nd rev. ed. New York City: Barnes & Noble Books, 1999: Ch. 9.
Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Ch. 11-12.

R. Drugs

1. Stimulants
Adelstein, Jake. The Last Yakuza: Life and Death in the Japanese Underworld, rev. ed. Minneapolis: Scribe Publications, 2023: Ch. 6.
Farren, Mick. Speed-Speed-Speedfreak: A Fast History of Amphetamine. Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2010: Ch. 1.
2. Other
DeGrandpre, Ch. 1, 4.
Grinspoon, Dr. Lester, and James B. Bakalar. Marihuana Reconsidered, 2nd rev. ed. Oakland, Calif.: Quick American Archives, 1994: Ch. 13.
R. King, Ch. 25.
Stevens, Jay. Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream. 1987. Rpt. New York City: Grove Press, 1998: Ch. 1.

S. The Russian Empire

1. The Romanov Dynasty
Farquhar, Michael. Secret Lives of the Tsars: Three Centuries of Autocracy, Debauchery, Betrayal, Murder, and Madness From Romanov Russia. New York City: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2014: Ch. 12-14.
Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov, Ch. 4-5, 8-13, 16.
E. Taylor, Ch. 4.
2. The Revolution of 1905
Cahan, Abraham. The White Terror and the Red: A Novel of Revolutionary Russia. 1905. Rpt. Auckland, N.Z.: The Floating Press, 2014.
Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together, Vol. I, Ch. 9-10.
3. Chekhov
a. Collected Works in Five Volumes, Vol. I-IV. Ed. Raissa Boborova. Trans. Alex Miller and Ivy Litviony. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987.
b. Chkehov: A Life in Letters. Trans. Gordon McVay. Lodon: Folio Society, 1994.
4. Other
Andreyev, Leonid. His Excellency the Governor. 1905. Trans. Maurice Magnus. London: C.W. Daniel, 1921.
Beatty, Lost History of 1914, Ch. 2.
Coopersmith, Jonathan. The Electrification of Russia, 1880-1926. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 1992: Ch. 3.
Denny, We Fight for Oil, Ch. 10.
Gerwarth, Robert. The Vanquished: Why the First World War Failed to End. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016: Ch. 2.
Hamill, Ch. 18.
Hearst, William Randolph Jr., Frank Conniff, and Bob Considine. Khrushchev and the Russian Challenge, rev. ed. New York City: Avon Book Division/The Hearst Corp., 1961: Ch. 2.
Himelstein, Linda. The King of Vodka: The Story of Pyotr Smirnov and the Upheaval of an Empire. New York City: Harper, 2009: Ch. 8-20.
M. Hughes, Ch. 3.
Ionescu, Ch. 23.
Manning, Clarence A. The Story of the Ukraine. New York City: Philosophical Library, 1947: Ch. 17.
Martin, Ralph G. Cissy. New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1979: Ch. 4, 6.
Palmer, Ch. 1-2.
Price, Ch. 9.
Radziwill, Ch. 1.
Saloff-Astakhoff, Nikita Ignatievich. Real Russia From 1905 to 1932: And Communism in America. New York City: N.I. Saloff-Astakhoff, 1932: Ch. 2.
Slonimsky, Nicolas. Perfect Pitch: An Autobiography, corr. ed. Ed. Electra Slonimsky Yourke. New York City: Schirmer Trade Books, 2002: Ch. 1, 3.
Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together, Vol. I, Ch. 5-6, 8, 11.
Souiny-Seydlitz, Baroness Leonie Ida Philipovna. Russia of Yesterday and To-Morrow. New York City: The Century Co., 1917.
Stevens, Thomas. Through Russia on a Mustang, rev. ed. 1901. Rpt. London: Cassell & Co., 1993.
E. Taylor, Ch. 9.
J. Webb, The Occult Establishment, Ch. 3.
Woronoff, Olga. Upheaval. New York City: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1932: Ch. 1-5.

T. Science

1. Radioactivity
Nelson, Craig. The Age of Radiance: The Epic Rise and Dramatic Fall of the Atomic Era. New York City: Scribner, 2014: Ch. 2.
Wasserman, Harvey et al. Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America’s Experience With Atomic Radiation. New York City: Delta, 1982: Ch. 6-7, 9.
2. Medicine
Barry, The Great Influenza, Ch. 3-4, 12.
Duesberg, Dr. Peter, and Bryan J. Ellison. Inventing the AIDS Virus. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1996: Ch. 4.
Lynes, Barry. The Healing of Cancer: The Cures, the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now. Queensville, Ont.: Marcus Books, 1989: Ch. 6.
Starr, Douglas. Blood: An Epic History of Medicine and Commerce. 1998. Rpt. New York City: Perennial, 2002: Ch. 3.
Whitaker, Ch. 3.
3. Other
Benford, Gregory, and the Editors of Popular Mechanics. The Wonderful Future That Never Was: Flying Cars, Mail Delivery by Parachute, and Other Predictions From the Past. New York City: Hearst, 2010.
Bloom, John. Eccentric Orbits: The Iridium Story: How the Largest Man-Made Constellation in the Heavens Was Built by Dreamers in the Arizona Desert, Targeted for Destruction by Panicked Executives, and Saved by a Single Palm Beach Retiree Who Battled Motorola, Cajoled the Pentagon, Wrestled With Thirty Banks, Survived an Attack by Congress, Infiltrated the White House, Found Allies Through the Black Entertainment Network, and Wooed a Mysterious Arab Prince to Rescue the Only Phone That Links Every Inch of the Planet. New York City: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2016: Ch. 2.
Childress, David H. The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla. Stelle, Ill.: Adventures Unlimited, 1993.
Ferris, Timothy. The Red Limit: The Search for the Edge of the Universe, rev. ed. 1983. Rpt. New York City: HarperCollins, 2002: Ch. 2, 4, 10.
Hancock, Graham et al. The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet, rev. ed. 1998. Rpt. New York City: Three Rivers Press, 2010: Ch. 19.
Hazlett, Thomas Winslow. The Political Spectrum: The Tumultuous Liberation of Wireless Technology, From Herbert Hoover to the Smartphone. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2017 Ch. 5.
MacDonald, Alexander. The Long Space Age: The Economic Origins of Space Exploration From Colonial America to the Cold War. Hew Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 2017: Ch. 3.
Mahaffey, James. Atomic Adventures: Secret Islands, Forgotten N-Rays, and Isotopic Murder -- A Journey Into the Wild World of Nuclear Science. New York City: Pegasus Books, 2017: Ch. 5.
O'Neal, John J. Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla. 1944. Rpt. Kempton, Ill.: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2008.
Lienhard, Ch. 3-4.
Martinez, Ch. 8-13.
Pupin, Ch. 8-10, 12.

U. Christianity

1. The Roman Catholic Church
Catholicism and Politics in Communist Societies. Ed. Pedro Ramet. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1990: Ch. 2.
The FBI and Religion, Ch. 6.
P. Johnson. Pope John XXIII. 1974. Rpt. London: Hutchinson, 1975: Ch. 1-2.
Posner. God’s Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2015: Ch. 3-4.
George Seldes. The Vatican: Yesterday – Today –Tomorrow. New York City: Harper & Brothers, 1934: Ch. 12.
Taumaturgo, Agustino. Occult Lineages Within the Traditional Roman Catholic Movement. Dayton, Ohio: THAVMA Publications, 2020: Ch. 3-4.
2. Other
Bottum, Joseph. An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America. New York City: Image, 2014: Ch. 2-4, 7.
The FBI and Religion, Ch. 11.
Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, Ch. 12.
Jenkins, Ch. 3, 11.
P. Johnson. A History of Christianity. New York City: Atheneum, 1976: Pt. 7.
Kaufmann, Eric. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century. London: Profile Books, 2010: Ch. 3.
Stonehouse, Ned B. J. Gresham Machen: A Biographical Memoir. 1954. Rpt. Edinburgh, U.K.: Banner of Truth Trust, 2019: Ch. 1-11.

V. The Rest of Europe

1. Monaco
Bethell, Victor. Ten Days at Monte Carlo at the Bank’s Expense: Containing Hints to Visitors and a General Guide to the Neighborhood. London: William Heinemann, 1898.
Gunter, Ch. 12-16.
G.L. Johnson, Ch. 25.
2. Switzerland
Hanoum, Ch. 5.
Surdez, Georges. Homeland. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1946.
3. Spain
a. Barcelona
Ealham, Chris. Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937. London: Routledge, 2005: Ch. 2.
Sala, Teresa-M. Barcelona 1900. Ed. Sala. 2007. Rpt. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 2008.
b. Other
Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente. Blood and Sand. 1908. Trans. W.A. Gillespie. 1919. Rpt. Dislaken, Germany: André Hoffmann, 2017.
Brenan, Ch. 2-3.
Chodes, Ch. 16.
4. Other
Baring-Gould, Ch. 1.
Bell, Aubrey F.G. In Portugal. London: John Lane/The Bodley Head, 1912.
Fromkin. Europe’s Last Summer, Ch. 1-6, 10, 12-16.
Le Queux, Ch. 1-2, 7, 9-10.
Leary, Lewis Gaston. Andorra, the Hidden Republic: Its Origin and Institutions, and the Record of a Journey Thither. New York City: McBride, Nast & Co., 1912: Ch. 3-8, 10-12.
R.G. Martin, Ch. 3, 5.
Poultney, Bigelow. The Borderland of Czar and Kaiser: Notes From Both Sides of the Russian Frontier. New York City: Harper & Bros., 1895.

W. Food

R. Cohen, Ch. 16.
Collingham, Lizzie. The Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food. 2011. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Press, 2012: Ch. 2.

X. Africa

Boyd, William. An Ice-Cream War. 1982. Rpt. New York City: Vintage Books, 2011: Pt 1.
Bulpett, Ch. 3-23.
R.H. Davis. The Congo and Coasts of Africa. 1907. Rpt. Charleston, S.C.: BiblioBazaar, 2007.
My Trip to Africa, by Robert Lee Harris (Cow-Boy Preacher), Who Has Made Three Trips to the Dark Continent. Nashville, Tenn.: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1890.

Y. Antarctica

F.A. Cook, Ch. 9-39.
Savile, Ch. 6-19.

Z. H. Hoover

Hamill, Ch. 12, 14, 23.
Liggett, Ch. 4, 6, 13.
Pietrusza, 1920, Ch. 7.

AA. Conrad

1. Tales of Unrest. 1898. Rpt. London: Penguin Books, 1974.
2. Under Western Eyes. 1910. Rpt. New York City: Modern Library, 2001.
3. Youth: A Narrative, and Two Other Stories, rev. ed. 1917. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Books, 1995.
4. Typhoon and Other Stories, rev. ed. 1921. Rpt. New York City: The Modern Library, 2003.
5. The Nigger of the "Narcissus": A Tale of the Forecastle, corr. ed. 1921. Rpt. New York City: W.W. Norton & Co., 1979.
6. Within the Tides: Tales, rev. ed. 1921. Rpt. London: Penguin, 1990.
7. Chance: A Tale in Two Parts, rev. ed. 1921. Rpt. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin Books, 1974.
8. 'Twixt Land and Sea: Tales, rev. ed. 1923. Rpt. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2008.
9. Tales of Hearsay. 1925. Rpt. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1928.
Ford. Joseph Conrad: A Personal Remembrance. 1924. Rpt. New Dehli: Sarup & Sons, 2004.

AB. R.H. Davis

1. Van Bibber, and Others. 1892. Rpt. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1972.
2. The Exiles, and Other Stories. 1894. Rpt. New York City: Garrett Press, 1968.
3. A Year From a Reporter's Notebook. 1897. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1970.
4. Ranson's Folly. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902.
5. Vera the Medium. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908.
6. Once Upon a Time. 1910. Rpt. London: Gerald Duckworth, 1911.
7. The Red Cross Girl. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912.
8. The Lost Road. New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913.
9. Adventures and Letters, Ch. 3, 5-7, 9-10, 13, 15-16.
Lubow, Ch. 3-6, 8-11.

AC. F.M. Ford

1. As "Daniel Chaucer"
The New Humpty-Dumpty. London: John Lane/The Bodley Head, 1912.
2. Other
a. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion, rev. ed. 1928. Rpt. New York City: Penguin Classics, 2002.
b. Collected Poems, rev. ed. New York City: Oxford UP, 1936.

AD. Stanley L. Jaki

1. The Road of Science and the Ways to God, rev. ed. Port Huron, Mich.: Real View Books, 2005: Ch. 11-12.
2. Chance or Reality and Other Essays. Lanham, Md.: UP of America/Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 1986: Ch. 3-4.
3. The Absolute Beneath the Relative and Other Essays. Lanham, Md.: UP of America/The Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 1988: Ch. 1.

AE. D. Livingstone

1. Black Terror, White Soldiers, Ch. 11.
2. Transhumanism, Ch. 19.

AF. Mencken

1. Ventures Into Verse: Being Various Ballads, Ballades, Rondeaux, Triolets, Songs, Quatrains, Odes and Roundels: All Rescued From the Potter's Field of Old Files and Here Given Decent Burial (Peace to Their Ashes). 1903. Rpt. Baltimore: Smith's Book Store, 1960.
2. Europe After 8:15. New York City: John Lane Co., 1914
3. A Saturnalia of Bunk, Ch. 1-7, 9-10.

AG. Nisbet

1. The Sociology of Emile Durkheim. New York City: Oxford UP, 1974.
2. Teachers and Scholars, Ch. 11.

AH. Rothbard

1. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Vol. II. Pt. 14, Ch. 10.
2. The Logic of Action, Vol. II: Applications and Criticism From the Austrian School. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1997: Ch. 22.

AI. Damon Runyon

1. The Tents of Trouble: (Ballads of the Wanderbund and Other Verse). 1911. Rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishers, 2007.
2. Rhymes of the Firing Line. New York City: Desmond FitzGerald Publishers, 1912.
Breslin, Jimmy. Damon Runyon. New York City: Ticknor & Fields, 1991: Ch. 3-10.
P. Johnson. Humorists, Ch. 8.

AJ. Other

Scott Anderson, Ch. 2.
Ashenburg, Katherine. The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History. 2007. Rpt. New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014: Ch. 8.
R. Baker, Ch. 5.
Baldwin, Peter. The Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 2014: Ch. 4.
E. Ball, Ch. 19-21.
Bannister, Ch. 10.
Barzun, Jacques. From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000: Pt. 4.
Beard, Miriam. A History of Business, Vol. II: From the Monopolists to the Organization Man. 1938. Rpt. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 1963: Ch. 26.
Bethell, Tom. The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity Through the Ages. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 1998: Ch. 8.
Blom, Ch. 1-2, 4, 6, 10, 14-15.
Burgess, Anthony [John Anthony Burgess Wilson]. Any Old Iron. 1989. Rpt. New York City: Washington Square Press, 1990.
Butterworth, Ch. 22.
Carpentier, Ch. 1-2, 6.
Chambers, Robert W. The King in Yellow. 1895. Rpt. Doylestown, Pa.: Wildside Press, 2002.
Chernow, Ch. 5-6.
M.A. Collins. The Titanic Murders. New York City: Berkley Prime Crime, 1999.
The Complete Works of O. Henry. New York City: Doubleday, Doran, 1937.
D’Antonio, Michael. The Truth About Trump, rev. ed. New York City: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Griffin, 2016: Ch. 1.
Doctorow, Ch. 1-2, 4-5, 10-11, 13, 40.
Dorst, Doug. The Surf Guru: Stories. New York City: Riverhead Books, 2010.
Ferguson, Kitty. Pythagoras: His Lives and the Legacy of a Rational Universe. London: Icon, 2010: Ch. 18.
Fiennes, Ranulph. Killer Elite, rev. ed. New York City: Ballantine Books, 2011: Ch. 9.
Frazier, Ch. 1.
Friedman, Milton. Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History. New York City: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992: Ch. 7.
Gardner, Ch. 18-19.
Gehrts, Ch. 4-20.
M. Gordon, Ch. 2.
Groom, Winston. A Storm in Flanders: The Ypres Salient, 1914-1918: Tragedy and Triumph on the Western Front. New York City: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002: Ch. 1.
Hanighen, Appendix A-B.
Hanoum, Ch. 15, 19-20.
Herman, Arthur. The Idea of Decline in Western History. New York City: Free Press, 1997: Ch. 4-8, 10.
Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov, Ch. 7, 15.
Hoplin & R. Robinson, Ch. 9.
M. Hughes, Ch. 2.
Hutt, Ch. 6, 17.
James, Clive [Vivian James]. Fame in the 20th Century. New York City: Random House, 1993: Ch. 1.
P. Johnson. Enemies of Society. New York City: Atheneum, 1977: Ch. 6.
Kirkland, Ch. 2, 10, 13-15, 17.
Le Queux, Ch. 8, 11.
Leacock. Behind the Beyond: And Other Contributions to Human Knowledge. 1913. Rpt. Charleston, S.C.: Bibliobazaar, 2008.
Lecky, Vol. I, Ch. 2-3, 5.
Leland, Ch. 3.
D.L. Lewis, The Race to Fashoda, Ch. 6.
Leslie, Ch. 6.
Lienhard, Ch. 12-13.
MacDonnell, John de Courcy. King Leopold II: His Rule in Belgium and the Congo. 1905. Rpt. New York City: Argosy-Antiquarian, 1970: Ch. 8-17.
MacMillan, Ch. 1, 6-7, 10, 17.
P. Martin, Ch. 23.
R.G. Martin, Ch. 2.
McCraw, Ch. 4.
O’Brien, Pat. Outwitting the Hun: My Escape From a German Prison Camp. New York City: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1918: Ch. 2.
Okuefuna, Ch. 1-2.
Ottley, Ch. 6.
Perry, Ch. 1.
Pinkerton, Ch. 10.
K. Preston. Thinkers Against Modernity. London: Black House Publishing, 2016.
Radziwill, Ch. 5.
Randell & Frost, Ch. 2, 7-9.
Roberts, Kenneth L. Why Europe Leaves Home. 1922. Rpt. New York City: Arno Press, 1977.
S. Seagrave, The Soong Dynasty, Ch. 5.
Shafiee, Katayoun. Machineries of Oil: An Infrastructural History of BP in Iran. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2018.
R.N. Smith, Ch. 2, 4.
L.L. Snyder, Ch. 18.
Stead, Pt. 2, Ch. 1.
E. Taylor, Ch. 3, 10.
Trask, H.A. Scott. "William Graham Sumner: Against Democracy, Plutocracy, and Imperialism." Journal of Libertarian Studies Fall 2004: 1-27.
Tuchman, Proud Tower, Ch. 5.
Utley, Ch. 2.
“Valtin, Jan” [Richard Julius Herman Krebs]. Out of the Night. 1941. Rpt. Edinburgh, U.K.: AK Press/Nabat, 2004: Ch. 1.
Ward, James. The Perfection of the Paper Clip: Curious Tales of Invention, Accidental Genius, and Stationary Obsession, rev. ed. New York City: Touchstone, 2014: Ch. 1, 13, 15.
H.A. Williams, Ch. 16.
Wodehouse. The Man Upstairs. 1914. Rpt. London: Everyman, 2010.
Young, Kevin. Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2017: Ch. 5.
Youngman & Karlen, Ch. 2.
Zweig, Ch. 6-8.
